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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    In the Mood

    This was another one that my sweetie and I both liked the scent of.....very unusual.....dark and musky.....I get the sandalwood, moss, and floral.....almost in sequence.....but the musk is there throughout..... And, after it dries down completely, I get mostly musk, with a hint of exotic florals and ambergris.....very nice!
  2. Dolly

    Fairy Lure

    This one is very very pretty.....it starts out sweet, and stays that way to the very end......sadly, it only lasted for a few hours on me.....but, my skin just simply EATS some scents.... It is beautiful, fresh, sweet, and creamy, with no harshness or sharp notes. Very feminine.....I am passing this sample on to my sweetie's 12 year old daughter. She loves all of the different perfumes I wear.....and, I think this one will suit her perfectly......
  3. I agree with the reviews thus far on this one.....it comes on like a delicious fruit salad at first, and then dries down to a beautiful soft vanilla with a hint of fruit in the background.....yet another masterfully created scent from the lovely ladies!!
  4. Dolly

    Naughty Minx

    Yes, after wearing "naughty minx" for most of the weekend, it may very well end up being my next full bottle. My sweetheart really liked it.....he smelled two or three of the samples, but said that out of this month's new releases it was his favorite. When I put it on, while wet, I get mostly tobacco with a touch of sweetness......as it starts to dry down, I get the licorice note, which is so nice and very unusual in a fragrance....very alluring.....then, the darker resinous notes start peeking out......I really like this one! And, my man does also. Another thing I noticed about this one is that if your man wears Super or UN, this one harmonizes well.....to me there is nothing worse than you and your partner wearing scents that clash..... A winner in my book!
  5. There is just one thing I can say about this little treasure.......OMFG! I got my package Thurs evening, picked it up on Friday am.....thank goodness it fit in my post ofc box, or I wouldn't have had it in time for the weekend's festivities! So, before I went to my sweetie's house, I applied Blatant Invitation to my wrists, neck pulse points, and a tad in the cleavage....covered it with "Naughty Minx", which btw, will be my next full bottle.....see my notes in the "reviews" section.... My man smelled me when I got there.....he says mmmmmm......thats new, I like that one......well, what proceeded for the entire afternoon and evening was a barage of how hot I am, how gorgeous I am, how lucky he is to have me.....he could not keep his hands off of me..... So, I thougt well......maybe it was because we hadn't been together for a few days......NOPE.....yesterday morning after I showered, Blatant Invitation and Naughty Minx again. He started in on me again.....roaming hands......completely lustful looks, sexual comments.....then we go BOWLING. HAHAHAHAHA Talk about a testing ground!!! We had a family at the lane right beside us.....a man and his wife, teenage son, two young children. We were just being ourselves, having fun, and the man could not keep his eyes off of me.....the wife got really ticked......she went and requested a new lane, came over and told her husband, "We're moving. Three lanes down, over THERE." HAHA Then later we went into the bowling alley's bar.....I went to order a beer, and the little bartender was falling all over himself whenever I walked near him.... My darlin' was laughing so hard.....he was wearing Super, so we had quite a phero cloud everywhere we went.....it was really a riot! Bottom line......as to the aura is puts out, hot and sexy, totally alpha, but open and loveable at the same time......I want about 4 or 5 more bottles of this!!!!
  6. Kewel......field tests coming up! Teehee.....
  7. Oh, if it is in my box, you KNOW I'll test it.....
  8. I haven't had that experience......it is still VERY potent.......some people just prefer the unscented variety, so that they can layer it with any fragrnace of their choosing, whether LP or non-LP.....
  9. I was talking about AndrostEnone.....as for the difference, I am not positive (I'm sure Ail could pop in and verify), but I think I recall reading that AndrostAnone is one of the pheros that is good to buffer the AndrostEnone...... Testing these blends is no different than using the sprays, where you are told to start with 1-2 sprays and work your way up.....Don't worry so much about an OD.....some pheros are really susceptible to producing bad reactions from an OD (such as Androstenone).....BUT, I have mega-dosed many other straight pheros, just to see what would happen, and really haven't ever had any adverse reactions (except that large doses of -rone made one of my boyfriends fall asleep within about 30 min of exposure, everytime I tested it). Well, the Est is in a spray form, and is equal to like 100 mcg per spary, if you want to use that comparison......the other unscented blends are very potent also.....but, try not to get too tied into the dosage....everyone's "dosage" is going to be different, and nobody is going to be able to pinpoint that if you use 5 dabs, you will get results, but if you use 2, you won't......experimentation is the key..... As far as testing, just keep it simple......try not to over-analyze it. When I am testing one of the new blends, I start out with just a little dab on the pulse points. But, if you try a little bit and don't get a reaction, but slather it on and got big "hits", then say so.....DEFINITELY report your results......but don't stress over reporting the exact amount you used.....just an estimation is fine....... Just have fun with it......I don't see it as scientific.....I view it as "playing"......look at it this way....even if the pheros don't work (which has never happened to me with these blends), you still have a KILLER perfume.....
  10. Hi Michael.....glad you're still here! I just requested a sample of Bad Boy for my man.....hope we like it as much as you do! My fiancee's sister lives in Seattle......small world, huh?
  11. Hey Vivica......as a very experienced phero user, here is the way I go about using the scented phero blends.....I buy them as perfumes first and test the phero reactions the same as I would with any new or "unknown" phero blend. If I wear a small amount, and get no reaction, then I increase it..... As far as the -none content, -none is not "strictly" a male phero.....it gives off an alpha vibe, and there are a lot of women, me included, who can carry it off. But, I don't think that Mara and Danna put in enough to make you give off a strictly male phero signature, and it is buffered with other pheros.....it is not like you are slathering yourself with a whole bunch of straight androstenone in a perfume base. The main thing that you should watch out for with -none is the self-effect. Some women get really crabby on -none. For that reason, I would suggest that phero newbies start with a sample first, until they figure out how they tolerate it. IMHO the blends here have more phero content than any others on the market. I have gotten excellent results when wearing even just a small amount.......
  12. Well, I know that Ail uses one of those little Oust fans, and says that it works quite well.....
  13. Well, it had about 3 mls of Dark Seductions mixed in, so I didn't add an additional cover.....but I have been known to apply EW and/or other straight pheros and go out with no cover scent, just for the sake of research.....
  14. OK, this is one of those "what was I thinking" moments, everybody......BUT it is funny! I wasn't going to post it, but it is really too funny not to share.....I told the story to my mother, and she almost wet her pants.... I have 2 partial bottles of Dark Seductions.....one is about half-full, and is just straight LP yummy scent.....the other is a special blend that I made up, that really should have an octane rating! I took an old DS bottle that was about 1/3 full, to that I added about 1 ml of Essence Oil, 1 ml of SS4W unscented, and 1 ml of Cougar unscented. This, I reserve for my "special" times with my darlin'..... Well, a few days ago, I needed a little pick-me-up, so I decided that I would using a little bit of my DS.....I picked up a bottle and swiped a little on one wrist, and rubbed them together. After a few seconds, I went....."UHOH.....I smell something wierd......ok, it's the laced bottle.....hmmmm, so I'm working at home alone, I guess I'll just be turning myself on today....." So, I went about my workday, and later in the afternon, I had to run to the local market to pick up a couple of things...old blue jeans and tattered t-shirt, no makeup......I am in the store, grabbed a gallon of milk, and went around to the bread aisle for some English muffins.....as I round the corner, the bread distributor is stocking. When I walk by, he starts dropping loaves of bread, obviously in a flustered state. I said, "Those things are just jumping out of your hands, huh?" And he replies...."Yeah, REALLY." So, I walk a few steps away, and am looking at the shelves, trying to decide what to buy.....He takes a couple of steps toward me, and whispers, over my shoulder....."You know, you have about the hottest A** I have ever seen." Now, at this point, I "NORMALLY" would have come back at him with a quick retort or slapped the LIVING CRAP out of him, but what flashed in my mind happened to be WHAT I WAS WEARING......I couldn't punish the poor guy for that! So, I just smiled, grabbed my English muffins, and made a hasty retreat from the store, leaving him standing there salivating.... This mix, by the way, does work MAGIC on my sweetie.....gives him that "starry eyed" look.....so, if you want to try it out, you can layer Essence Oil (use an amount equal to your "normal" sweet spot, since each of us uses a different amount), Cougar unscented, and SS4W unscented, and then cover with your favorite LP scent......I have personally used this on my honey with Dark Seductions, Nasty Habits, and Dirty Sexy, and it gets the same results every time..... Lesson to be learned here......mark your bottles, and pay attention to what you are applying!!! Mine are all now marked, and sitting on a separate shelf, thank you very much!!! PS: my previous offer from the trading post still stands.....anyone who has a pre March'08 bottle or sample (used or unused) of Dark Seductions, I will pay a PREMIUM, or will trade GENEROUSLY (pheros or non-pheros)......the new one just doesn't work with my chemistry......
  15. You will be! Ail and I were newbies once upon a time, too..... Just remember that "playing" with the pheros is half the fun.....at least it is for me.....in addition to using them for certain responses from specific people, I'll often load up on them and then go walk through the small local market, just to see reactions.....I think it's hilarious.....
  16. Yeah, thanks for the giggle.....I do salsa dancing in my living room.....the first time my 9 year old came out of his bedroom to see me gyrating and carrying on, he was doubled over with laughter.....he looked at me and said...."Mom, are you partying?" BTW....tried the "uptight"......tried everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING).....honestly, before I had my son, I kept my hair permed, and always had a headful of spiral curls.....well, after I had him, every perm falls out within 2-3 weeks......my doc says that some women's body chemistry completely changes after a baby....apparently mine did. Now, I can gel, spray, curl, everything.....it looks good for about 10 min.....then it goes straight as a board again. My hairstylist/friend didn't believe me, so I went to her shop on one of her days off.....she used her super-duper stuff, and it still did the same thing.....it's ok....I look like these ladies who use a flat-iron......only, I don't have to....
  17. OK, Ail, you just made me spit my tea across the room....too funny! Djac.....also, if you have straight hair like me.....stick straight, won't even think about holding a curl.....in addition to spraying the alcohol based ones in my hair, I take oil based pheros, rub them between my hands, and then just run my hands through my hair from the underside.....works good for diffusion, because I am a big hair-flipper.....
  18. My 9 year old gets really wound up (and he is hyper anyway) with A-nol (like in Allegro), so I always try to stay away from A-nol based scents when we go on car trips.....beta-nol does work wonders for calming him down, though.....
  19. Well, you need to understand that these are a bit different than alcohol based blends.....they do not diffuse quickly. This is good for me, because I live in Louisiana, and with the heat, I can burn through a spray bottle of pheros in less than 2 weeks......if you apply these and put the oil-based scents on right over top of them, it will slow the diffusion further. Try applying the phero blend, and apply your preferred LP scent BESIDE it. These phero blends don't smell bad (unless you are talking about Essence Oil), so stinkiness is not a problem. I have even applied the scent and then rolled the phero mix on top of it. Since you are getting good reactions with the scented blends, you may even want to try taking some of the phero mix and put it in a small roller top bottle WITH the scent added (I do this A LOT)...... I would try the side by side method first, as it is the easiest.....
  20. Yeah, I know that the lovely ladies have said that they can't re-create it, but I wish they could try to do a spin-off on it. I tried Eleven as a substitute, but there is something in it that goes terribly awry on my skin.....
  21. Yes, Messalina is absolutely hands down one of my favorites. So sad to know that it will be no more.....BUT, on the upside, I do have a bottle that I am rationing out a little at a time.....
  22. Mara, I sent you an email with my order......let me know if you didn't get it.....
  23. Oh yeah, sometimes I practically bathe in the stuff......especially on my neck pulses, and between the quite ample twins..... If you are new to Essence Oil or EoW, I would suggest starting with a little bit, check for reactions, and work your way up. It is very much trial and error with straight copulins, BUT I will say that once you find your proper dosage.......WOW. It never fails to get results.
  24. OMG......a sampler for me, PLUS a big bottle of "Blatant Invitation".....you know I have to have THAT ONE!!!!
  25. Well, different pheros have different scents......I don't believe that Super Sexy actually has cops in it, which is the stinkiest one for sure......you will notice the differemnce when you get that one..... The slight scent you are smelling is that of the pheros themselves....whether or not you apply cover scent is really your preference......a good perfume makes people want to lean in and sniff, thus giving them a good dose of the pheros also.....
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