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Posts posted by LadyVictoria

  1. Hey LadyV! Thanks for getting back to me :) I purchased a sample of Girly Twirly and loved it! I like to slather everywhere, so I bought the UN Lace so I can put it on my neck and hair. I never thought to try the two together, Girly Twirly on arms/chest and UN Lace on neck. Maybe I'll try that, or does that seem like overkill?



    Girly Twirly already has Lace in it, but try it and see what happens. I'm pretty new to pheros myself so we are learning together : ()

  2. Yikes sending vibes of clarity your way Mz.V!

    Not wearing today, because B2 is the only way to deal w/MIL, but I just want to re-iterate that this blend has a surreal, trippy feel to it for me & I don't think driving with it on, is the best idea...



    LOl thanks! I agree with you. I feel like Chris Farley in Black Sheep, or was it Tommy Boy? Where him and David Spade were high from the nitrous oxide in the cop car and they were talking about strange words like limit and road.

  3. Okay I am officially done with M phero. I think that with this one you either need in a lesser strength or use every now and again. It's been fun, but I noticed that I am spacey and making mistakes. I forgot my mascara yesterday and the day before at home. I forgot my cream two days in a row- this is very unlike me. I cannot live without mascara or cream, yes I am scatterbrained but having mascara and cream is priority where as paying bills and other boring things are not.


    AND I emailed a client something for my friend by accident! OMG I am so paranoid about doing this exact thing, and am always so careful, but I was going going going super fast that I must have thought I was responding to her...


    The nature of the email was about a clearing spell and dreams,color therapy, psychic visions.. everything metaphysical and scary to most. I basically have clients that live and breathe Menorahs, dreidels, and St. Peter because he built the church on the rock of our faith...


    My client's response...






    Holy Sh:t. I fucked up. I fucked up bad. Thank Jesus I am quick on my feet. I immediately sent a fluffy letter of apology and blamed it on Spam. I mentioned that Ive been the recipient of the same email, and we are working on safeguarding our email server to ensure we remain a secure blah blah blah..


    Omg. Mystery Phero. You are going in a safe. Shit is powerful.

  4. Complete meltdown last night. Not sure it's related to wearing phero x or not...I'm just going to have to keep away though to be careful. I'm absolutely exhausted physically. I don't know what's up w/me...I'm sorry. Maybe if I feel better over the long weekend...



    I felt like that as well a few days ago, I was so exhausted and I don't know if it's because there's this awful plague going around and my body is trying to fight back.


    Not as tired today, I feel pretty good. I'be been super chatty and engaging. I also feel like whatever I say pretty much goes. Not in a bitchy way, but in a.." why would you question me, I am Arwen" sort of way. Maybe because I am wearing phero x with Flowers in the Moat... which is so LOTR.

  5. Tested out two sprays, I felt the initial head rush, & then TT seemed in a great mood. No rude comments toward my oldest or me. So maybe he's in a much better mood & the phero helped him get there?



    Or maybe we all sent him warning vibes that his muscles would turn into cellulite and fat if he mistreated you tonight or fed the the kids corn syrup?

  6. I didn't notice anything unusual today, I was careful with my application, did one spritz to the chest and dabbed some on wrists. I think 2 is the best application. Tomorrow will try one in hair and one to chest again. Only thing I noticed was people wanted to hang around me a lot more than usual today.

  7. I took a break on Sat and Sun. Noticed yesterday I was like a bottomless pit of hunger. Testing again today. I hope it works to check my appetite this a.m. 2 different people brought me cupcakes today, and I ate way too much cake yesterday like it was the end of the world.. so hopefully I won't want to eat these delicious strawberry and peanut butter yummy creamy cupcakes that are just sitting here, waiting to be devoured.


    Phero is kicking in... why is Won't such a weird word? Too many w's in that last sentence.

    Is that even a word? I'm a bit hungover, too much champagne.

  8. Thank the Jesus, I am still alive

    No rapture here, looks like misery for five


    Jesus said I could stay for the new releases.

    I said, " Yo Christ, I do whateves I pleases "


    I'll catch you next time, but have fun stormin the castle.


    I need to go say 4 Hail Mary's now.

  9. Maybe the new releases will have to do with the RAPTURE!!


    BTW bizarre that the end is near right before my son's christening tomorrow , and 6 years after my wedding. 6 years ago tomorrow.. it was the only day available until August. Strange.


    I think that God has a sick sense of humor and when I die I expect to find him laughing

  10. :(:cry::ph34r:


    Let's stalk!

    Put on your red shoes and dance the blues... er, I mean, put on your speculating hat, and let's stalk under the moonlight (only serious moonlights need apply) [/gratuitousbowiereferences]


    Does anyone want a cup of ninja coffee to go with their donut?




    I'm trembling like a flower

  11. K, read some of the other reviews. Too funny! I only mentioned the vision thing because PM asked us to mention /everything/ we noticed. Anyone else think she's slipped us the phero version of the "Limitless" pill! What happens when we run out? Eeee!



    I thought so at first. Wish it came with Bradley Cooper!

  12. Lady V, I don't know if you read my post but this happened to me on Monday. I bawled in the sbux when having coffee w/ my sister. I'm the same as you, don't really get emotional in front of family... weird huh?



    I cried at least 4 times already. IDK if it has to do with the menses, but I DO NOT cry in front of family. I have an image of pure delight and Rainbow Brite to uphold. I won't even cry if I am watching a movie around them. I literally let out a sob, then I stopped myself because my sister looked like she was going to start crying.


    The only time I can remember crying was when Jude was in ICU, I felt like my world was going to end. My mom said to my sister " Make her stop! Hurry do something! " like her ears were bleeding or something. What a bitch. Like what am I not allowed to cry? Are peoples ears and eyes going to bleed if I cry? What am I some mutant hybrid that destroys eardrums if I shed one little tear?

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