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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Oh, Vivica, you HAVE TO have this one.....
  2. Well, as Esmeralda pointed out, you can order the unscented blends, or you can buy a perfume and have it "boosted" with the pheros before you get it.....that way, it is already mixed and you can just apply and go! All of the phero blends here are great......my faves are Blatant Invitation, Dominance, True Confessions, and Treasured Hearts..... There are also pre-scented phero blends like Super for Women (contains the women's super sexy), pherogirl (which contains copulins), Me Jane (which contains TAH), and a host of others.....no cover scent needed.....they already smell yummy! You can rest assured that the pheros offered here are of the highest quality and potency, regardless of which form you buy them in..... go here..... http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html
  3. Yes, they are extremely busy. They are trying to work on the August releases, process regular orders, AND they are having this clearance....and, not sure if you know, but they don't have a "staff" like a lot of companies.....it is just the two of them.....
  4. Blatant Invitation is FAB......it always gets a reaction, for sure......
  5. I won't ever be without it......that's for SURE.....
  6. Dolly

    hi im new here!

    Hi remmy! Welcome to the forum!!
  7. So glad you found a phero blend that gives you good results! The original pherogirl didn't work with my chemistry (it had a bright note that just wouldn't die down on me), but the re-brew is one of my personal faves! I think it is gorgeous!
  8. OK, for those of you wondering, I said I was going to do it, and I DID (evil grin)......Blatant Invitation layered wit PG II. How was it? WOW. Just WOW. My man responds very well to Blatant Invitation to begin with. But, with PG II along with it, OMG. My honey is a big-time cuddler normally, so there is a lot of physical affection between us all the time. BUT, the WAY he was looking at me and touching me was different.....does that make sense? He had a look of pure love AND raw desire at the same time. Try keeping that under wraps until the kids go to sleep! After my son was snoring.....OMFG.....WOW......like the Energizer Bunny.....he was completely unstoppable.....what a night!!!! I went to sleep with a BIIIIIIIG smile on my face!!
  9. Oh, I am sorry sorry for you on that.....my skin and I LOVE dark scents.....they bloom beautifully on me..... my skin chemistry doesn't work well with numerous florals.....they go VERY funky sometimes.....
  10. Thanks for the info......I might try this on the nights when my honey is not with me......
  11. I'm trying it tonight, as a matter of fact, with my sweetie.....should be interesting...... Don't worry CC.....you're not alone....MOST of the sugared scents, while lovely, don't mesh with my personality, either.....the only ones that I wear with any frequency are the honeyed ones.....
  12. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Well, I haven't noticed any variations with this particular scent, but subsequent batches of scents can and sometimes do vary..... The reason is that Mara and Danna use no chemical stabilizers or such, and the ingredients they use can vary slightly from batch to batch, so changes are normal.
  13. Great post, hun! Keep it up! PG is definitely one of those heady, hard-to-stop-smelling-yourself scents........my next trial is going to be blatant invitation with pherogirl over it.....HA! That should be a head-turner!
  14. Dolly


    Well, I thought I would revive this thread since Vain is one of the potions being offered on clearance. I am getting a full bottle in trade, so I pulled out one of my samples the other day.....wearing it to work over unscented Dominance was really good...... That night, after I showered, I applied Blatant Invitation and covered it with Vain, so I could see what my darlin' thought of it. He really enjoyed the Vain.....he described it as very light, but still hot and spicy......he said he is glad I am getting a full bottle......
  15. Dolly

    La BOOM!

    I have a bottle of this coming from a trade (it is boosted with Blatant Invitation), and I can't wait to try it.....I enjoy foody scents once in a while, and since I love raspberries, this may be a good one for me.....
  16. I have never experienced a negative reaction, and I wear a TON. But, that being said, some women have seen very catty reactions from other women.....so I guess it depends on who you are going to be around....
  17. ME TOO.....I can use 3-4 a day sometimes.....and sometimes I put one on one side and one on the other.....that way, I can experience both.....
  18. Thank you!! I looooove being the alpha dog......
  19. Yeah, my samples are totally out of control also...... I took a bottle of Scandalous to my mother as a gift, and after she smelled some of the others, she has laid claim to any samples that don't work for me.....my grandmother said she'd like to try some also.....I am getting a care pkg together for them as we speak......
  20. Darn right its an addiction.....if you count my pheros, I have 39 bottles for me (counting the ones in transit and those I have swapped for) and 4 bottles for my fiancee......and all of this since December......I HAVE A PROBLEM......
  21. Ding ding ding ding......and the winner is.....the lady wearing a ton of Dominance!!! First of all, like I have said before, the unscented Dominance gives me great self-effects to begin with.....it almost makes me out-alpha myself! Anyways, so I had Dom covered with Vain, which is also supposed to amp the personal power......I was a force to be reckoned with!! I strode in, right past the lady with the big scowl on her face, did not even acknowledge her, and sat down with her husband to start discussing their books.....she came in, a bit startled that I was starting without her, and sat down. She opened her mouth twice, like she was GOING TO say something, but then stopped, as if she thought better of it......her husband and I continued with our discussion, uninterrupted (thankfully). When I finished, she was still sitting there, muttered a very soft "thank you", and shook my hand as I was leaving. Other than that, she could have been a piece of furniture. Great morning! Great combo.......Unscented Dominance and Vain......I'm taking note of this one.....
  22. I decided to cover the unscented Dominance with Vain.....I love this scent.....I have several samples, and am now getting a full bottle in a trade.... .....going to have to try this scent with my sweetie and see if he likes it as well..... Ok, off to my appt! Be back later with my results......
  23. Well, so far my Dominance testing has been mostly with men that I have to occassionally work with.....today, I am testing unscented Dominance with the queen bitch of the universe..... Honestly, this is the wife of one of my clients.....her husband, the one I usually work with is a nice older man, calm, and laid-back. Well, she is high-strung and is quickly becoming a pain in my A**. I am already pretty "alpha", but today I need to be top dog.....unscented Dominance it is, covered with the first LP scent I happen to grab...... I'll keep you posted on how it works......
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