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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yeah I wasn't sold on LP Red the first time either!!! But I tried it again about a year into my LP career and loved it! Now it is the closest bottle I have to actually being finished!
  2. Hey SF... I like to spray Topper (a-nol/dheas) over my oil Cuddle Bunny (est and cops) you could get that unscented and drown it in vanila.
  3. This is sounding better and better for me! I have to wait for April though...had to skip a month!
  4. omg!! You mean you met someone with an accurate sniffer?! I'm so impressed! That is cute. And also...good advice on as to when PP would be most useful!!!
  5. I am going to actually have to try on myself in the next couple of days. I don't want to mess with the Steamy D and Occo Blue I have on already. I don't think I am a huge violet fan but I don't want to dismiss it yet.
  6. I need to start wearing my BI again. I've been sticking to all my prissy pheros lately. Hmm....when, where and with whom shall I trick with this treat?
  7. I have only smelled it in the vial but I was kind of thinking the same thing. I'm not even going to kid myself and show it to Michael if it is even close to how girly it smelled in the vial.!
  8. Ha! Well don't let it stress you out on your Mexico vacation!!! Maybe when your mind is relaxed on the beach the most alluring combo will float into your mind...
  9. I know the feeling too well...been stressing out over boosting Hungry Heart..to get a full boost or split the boost is also what I have been fighting with myself over. Or just cop it and add the damn phero later...it is just so stressful because we want to make the perfect choice! Summer Belle was one that I also wanted to boost and was waiting to find out if it would cover cops. I was thinking of Lace/cops or Gotcha/cops though.
  10. Good luck and have fun Eggers! I wore DC yesterday for the first time in a long time. It was even better than I remembered...so buttery and cakey. I don't generally get great hits or selfies from PP. The perfume alone makes me feel good but I know it's not the PP because I feel just as good with my Un pheroed bottle. But anyway...creepy guy followed me around store and into the next store and lady behind counter (who was not ringing me up) kept staring at me like she wanted to say something so bad but just kept smiling. Both instances kinda creeped me out. Clearly a good phero to only wear around your friends!!
  11. I'm glad you like it ...it's my favorite! Sometimes I forget how great it is alone because I get caught up in stewing up combos but I love me some plain ol' Occo Blue. It is such a comfortable scent.
  12. I had to google Destin. Ha...I had no idea what this was...sounds awesome!! My friend that I am gong to visit in Hawaii is moving from Florida and I can't believe I never made the effort to visit him while he was stationed there. He always came to see me here. But now that I see the beaches I feel I missed out on that one! I love all beaches!! Dolly's hot and Sticky is the official LP for all beach vacations!!!
  13. Which is why I am trying to hold myself back from wearing it already. Ok...I started wearing the one I got in oil with cops already...but I swear I am saving the one I got in spray with Topper for Hawaii. It smells way too much like summer and it only makes me wistful.
  14. THE LACE HAS MADE YOUR SUPERVISOR REALIZE HE IS IN MAD LOVE WITH YOU AND HE BEAT A QUICK EXIT SO HE COULD GO HOME AND HAVE A WEEPY MOMENT HIMSELF AND DEAL WITH HIS EMOTIONS!!!! Frankly I am now even more in love with this guy than ever!!! eta: but also I don't think i would do the lace/cougar combo. It's too much overload in my opinion. I like Lace for this situation.
  15. Wait! My mother is wayyyyy older than you and she is a Pink Ho! Oh I would be in SOOOOOO much trouble if she heard me say that.
  16. When you find out which phero(s) you like best though you can have your LP #7 boosted with it! And don't worry Mara will be presenting us with more than enough options for sunny summer days soon... Phero girl only has cops in it...but cops used to make my brain short out a little too when I first started wearing them. Ha! Don't know why. Made me a little dizzy actually.
  17. Oh now that is funny. Not only does punk rock chick like pink and fuzzy chickies...but band boyfriend loves to smell like Honey Bunny! Cute.
  18. Tell me about it!!! I am tired of people telling me I smell like SMOKE no matter WTF I am wearing!!! It is absolute INSANITY. INSANE. It happened with Honeyed Love Potion the other day. I wanted to beat her over the head with a hammer. But it was my mother. So I didn't want to be rude. But jeez.
  19. I tried this again and it is just too much perfume for the morning!! I need to ease into my day a little before I get hit with this gold big gun! i don't know what I was thinking! At first I loved it and I got that rich buttery thing and I even detected some of that coconuty feel. i thought this would be nice for a sunny day but now it is just blasting me...this needs to be saved for a night out. I still think it is sexy but I need to be out of my pj's before I slam myself with this.
  20. lol!! Yes Molls it definitley sounds like you are doomed with this one! I may be too...the pear/apple syndrome? It is my love.
  21. Congratulations!!! You got through the first hurdle! Next comes the experimentation.....
  22. Hmmm. I wear Heart and Soul mainly to work because I am dealing with female clients that i want to feel good around me and bond. But because it has so much EST in it I think it would be even better in that aspect for men. But not all men...it seems some have problems with EST...but none that I have found. Oh! Yours reacts well to it because you have been wearing CB around him. But Heart and Soul really seems to lift my mood and gives me more patience around irritating people, so I am hoping it does for them also! (If I were to get irritating). For a comfortable nesting vibe I rely on CB. If you are getting good results with the Rainbow Falls and CB you may have found a winner for yourself. I would think that if someone felt comfortable and bonded to you that it would make an impression on them and they would remember that feeling next time they saw you...BUT. I don't like to risk it so if I find a blend that scores with someone I generally just keep wearing it around them!! My motto is.... WHY TAKE THE CHANCE WHEN YOU CAN PHEROBOMB THEM?! Just kidding...(kind of.)
  23. I am wearing a scent combo which contains Heart and Soul and cops. DO NOT WEAR THIS COMBO UNLESS YOU TRULY DESIRE TO BE IN AN OVER THE TOP GIDDY GOOD MOOD.!!!
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