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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I cannot believe this is real. Seeing this is the best moment of my life. ME TOO.
  2. Hi LalaD! Is Spinneret still available? I think you would just swoon for that label!!
  3. I LOVE the Radium Girl label for sure. And I love when Mara gives us a theme that I have to google to learn more about.
  4. Thank you Halo! Couldn't figure out the trick at all! Feel so much better now...
  5. Thank you for the Girly Twirly condolences. I couldn't believe I did that! That was my spray one. I was admiring how much I had left when it literally leapt out of my hand and hit the floor. I snatched the bottle up and I saved a bit. I made a small funnel out of a shiny postcard I had and funneled it into an empty spray bottle of Heart & Soul I had kept. So I have a bit left and about about a quarter bottle of my oil left. This is one of my spring/summer staples though!!
  6. awwwe.....I wish we could get another Girly Twirly scent since I waited to start wearing mine today and I dropped and shattered my bottle. I'm so sad.
  7. Ha...did I say that out loud? Ok. You have access to his office. I have access to pot and one of my clients has a retired police dog. I can have them delivered to you within 48 hours.You plant the pot in the desk and then organize a "bring your pet to work day." and...LET THE GAMES BEGIN! Pop him from jail wearing your Blatant Invitation and...presto...new boyfriend! Trust me...you guys will be laughing about it 10 years from now...Me and Michael did!
  8. Hey sometimes just a "flirt friend" is all it takes to make coming to work worth it! I used to love that...someone to dress up for and be witty with! It usually does lead to something though...sometimes just takes awhile.
  9. Well Michael puts a regular amount of his normal scent on (Bvlgari Black..I know that is spelled wrong, sorry) but I don't feel he puts ENOUGH of his LP samples on. I mean I've seen him do it and it is like he is scared of it (he knows nothing about pheros so it's not that). Like one miniscule drop on one wrist. Like he is just pretending to wear them. He's so silly sometimes.
  10. It doesn't me either. Occo Blue is very very oakmossy on me. I luuuurv it too...
  11. There is something about it that is surprisingly intoxicating. It was one of my first. The phero is foolproof and once in a while if the scent gets too sharp I add the Occo Blue to take it down a notch. But this time of year just screams to me to wear scented Cuddle Bunny straight up.
  12. Oh I would love to have more! I have half a bottle left, I wore it A LOT last summer. I am not going to be too stingy with it this summer either...it dramatically uplifts my mood without any pheros at all.
  13. Thanks Nutrix! I have gotten the most compliments on LP Red probably than any other perfume and I think mostly from women. I know a lady I used to work with at another salon just SWOONED when I walked in absolutely slathered in it!! I feel the same about LP Original though. I haven't retried it in the last couple of years because I don't remember being blown away by it but I bet you anything I will love it now. I need to just get a bottle and be done with it.
  14. Whoa. Now that is worth a try!!!! Sounds like it might just be amazing!!
  15. Oh! Oh! Oh! I wore this today because everyone was yapping about it. My oldest client ever came in...I mean she is well into her 80's...she says she is in perfect health just old...which means...she's pretty sick and tired of everything! She has got a very dry sense of humor and we just laugh and have acblast when she comes in. We make fun of her sons families and I can't tell you how funny it gets. Anyway...on her way out she turns and says "what perfume are you wearing!! It is so beautiful!" I was completely taken aback because rarely does anyone comment on my perfume at work. So i tell her it is Love Potion Red and her eyes got as big as saucers and she said..."Oh please spritz some on me!" I explained that it was a roll on and went back to the room to get it out of my purse and rolled it right on her neck out in the waiting room. Oh she was so pleased!!!!! I actually couldn't believe that i had thrown it in my purse this morning since I never have to reapply LP Red. If I choose it for the day I am pretty committed to it. Must have been a reason that I unwittingly brought it with me to make my client happy. I helped her into her car and as she drove off i just started laughing...I wanted to yell after her..."Wait Babs!!! That perfume comes with a warning!!!!"
  16. This made me laugh so hard right now. Just picturing a BI mushroom cloud following these two around the office!
  17. Ok I just remembered that I am the one that asked Michael out. We also met at work and had seriously flirting going on. This was 13 years ago and I can't believe I forgot how we started our mad passionate relationship (which lasted over ten years and and we are still obviously in each others lives). I asked him if I could come over and watch a movie. Can you imagine? I cannot imagine doing that now but I did indeed do this. And I did indeed go to his house and "start" watching a movie that night...
  18. I like LP Black in very small doses. A sample lasted me an entire year. I need another sample but would never go through a whole bottle. If it is too dark and resiny it is good to mix with another vanilla-ish type scent. I love it with Snowbound in the winter!!!
  19. Well it does seem like the guy likes aggressive women because the BI is working but the Lace isn't so I think Leather or Audacious is a good plan B. So...Joc is probably right too...you may have to make the first move! (not that I could do that...I like the guy to be the aggressor and preferably have thrown me on his desk by now for mad passionate Government Worker Sex.)
  20. I think Calii said that she thought Red Lace came off different than straight LP Red. (?) Can't say for sure...never tried the Lace one.
  21. I actually had to note these two in my phone awhile back so that I would quit confusing them.
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