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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. No, but I'm sure Ail would!! Hopefully, she will chime in!
  2. There were studies by various scientists......Astrid Jutte was one of them......you can google that name abd get some info....and, Ail can probably point you to more interesting research.....
  3. Yep, that is one of the standard, more obvious reactions that you can watch out for......see, pheromones are fun!
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Gaia is correct....Deer in the Headlights......that stunned, frozen stare.....it happens.....
  5. In the bottle, I smell cops first with this one, Katz. After dry-down, its just a soft musky smell. I think if I were you, I would get some and don't let him know about it. Just put it on (on skin only), let it completely dry down, and then cover it. Don't tell him. Just tell him that you have a new perfume.
  6. Yeah, and it is so good for layering with the other perfumes too.....I make dry oil sprays out of the Sugared Honeycomb.....use it on my whole body as a "base scent".....very nice!
  7. Super Sexy is fab......I have several LP scents laced with it.....it WAS my favorite......until I found Blatant Invitation, that is.....it makes me strut.....
  8. Dolly

    Naughty Minx

    OK, so I DID order a full bottle of this one, per my honey's request. He was happy to hear that a full bottle of this one is winging it's way to me! He loved it.....and so did I......plus, the label art is just tooooo cute!
  9. Yeah, for my family party in a couple of weeks, I am going to layer Treasured Hearts with True Confessions.....and I am thinking that I may layer it with Mermaids......oooooh, or Messalina.....oh YEAH!
  10. This stuff is soooo good! Last night I wore it with Dark Seductions....wow wow WOW! This one does exactly what I want it to with my man....ladies, if you want some "spice" in your relationship, you NEED to get this!
  11. Yeah, I used to buy pheros from various suppliers and retailers, but I have switched over, and have now been buying all of mine from LP.....they have everything I want!
  12. I hear ya djac......I just ordered more True Confessions and more Blatant Invitation.....that stuff is GOLD....I am in love love love with it!
  13. OK, so today I tried True Confessions....but not around a hot man, sad to say.... I wore it around a female client who is usually very tight-lipped about their business and how it is REALLY going. I mean, I see their books, but things can look a lot different on paper than in real life. Well, today, she started talking, and talking, and talking (she's usually pretty quiet)......I heard about not only how the business is going, but how her marriage is going, how her grown kids (and their marriages) are doing......I mean, I heard it ALL..... This stuff IS good......
  14. Well, I can understand that! Sorry I can't help you out with a sample.....after mine didn't work for me, I boosted it with straight EoW.... FYI....the cuke-melon is VERY light.....faded after a few moments on me.....BUT, if you know that you can do well with layering PG, maybe you should just stick with that.
  15. Well, PCC is not quite as potent as PG, for sure.....BUT, it would probably be good for switching up.....you know, layering with other LP's, as the scent is very mild.....
  16. It's ok, Liz.....we all went through the same things when discovering the internet..... Anything that you get that is manufactured by Dr Stone will be of the utmost quality, you can bet on that. His soap is actually what gave me the idea to make my own, through using his EoW. Actually, Liz, since you have a low tolerance to the copulin smell, you may wamy to take a look at his PCC (Passion Copulin Concentrate) on his site. It is a solution of copulins in a light cucumber-melon scent. It is easily coverable. Lots of women swear by it, but it just never was strong enough for me.....may be just the thing you are looking for.
  17. I have seen this soap before, but never purchased any. However, I have used EoW, and made my own.....worked pretty good, actually......
  18. OH, I know what you mean....I flirt IN FRONT OF my man, and he absolutely LOVES it.....he has one friend who calls me "the only woman who has ever made him blush".....my man always tells me to turn it on when I am around this guy......he is secure enough to know that I would NEVER cheat.....I'm not wired that way.....period.......so, he just has fun with my flirtatiousness.....
  19. OK, I just want to make a statement. Many of us here have used pheros from other retailers.....hell, I have used pheros from almost EVERY other retailer and phero manufacturer out there (over 4 years of phero use now)..... I just want to say this about the pheros in the LP blends....all of the pheros here, whether scented or unscented, have always produced results for me. The ones from the previous lab are VERY good, and produced excellent results.......BUT I am also VERY impressed with Dr. Stone's blends. They are absolutely FAB, and I want a full bottle of each and every one. Although I have only thus far tried the Blatant Invitation and Treasured Hearts, I will be testing unscented Dominance and True Confessions soon, and expect them to be no less than marvelous also. AND, the LP scented phero blends give us the convenience that other pheros do NOT come close to.....potent pheros in top notch scents....no need to worry about trying to cover the stinkiness......do you know why? Mara actually uses the scent of the pheros as a "note" in the scented phero blends she creates.....so she is not simply creating a perfume and then dumping pheros in it.....this impresses me.....THAT is why, when she makes a scented phero blend, you do not detect the pheros very much, if at all..... OK, soap box speech over.....big hugs Mara and Danna!!
  20. The differences between people's chemistries and senses really fascinate me.....pheros never have bothered me that much....except for when I sprayed EoW in my hair.....BIG mistake..... I wish I could use Prell, but it makes my hair feel like straw....never could use it.....it's a shame really.....
  21. It worked for me, when nothing else would.....probably because they are supposedly designed to take old buildup out of your hair.....
  22. If you ever have a problem getting pheros out of your hair, try some clarifying shampoo.....that is the only thing that would take the EoW out of my hair..... For quality small atomizers, go to www.accessoriesforfragrances.com . Sally is very prompt and reliable, and her prices are good. I always buy roll ons, atomizers, and supplies from her. She also has a store on ebay.....sometimes she has real good deals on there.....
  23. Your man sounds much like mine.....no matter if he is out with the guys for a beer after work or whatever, he still calls and checks in with me, even if it is from the bar. When he recently took his two kids (ages 10 and 11) to Disney for a week, he called me 2 or 3 times a day......isn't that sweet?
  24. So, how much more trouble did you stir up? Inquiring minds want to know.....
  25. Dolly

    Sultry Afternoon

    I know I have to get a full bottle of this one.....I just keep on waffling on it, but it is very nice.....my darlin' said that he liked it, but that it isn't one of his favorites......Guess it goes to the full bottle list, anyways.....just for ME...... And, for the record, I'll wear PG at work or anywhere else that I want to smell yummy.....copulins or not......damn the torpedoes!
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