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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. This is lovely. I have a bottle of the original, that I added Teddy BB to, so I think the soothing pheros work great with this one. I wear it to bed a lot. I agree with Hearts, it's *almost* masculine. Not so much that I feel weird wearing it, but enough to be comforted, like there's a nice-smelling guy around. The lavender has the herb-y feel, without being camphorous. The jasmine isn't stabby. I think this is a beautiful version

  2. Hi Cycle Kitten.. :)

    Yes, there are sections for reviews of pheromone enhanced perfumes and also another section for just perfumes. When I use the search function, I specify Search in "title" section only, and that usually works. Sometimes it's wonky though and I have to search page by page.

    While I think the cops in Horny may have sent him an unconscious signal that you weren't actually giving out, that doesn't excuse him from not listening to your words and acting like a total creep. I would be careful in the future, of course. I think your assessment of the combo of the two is spot on. But I love the way cops make me feel, and in all honesty, I wear them out in public.

  3. As a mom of a transgender kid, I've often wondered about pheros in that way. Do they work with a person's biological gender, or with a person's affirmed gender? (Not implying that you are trans, maiea)


    I haven't put much consideration towards how the pheros that work for me might reflect anything about me. That's very interesting. I will have to think about that.


    But I would definitely do more testing, and see what the other pheros do. Let us know!


    There's no clique here. I've been part of this forum for a little over one year, and I've never been made to feel anything less than welcome, and I've never seen anyone who behaves with any kind of "forum etiquette" being treated inhospitably.


    What's forum etiquette? It's common sense. When you're new on a message forum (any message forum, not just here), you act like you are visiting with a group of strangers who are already familiar with each other...because that's exactly what the situation is. You say hi and introduce yourself. You participate in other people's conversations (post in other people's recent threads). This is implied in the forum rules which you will find posted in the Welcome forum (something about considering yourself a "guest in our living room.")


    When you start a thread of your own, regardless of the subject matter, it is just like starting a new conversation, so when others reply, actually take the time to read and think about what they say. If you then choose to continue the discussion, make sure to address or at least acknowledge the points being made in those replies, even if you don't agree with them. Ignoring the perfectly valid points other people are making in order to continue pressing your own POV not only comes across as rude, but it makes you look like someone who isn't really interested in a back-and-forth discussion (which then begs the question, why start the thread in the first place? It makes it look like the thread-starter has some kind of agenda, and when the subject matter happens to be vag scent, that would raise red flags on ANY forum with an active population of female members!)


    This has nothing to do with "cliques" or you being new. Your behavior in this thread started off fine--as you saw yourself from the fact that your first replies were not by any means confrontational--and then things went downhill fast when you began arguing in circles (repeating yourself over and over, not addressing the points raised by the people replying to you about the free availability of actual vag scent, the same effect you were describing already being achievable by using EoW even without literally smelling like a vagina, etc.) You started sounding like you were doing the online equivalent of just "talking over" the replies you were getting, and paired with the subject matter, that's what started setting off red flags, IMO...not that you are a new member, and not even the specific topic of this thread all by itself. We are obviously not a squeamish bunch ; )


    I am taking the time to explain this to you in good faith that this was just a misunderstanding or some social awkwardness at play. Perhaps you do not normally post on community-style message forums or you did not realize how you were coming across with this thread. Well, now you know.

    GREAT post, Memorare!!! :LIKE:

  5. We love new members, go check out our Welcome threads. But when you come in here and ask for feedback on your idea, and refuse to listen to anything we say, and sound like you haven't even looked at what's available from LPMP, much less read the forum, it starts to feel wrong.


    I hope that you do order, and you post some reviews. I hope you show us that you are not a troll. But frankly, at this point, I'm skeptical.


    Why has nobody really explored this idea? I think luna65 hit the nail on the head when she talked about society making women feel ashamed of their natural scent. But maybe it's wrong to care if society approves.


    And just to be clear, I am not advocating that women should smell like walking vaginas. But for example - Imagine you go out to a club, and apply a drop of EoW to your left wrist. You're still in control, you can still use a nice smelling floral perfume. When you're ready to send a clear unmistakable signal, just go in for a playful touch on his face, and let him take a whiff.


    I do not think most women appreciate how powerful this smell is. Pheromones or not, when the male brain senses 'that smell', it will trigger memories (instinctive and/or personal), and become aroused. If you're the nearest female, he will likely anchor that arousal to you.


    Mark my words, the first company to recognize this will be billionaires. *and I don't mean to imply that LP doesn't, I'm just stating the fact that there aren't many products targeting this specific niche.

    While I'm sure there are women who have that PUA-mentality, and would enjoy using a product like you describe, I don't think that's the norm. Most of the women in this forum are cautious when using sexual pheros, including copulins.

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