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Posts posted by LadyVictoria

  1. K, read some of the other reviews. Too funny! I only mentioned the vision thing because PM asked us to mention /everything/ we noticed. Anyone else think she's slipped us the phero version of the "Limitless" pill! What happens when we run out? Eeee!



    I thought so at first. Wish it came with Bradley Cooper!

  2. Lady V, I don't know if you read my post but this happened to me on Monday. I bawled in the sbux when having coffee w/ my sister. I'm the same as you, don't really get emotional in front of family... weird huh?



    I cried at least 4 times already. IDK if it has to do with the menses, but I DO NOT cry in front of family. I have an image of pure delight and Rainbow Brite to uphold. I won't even cry if I am watching a movie around them. I literally let out a sob, then I stopped myself because my sister looked like she was going to start crying.


    The only time I can remember crying was when Jude was in ICU, I felt like my world was going to end. My mom said to my sister " Make her stop! Hurry do something! " like her ears were bleeding or something. What a bitch. Like what am I not allowed to cry? Are peoples ears and eyes going to bleed if I cry? What am I some mutant hybrid that destroys eardrums if I shed one little tear?

  3. I OD'd today. 4 sprays. Way too much. I was so spacey and unfocused. I was emotional as well. It felt like it was groundhog day. Every single store I went to played the same song. It was random and strange. Then my sister and I sat down to eat lunch and there goes the song again. I cried. I don't cry in public or around my family. I'm also very tired and just in space somewhere hovering like a UFO.

  4. Work was very interesting today. My assistant is always chatty but he was extra chatty and very sweet today. Told me he was so grateful that I was in his life, I had invested time in his training and saw the potential in him, he said he was grateful to me for always being so kind and patient, and he will remember how I treated him with respect and like an equal and he will never forget me for that, he will do the same for his assistant when he moves up the chain of command, he was so happy and pouring his feelings out, I told him to shut up. I didn't want to hear it. He wasn't dying. Get back to work. We had a heart to heart about other things. He's always in a good mood, and sweet, but today he was laying it on pretty thick.


    The other hot assistant was also very chatty and honest. We were friends before and I recruited him from up Sacramento, he asked me a few questions about work and then started talking about how his wife drives him crazy she won't let him sleep... so I had two boys pouring their hearts out about basically everything under the sun today.


    Went over to the bf's today and decided to spray once on my chest. Took him some food. As soon as I got there he was all over me. Kissing and hugging me. He would not stop kissing me. He gave me deep tissue massage! He gives great massages. He also took the baby to play for a while so I could nap! He was very very sweet and kept telling me how happy he was. LOL. He's sweet and affectionate for the most part, but tonight I noticed him gazing at me intently like I was a mirage that he needed to drink in before I vanished. I was also very giggly and not irritated at all.


    I did feel flirty and sexy today. More towards the end of the day, I felt good around people at work that I knew on a personal level, but not when I had to speak with clients, they really irritated me. Also Cory the Kidney man was talking to bosshole and usually I find his voice pleasant but today it wasn't. Maybe because I had so much work to do and I was jealous that he was having a conversation about BS.


    No cramps today.



  5. Lawsuit! Lol



    LOL! I sprayed in my hair so maybe this is why he mentioned it. He said it was weird, so maybe he didn't know why he felt compelled to say something about my hair.

    Despite hair compliment and nice lunch date I had with my co worker, I am still annoyed.

    people's voices are annoying me , this usually happens with my period though. My ears become super sensitive.

  6. Testing this out again today. Did two sprays one on chest, one in hair. Haven't noticed anything out of the normal, a bit of heightened sense again, I am annoyed though.

    People are annoying me, clients are annoying me, co-workers are annoying me, but have not felt the need to reach for chocolate or any soothing foods. Did drink almost a gallon of water yesterday which is very very unlike me, did not feel the need to drink coffee or diet coke, and really did think about food choices, even though I wasn't wearing phero, I think there might have still been some in my hair.


    This am did feel the clammy shakes again though. Don't know if I'm getting sick or it's my period.

  7. OMG I totally forgot about this treasure having been obsessed with all the other scents!!

    I LOVE this one!!! I didn't know that there was sniffees going around.


    You NAILED exactly what I wanted for this blend! I wanted a seductive scent that was feminine. One that made them salivate and want to give me chocolates and diamonds.


    Thank you Tyvey for starting this!

  8. I also love this one! it keeps a nice fresh scent for many hours and the wifey loves it! I love the feeling of being out in nature. With 'Neverland' even if I can't get to a forest...I take one whiff and I'm wisked away to Neverland!



    I am in LOVE with this scent for Rainy and Flow Days! I hate rainy days but this makes me feel good and like rainy days can be fun. I reapplied in the pm and my mood picked up! It makes me feel like a kid again running outside, jumping in puddles. It's crisp and dewy and smells like rain and grass. I like this for heavy flow days, sorry John you probably don't want to hear this, but it makes me not think about how I could fill a blood bank. It gives me a nice happy feeling and gets my mind off of being a bitch to random people. This is really putting me at ease.

  9. Hm, I did not notice any effect on appetite but will pay more attention in trial tomorrow. (Had to skip today) I'm off booze for the time being so can't report on effect on tolerance, although that's an extremely interesting effect some of you are having - the opposite of most pheros.


    Agree with Beccah that yesterday I did think I detected the scent of EST.



    I smelled it too, which is not bad, I like EST, I have a bottle and don't mnd the smell.

    I haven't tried the booze thing. Maybe I will this weekend. I have some great almond champagne that is chilling in the freezer. Another party this weekend...

  10. I'm sure it is. OMG. So incredible. You must try it. It's a creamy vanilla resin on me with an undertone of patchouli (which I usually don't like but in this it's amazing).


    And now that I've smelled it I can sense it as the base in the other LPs I've tried (like Pink and Red) which makes me love them even more.


    I have to look for it, I don't think I have tried it! I love RED!

  11. Another thing I noticed with this phero is the food thing. The first day I was not hungry, and I also questioned my choices in food and made smarter ones. I mean I still indulged at the party a bit, don't know if it has to do with my period or anything. I love tres leches cake and it was just ' okay ' Also have felt the need to drink alot, it made me very thirsty. Food doesn't give me the high, that OOOH this is sooo DELICIOUS feeling. Except for chocolate. Chocolate is the devil and it always wins and nothing will ever stop me from putting it in my mouth. I just had peanut butter and chocolate. I did notice that I didn't get cramps with this, but I did get the other really bad PMS symptoms like shaky, clammy, dizzy spell, need to lie down feeling. Again it could be the period thing.. I did lose some weight since trying this though, about 3 pounds, again it could be water retention.

    One of the things I like about this phero is that I feel strong. Like I can do anything. Like anything I set my mind to I can accomplish. Like not indulging in cheetos. I generally have strong will power but lately stress wins, this phero brings that back to the surface for me, where I can look at that orange bag and just see an orange bag and not that crunchy salty oasis of carbohydrates and powdered cheese.

  12. LadyV I empathize completely. It's so hard for me not to get 3 or 4 bottles of my favorites boosted with different things. I totally wanted bottles of LP Original, one boosted with SS4W and cops, one boosted with SWS and one boosted with Heart and Soul and bottles of LP Pink, one boosted with Cougar and one with PP. Not to mention another bottle of A Regal Confection boosted with Treasured Hearts. And there are still UNs I haven't tried.


    See? I have a serious problem.



    I know. I wanted to get Castle Crumble UN, Castle Crumle w/Coug, Castle Crumble w/ Lace, LP Pink w/ coug , Smokin Bun with Lace, Egg with Lace.. now I want them with Coug also.. ahhh

    So many options... and then there is the anxiety of my adored scents running out like LP PInk!

  13. I actually really love both scents on their own. No boubt they would work great together tough! In my opinion Cuddle Bunny and OCCO Blue are pretty different. They both last last last on me.

    It's funny, like you Raq On I love sweet and spicy scents, but sometimes I feel like I need a break from sweet scents and that is usually when I wear OCCO Blue, I love it, it's more androgenous in my opinion.



    CB made me a bit nauseated as I could smell the cops right away. Maybe I'll get it in UN

  14. Jude is slapping his shoe against the crib and it's driving me crazy. I can hear every thud like it was in my ear.

    My ears are super sensitive anyhow right before menstrual flow. Today was an off day. Everything annoyed me, and I feel like I am coming down with something. I feel clammy and I think it might be the flu. Going to stop testing til I feel a bit better.

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