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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Welcome StacyK! As for a perfume to compliment Leather...that is hard to pick out for someone else. Something that makes you feel like a bad ass sex kitten. I am trying to remember what I have worn mine with but I can't even remember when I used my Leather last. I don't think I am too much of a BAD ASS sex kitten. I wear more of Lace and Gotcha. Just a regular type sex kitten.
  2. Oh thank you Lady V! This one is also a must try for me. This sounds awesome. Also, one of my client called in yesterday for an emergency facial because she is going on vacation to the Galapagos Islands! She was going on and on about Darwin and this and that and I couldn't believe it! Never heard of this place in my life and now its popping up everywhere. I googled it so that I could talk to her about it when she came in..omg. Giant tortoises! Seals that lay right on the beach with humans! I hope I love this scent.
  3. Holy Moly. I know I'll end up getting this.
  4. You guys should try That Kind of Girl if you love Blackberry, vanilla, amber, brown sugar delights!
  5. missdarlyncherie


    Yes that was fast!!! Now get to the moon nut one!!!
  6. Oh I believe that is right...we pay .01 for freebies now because there is no way to get no charge with new cart. But hopefully Halo comes along to confirm this. I remember reading about this one cent thing though. eta: I have not done it yet though. So I have not actually seen it.
  7. I thought she meant half of her choices are oil and half in sil and I was going to ask how she chooses which for which phero. ok. Does that make sense to anyone but me?
  8. I got the idea that she was trying to eavesdrop through that stone wall...which would take some deep concentration.
  9. I have not been sleeping peacefully at all, I've been agitated and last night was no exception but when I woke up this morning I felt so calm and peaceful and had this lingering clean soft smell about me. I finally tracked it down to the Treasure of Silver I wore to bed last night. It is still on my skin, my shirt, this is a perfect scent to wake up to.
  10. Welcome B! I like your avi. Looks like it could be an LP label! Yes I am sure you will eventually be pulled into the phero fray if only by chance in a perfume... looking forward to your reviews!
  11. I know!!! Love this label...love apricot, fig and brown sugar...BUT WHAT OF THE NUTS?! I just don't know...
  12. I like the earth notes too that I have smelled here. This is one so intriguing! I read that book "Talking to the Dead" years ago about the two Fox sisters mentioned in the description. Maybe I'll dig it out and read it again. I know I kept it, I was really into it.
  13. Hi Raq! I have been wayyyyy out of the loop myself...this is the longest I have gone without buying LP's in almost three years. Missed two months! And I've been a little distracted from the forum too.
  14. Yep I still love mine too. It's the apricot with the honey that makes it wearable for me I think. I smell the LP base in the background too and I know I have to get a bottle of of LP O soon. I also think I need more apricot scents.
  15. Yes. I just woke up and grabbed my laptop expecting some pontification first thing this morning. Alas, I will also have to read from my phone today.
  16. Awe...late in responding but I just saw this, thank you BB
  17. Yes! I was thinking the same thing!!! I thought it was in Elizabeths journal!! Not sure though...
  18. Oh hell yeah. I have Bonne Bell Lip Smackers all over my house. The Dr. Pepp one is the best because it has a teeny bit of color in it. So does the Cherry Coke one but the DP one is awesome. I have the Barq's Root Beer one on right now in fact.
  19. That Wink of the Moon label is cool. My eyes didn't even focus on the moon behind her. I thought that was a big wave off to the side and those cherub type characters were dancing up it. All of a sudden that moon popped into focus.
  20. I love when Mara and Luna make me learn new things with my perfume!
  21. Umm...seekers! Discoverers! eta: trailblazers!
  22. Well if you become a typical LP addict you will gather thousands of samples and eventually have approximately 50-100 bottles of various scents and will not go through each scent so quickly so yes you should "have some left after several months..."...er...decades...!
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