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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh this one is wonderful...I was NOT a huge fan of Purple Puff, so whatever did not work on me in that is not in this. This is sweet cakey Lav. I sprayed it on skin and sleep shirt and personally liked it on my skin better. I also felt like I could use less next time. Knowing they were waters I sprayed LAVISHLY and it was a bit much for quite a while. It was gone in the morning but I wore it for a long time before going to bed and it definitely stuck. I could see these waters becoming a habit. I can't wait to try the others but my first one was a hit! edited to turn the 1 into a ! since BB revealed the second shift key to me. !
  2. I wanted to post this last night when I got my package...I was bursting with excitement...but alas my laptop refused to cooperate. I was so excited to see the beautiful silk and lace bag the Romance collection came in. How extra special was that...sorry can't use any symbols anymore like question mark, exclamation mark or parentheses. All the extra samples and the beautiful water sprays...I could hardly get to sleep knowing I have DAYS AND DAYS of sampling ahead of me... I can't wait to give my mother her bag of sprays.
  3. My laptop has quit working...Sometimes it comes on and sometimes not...this morning it gave me treat by coming on. Oh I was so upset I couldn't get it to work last night when I got all my NR's...and not being able to use the exclamation point is MADDENING. Ok...I do not detect motor oil so far. I compared it to the last drop of my Masked Man sample and i think the MM is a bit sweeter. I may actually like Steamy D a little better and that's saying something because I Love MM and was sad I didn't get a bottle. Steamy D is so smooth, sexy, comfortable. Very very nice...
  4. It's gorgeous and reminds me a bit of Masked Man..exclamation point... My computer is broken...I can't use any of the symbol buttons...
  5. I was wondering about that when you said...Feb sampler and then mentioned a few other samples from the same sampler!! Seemed a bit redundant! Glad you figured it out quick though.
  6. I have never tried G2! eta: it just occurred to me that it is weird that I've never tried it. eta again: I just got a trial spray of it! Yay! Thanks Beccah for the idea!
  7. Oh you may be right!!! Yes..extra apricot and honey=springy. How could I have been so shortsighted? Thank you for focusing me on the big picture, G Gal...Whew! Dodged a moral bullet there.
  8. Oh! This comment reminded me that I said NO FB's UNITL SPRING/SUMMER SCENTS!! I totally forgot when I ordered the Honeyed LP!!! LORDY! How can I stick to my resolutions if I completely forget them?!
  9. It is difficult if not impossible to diagnose a relationship without being in it. But if we are strictly talking phero diagnosis here I would say without a doubt Gotcha! Good luck aniko I sincerely hope you achieve the best outcome...whatever that may be!
  10. I know! I used to feel like I would never catch up to my list because of new stuff coming out!! You will though...just keep knocking them off as you go and pick up a few new ones while you are at it so you don't get behind again! LOL!!
  11. So I wore this out and about with my mom yesterday...we went into this little vintage shop and there was an older woman shopping around me. She went into the dressing room and came out and hunted me down to ask my opinion on the shirt. I gave it to her and she disappeared and came back with another one on...looking for another opinion. This happened five times. I was waiting for my mom who was in the dressing room anyway so I just sat down and became this womans personal shopper. The ladies who run the shop were all kind of standing at a distance observing...probably wondering why she wasn't asking their opinion! Anyway...when we finally came to decisions on what this woman was buying we got to talking and I found out she was just in town for a few days and had nothing to do so I gave her my card and invited her in for some spa treatments. She was pretty excited! This is a great phero for an "opener" if you want to seem approachable (and apparently make you appear as if you have some fashion sense) to get your business card out there!
  12. I couldn't stand it, I needed some sleep! Besides I feel completely justified now. A lady came into the salon today with a fairly large gift certificate and said she wanted to use it all ON MY SERVICES!!! So...what a gift for me...I should have ordered more!!!
  13. I'm so glad that someone finally did the math one this. Thank you!
  14. Grrreard! I completely gave into the Honeyed Love Potion Peer Pressure. I am so disappointed in myself.
  15. I love this label. Something about the red frame against his white shirt...very Valentiney. I don't mind BI I just don't wear it as often as I used to. Different guy, different phero. But I never had any problems with it...I hope this works on me!
  16. I also continue to adore this. No one else seems to pick up the pot smell at all. I still do very much so in the beginning. But then it's all exotic-ness. I wish I would have tried Orchidacious now. I didn't really know what orchid was about before!
  17. This is so funny especially if you read it rally really fast!!!!
  18. This will be one I will try and hate at first sniff and then 20 minutes later (after I have written my review saying I don't like it) will fall absolutely in love with. I can already tell so I am prepared this time and will wait on my review after it has time to sink in.
  19. I am freaking out about your order because I wish I had the nerve to go full bottle on the honey LP before sampling. I will probably go this route, but then again...I have all day to worry about it! I ran down MCR's list of bottles and when I saw she went for it I was like...DAMN HER!!! SHE'S GOING ALL IN!!!
  20. I know... I was going to try to just pick and choose some samps from Feb but in adding up the ones I want to try...it just doesn't make sense. Grr...DAMN THAT BROKEN BOTLE OF GOTCHA. I have to get two Jan samplers because I had already had my heart set on getting one for my mom. (These waters are so her thing), a Feb sampler, I'm flip flopping on getting FB of Honeyed LP (love the extra apricot not 100% sure on the honey), I'll have to wait on the Gotcha for next time...I can't order until tonight anyway so I'll have all day to stress out about it.
  21. I am totally with you on this. Whoopsy did the same thing to me. Weird because I love all the other cakey ones. Maybe this one will work better for both of us.
  22. Ooooooooh!!!!! I hope I can wear this one!!!!!!! A love potion blend with GOTCHA?! Holy Holy Holy Moly.
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