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Posts posted by LadyVictoria

  1. I adore this scent! It's so fun and flirty! It's very pinky and sugary. I get all berries and sugar. Like a big pink lollipop with bows and kisses.

  2. I wore this last night to meet up with the bf... WOW. He was all up on it! It was like he was sweet but nasty- Lace and Cops- great combo!


    I love how this smells very girly but sexy! Fruity and yummy!

    Things were so hot and intense that my nose started to bleed.. It was very savage.


    Picture a girl on the sheets purring in black lace underwear, dirty hair everywhere, then all of a sudden.. the magickal representation of blood gushing forth from my left nostril. It was kind of sexy though, in a take care of me you big man kind of way. He had no shirt on, just jeans. When he ran to the bathroom to get me some tissue, I thought, I am going to milk this.. so you better believe I enjoyed every minute of my distress especially when those big muscles were dabbing my nose ever so gently, his black thick curly hair falling to his forehead wrinkled in concern, the

    big cushy lips kissing my forehead...like I was an angel that had been injured on her mission to Earth to meet with the super sexy hot muscled earthling for a romp in the sheets after her mani and pedi. :angel:


    Later on at home my boyfriend who has nicknamed me ' Kiity " said he still smelled me on his sheets.

    I asked him what I smelled like and he responded..


    Like a Sweet, Nasty, and Mystical Kitty.


    I think I am going to leave work early today :)

  3. Quite possibly. Ail could speak more authoratively in regards to reactions.


    As for me, I would use it in situations wherein I know I need additional patience. Pisceans are purported to be empathetic but I would say I'm not naturally empathetic in that I'm picking up vibes from people all the time. In fact it's emotionally exhausting for me to deal with people on a continual basis which is why I'm mostly a hermit. I am sympathetic, I always attempt to understand the other side of the situation and to take the feelings of others into account. I nuture and comfort and encourage those I love. I try to be true to the character of emotions in my work so I enjoy observing the emotional nuances of others. So when I need to really focus on others and set my own ego aside, this will be such a valuable tool.


    Luna, the spouse was a Pisces and he was exactly like this., minus the nurturing and encouraging part. He would never go with me anywhere where there would be too many people because he didn't have patience and people exhausted him. He was very much a hermit. As a matter of fact, he would also say.. " I enjoy observing people, we all have our nuances and idiosyncrisies, I know I have to work on putting my ego aside in order to not get annoyed by others" He was very polite and well respected by others, which is funny because he didn't like people. I wish I knew about pheros before, maybe things would have been different.


    I think Ail said your name was Julie.. another interesting coincidence for me.

  4. I think you should carry it as a permanent thing. I really liked the effect this had on bosshole. He was considerate of people's feelings when I was sitting next to him in meetings. He has 0 empathy. I would use it when my mom irritates me or when I am not understanding boyspeak.


    Hell I'll use it everyday if it will help me lose weight! It is pretty strong stuff though.

    I enjoyed the emotional stuff that came with it because it really helped me understand me a bit better. Does that make sense?

  5. Now that I have secured my bottle I can talk about how much I LOVE Castle.

    It smells so delicious. Buttery Berry PERFECTION. My bf loves this. Wore this to grab a slice of pizza and pizza boy gave us a free slice. Just Because! Later on went to the movies and popcorn girl said, " Do you guys want a free upgrade on your popcorn and soda? " Ummm.. YES!


    This scent makes other people sweet on you. It's a blanket of yummy berries. Very sharp and delicious on me. I love that my skin amps up fruit very nicely.


    I want another bottle but, I hoarded some other scents. This is a MUST try. It's perfect for Spring and Summer.

  6. That's a great question and I always wonder about that too... I mean obviously it probably depends on how much you used in the am, and as an AVERAGE I think I see phero effects taper off to the point of being pretty much gone at anywhere from the 4-6 hour mark ... but I'd love to hear others' experiences and opinions.



    I wonder about this also, because sometimes I want to be a Cougs in the a.m. but then around 2pm or 3pm I want some Dolce..

  7. I sooo want one of those.


    Wouldn't it just be totally really cool to have your own....and have dinner parties in it...floating over the city. Ahhhh...



    (ETA: Black tie only...and all the girls get to wear tiaras.) :ph34r:


    I'm in!!! I was just organizing all my gowns!

  8. LOL! Glad you like! Yeah, we had some fun with these! :hotjump:


    So...what do you think the Gallimaufry one is about?



    Either he's a Ghostbuster or searching for MacFly and the Delorean ~ or maybe he can't decide and needs to be grounded because he is a space cadet and the Rapture left him confused, cold and lonely.

  9. Given the commonalities of experience which many of you have expressed, I'm curious: so Mystery Phero made you approachable to people, made them open up and express their feelings. Did you feel the impetus to interact in the same fashion with others? I know there's been some mentions of that state so I wondered if everyone who used it felt that way.



    Yes I did.


    Thanks for letting me do the study : ()

  10. In conclusion - I have mixed feelings 'bout this one. It started out as an *amazing* mood stabilizer, and the whole sharpening of senses was fun. It seemed to relax me, as well as others around me. But, with repeated exposure (I think 4-5 days back-to-back?) I got less 'stabilized' and more tired/confused. I consistently used only 2 sprays to front. Maybe 1 to the back of my neck area.


    Took two days off, tried it again with little or no 'good' effects, and the meltdown/fatigue thing happened that night. I *don't* know if it was related, but I'm well of my monthly cycle at this point and the usual hormonal/emotional dip should have been at bay. 2 days OFF of it now, I feel less deeply bummed. I have quite a bit left, Mara...maybe 1/2 of what was in the vial is still there? I think I'd be cool with using this 'every so often'...just not on a daily basis for me.


    Kitty Katz.. hugs..I'm not a therapist.. I just play one on tv... do you think that because it made you connect with your boyfriend and brought up some intense feelings that perhaps there is something there that you are fighting to accept? Like with me, most of my crying fights had to do with my divorce, it's something that I do not discuss ever with anyone and I just try to do a lot of self work and meditation on my own, but with this pheromone it brought alot of residual feelings that I still have, like the fact that I baptized my son on the same day that I was married, and that was a big coincidence as I called 2 or 3 churches and that was the only day available, and it seemed that no church had any other day available until mid August.. before the phero I was like yeah that's lame, but then on the phero I broke down at lunch with my sister and I knew it was because of that. Once I was able to understand the reason why I was crying I was able to stop crying and let it go for the moment or at least until my next period.


    I'm worried about you, I feel like there is this blanket of sadness on you. I wish you were close so I would be able to come by and give you a big bear hug. I'm little but have strong popeye arms.

  11. Ok, Gals, GREAT JOB on the reports, all of you! Thanks so much!


    Later today, I am planning on posting the new labels for the month's releases, and this one will be in the bunch, so if you have anything else to add before the unveiling, now's the time! :)




    Oh, P.S. Am interested in how long this tester supply lasted you. 2x in 4 ml spray. How many days of testing did that cover? Do you have any left?





    I have about 30-35% and that covered about 8 or days of testing and I sprayed my sister also. I wanted to add that a little goes a long way with this one.

    Here's what I noticed with my testing


    Appetite suppression or no real feelings of craving or wanting food

    Heightened awareness, hearing, panoramic sight.

    Ability to understand what the other person wants from you, almost like reading minds

    People wanting to divulge information, and secrets, deep emotions to you, either for approval or fear of upsetting you by withholding info

    Feelings that are buried come up to the surface where you can let them go, almost like therapy without the shocked, but slightly amused face of your therapist staring back at you.

    People wanting to be around me for long period of time.


    Feelings of just being a bad ass super human.



    I think the 1x strength is probably best, as 2x strength with my heavy hand sometimes ended up with me feeling very very sleepy, tired, nauseated, spacey, and forgetful


    I also think that there has to be a rest period because alot of the great effects I got the first 3-4 days disappeared, or perhaps I just sprayed way too much.

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