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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Just another note about unscented Dominance......last weekend, when I went to my ex-husband's house to retreive my son, I found something out......it turns my ex-husband, who usually has the temperament of a pit bull (where I am concerned) into a harmless puppy.....it works as well as the scented Dominance as a matter of fact.....
  2. Dolly

    Honeyed Seductions

    Oh, I find it totally scrumptious.....that is why I have two bottles of it......yes, I am a hoarder!
  3. TAF is like that......very good for focus...... The reason it dripped out was PROBABLY because the Androtics pheros they are adding in these limited blends are alcohol-based, so the mixture ends up a little "thinner" in consistency than the regular oils and phero blends.....just be a little careful in application.... A "spaceland" effect could be acheived......it is what Androtics terms 50 mcg strength.......if LP decides to stock straight alpha-nol spray, it COULD be done.....that is all that is in spaceland after all, is alpha-nol and some sort of herbalish scent.....
  4. Yeah my next little LP "happy box" will not be coming until after the August releases.
  5. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Oh it is FAB for layering, for sure......I love it! And it does make a great base scent for using in a lotion or dry oil spray, like I do......
  6. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    That bright note was a problem for me in the original pherogirl.....the re-brew was much deeper and richer......
  7. I have actually layered Blatant Invitation with PheroGirl.....it works like a charm!!
  8. Dolly

    Hi.... Im new here

    Welcome Ajai! Glad to have you come and visit us!!
  9. Dolly

    La BOOM!

    Thanks for trading with me, Esme......
  10. That's because none of the potions here have chemical stabilizers or such......of course, I am just talking about the perfumes, not the pheros......
  11. Oh yeah, Katz.....it worked wonders when I went to visit mine!
  12. I am DEFINITELY getting a full bottle of this one with my next order....... OK, so I had to edit because I had a client walk in while I was posting..... This phero blend gives the wearer an "almost shiney" feeling.....at least it does to me.....I'm sure many of you will pick up on what I mean. But, it goes a little deeper than that, too. It not only makes ME feel calm and at peace when wearing it, but it makes everyone around me spread the love!!
  13. Dolly

    Dark Seductions

    I see colors when I smell most perfumes....."purple" is how I described this one, also.....
  14. I don't think that Mara and Danna have any problems with your simply placing a link or banner on your site.....but shoot them an email or give them a call just to be sure.... the email is TimesSquareProductions@yahoo.com
  15. That is a great story, Amber! And, welcome to the forum.....hope you stop by to visit more often!! And, remember, as an active forum member, as long as you post within 2 weeks of an order, and order more than $20 worth, you get 2 free trial sized vials (you only get the free ones once a month, though).......you also get credits for every 100 posts that you make.....more reasons to come and talk with us!!
  16. OK, so I put on this one today, simply because my hand reached for it almost automatically.....probably because I haven't worn it for a while..... It is still, hands down, one of my favorites of the LP varieties.....I have it in solid and oil form.....I hope this one remains a permanent part of the line.....
  17. You'll like it Daisy......it is truly an intoxicating scent.....
  18. Dolly


    Well, I am just absolutely LOVING "Vain".....I may need a backup bottle......Oh my poor poor credit card......
  19. OK, this is interesting......after a couple of hours, this one dries down with the same crisp freshness that anti-piggy has.....hmmmmm......nice ending......
  20. Dolly

    Hot Chick

    OK, this one didn't smell at all like I imagined it would..... Like Scourger, I get a "green" scent at first.....and I have no idea WHY....it smells almost like a men's Speed Stick deodorant on my skin...... After about 15 min or so, it calms down and dries to just a fresh, cool scent......at complete drydown, I can't distinguish the individual notes, but just that it smells fresh and clean.....
  21. Dolly

    Slave to Sin

    I think I NEEEEEED a bottle, even though I have 2 bottles of Dominance.....on me, the Dominance is much darker feeling.....this one seems lighter and smoother......even though the rose is prominent in both.....
  22. OK, so I got my package today!! I like this one.....very unusual, and very sexy.....it DOES smell like something Angelina would probably wear......strong, but feminine at the same time.....I like it! Can't wait to test out the TAL.....
  23. Dolly

    Slave to Sin

    Ok, so I only ordered a sample of this one, but it is now going on the full bottle list..... The roses come out first, and they remind me of the ones in the original dominance, but without the dark chocolate......instead, I get the background of cocoa butter, vanilla, and a hint of musk....I do like this one!!
  24. YAY! I got my package!! So glad I ordered a bottle of this, even though it was unsniffed......it is beautiful! Wet, I get the buttercream smell with lots of peach. Upon drydown, the vanilla and lavender start coming out. I don't get much in the way of resins (shown in the description), but I think this one will probably deepen with age.
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