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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OH MY HEAVENS......where oh where is my credit card?????
  2. Dolly

    Sugared Roses

    Danna has said before that she can do custom solids.......not sure how much extra that costs, but it CAN be done.....
  3. Dolly

    Sugared Roses

    I have the solid in Red and Black......I love them both.....
  4. Well, thank you......but I left there for personal reasons that I won't go into on a public forum.
  5. Dolly

    Lady Casanova

    OK, so I applied a few different scents this morning because my sweetie wanted to sniff some of the new releases.....I applied Me Jane, Sultry Afternoon, and Lady Casanova all in differemt spots......hands down, Lady Casanova was his favorite. He smelled them all wet, and then periodically through to drydown. This one remained his favorite, and after each time he smelled it, he said...."You need a big bottle." After a couple of hours, he said......"The others are nice, but you HAVE TO get a big bottle of this one."
  6. I always love reading your reviews, whiskers!
  7. I WAS at pherotalk......I don't post there anymore.....
  8. OK, I had some fun with scented Cougar the other day......I have a trial vial, and I wanted a switch......plus, I love wearing pheros in stores just to see the reactions..... So, my son and I go to WalMart, and I am slathered in Cougar......we were looking for a particular game that my son was dying to spend some of his saved allowance on......well, we didn't see it, and there was a boy working in that dept, who looked to be about 16 or 17.....I asked him if they had the particular item we were looking for, or if they would be getting some. He said that they are supposed to be in the stores in about a month, BUT that they are available online at Walmart.com. He then says......"you can order it 'ship to store', and when it gets in, I'll have it waiting right here for you." With a big grin on his face. I got tickled, and said...."You're going to personally handle it?" He says....."For YOU? ABSOLUTELY!" It was so cute! I cracked up! My son couldn't figure out exactly why I kept on giggling as I was walking through the store.....
  9. Welcome, djacquelynstew........enjoy your stay, and chat with us!!
  10. Ok, trying Me Jane today......I am a bit leery because I don't normally do very well with TAH......guess it will all depend on how much is in it......testing it mostly for scent right now..... Sniffed in the vial, I get a smell of butter and vanilla.....wet on my skin....BANANAS....strong bananas.....yummy though.....ok, it's drying down and I am getting the coconut and vanilla, and slight little floral thing going on, but the banana is still prominent....I think I like this for purely the scent.....will post more later regarding the effect of the pheros.....
  11. You can always spot an LP addict.....they either have their nose permanently attached to their wrist, or their head stuck down in the collar of their shirt.....
  12. I'll tell you what, I love Dominance not only for the effect on others, but also the self-effects. It gives me that "I am woman, hear me roar" feeling. I guess because I am already naturally an alpha-type person.....Dominance helps put me more "in my element".....LOVE IT.....
  13. OK, so I wrote it up in the reviews section.....enjoy! Can't wait until the Dominance unscented becomes available!
  14. Ok, I know this one is sold out, but at the urging of some of the other ladies, I have decided to post the experience that I had with Dominance the other day. I have mentioned before that I have used the Dominance with cantankerous clients with great results. Well, I have one who is a real A**hole. He has been giving me a problem via the phone and email, to the point of almost dropping him as a client. Well, I had a face-off with him recently. I wore about half a bottle I think.....literally in a cloud of chocolate and roses..... When he got out of his vehicle, he was basically snarling at me, telling me that once we got inside, we were going to "discuss" the situation, and added....."I don't think you're going to like what I have to say." So, I answered, "Well, then, I'm SURE that you're not going to like my response." So, we go in, and I was sitting down, chatting with his wife as he went to the restroom, etc. He came stomping back in the room, and walked over to me, ranting and raving about how he was paying me, and I was going to do things the way HE wanted them done. I stood up at this point, and got about a foot from him. I told him that I don't work that way, and that if he wants it done properly, he needs to "shut up and let me do my work". I told him, "Otherwise, I will be more than happy to drop these files on your desk and you can handle it yourself." At this point, he stalked out of the room, came back in and was preparing to open the store. He looks up and says, "You know, I like you. You really know what you're doing." And then, after we talked about what we need to do to get his tax situation under control, he said....."Remind me to never make you really mad at me." After he left the room, his wife said, "He complained about you all the way to work. This is wild. I have NEVER seen him back down like that. WITH ANYBODY." By the time I left the place, he was loving me......telling me how happy he was that I was working for him, how good I am at what I do, etc etc etc. Yeah, it is partially me, but much more due to the Dominance, I think......
  15. Oh, I feel just the opposite.....I love wearing this one when my sweetie wears Super.....I think they go well together.....
  16. WOW. Sounds ultra-exciting! Can't wait.....for the new Dominance blend especially......I had a very interesting occurence with the old Dominance just the other day......wondering whether I should post about it since it's sold out.....
  17. Dolly


    Kittenish Cute, sweet, and easy to adore! Ingredients for inspiring love, laughter, vitality and playfulness, come together in a potion that smells like delectable Peaches and Caramel. So adorable, you can't help but fall in love! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: PEACH ~ Love, promotes fertility, happiness, abundance, marriage, longevity, wishes granted. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust-inducing. AMBER ~ Fertility, luck, riches, sensuality. BENZOIN ~ Purification, attract prosperity, all attraction, base for many incense blends, astral projection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, so I'm not normally partial to the soft, lighter scents, but this, I like..... Wet, it is all peaches and caramel.......dry, it gives me a vibe almost like LP Winter Solstice.....this is one that develops and rounds out as it dries.....very nice!!! Makes me want to lick my arm!
  18. Can you all tell that I am annointing every available sniffing point today? Music of the Spheres is very unusual and very intriguing. I cannot pick out much in the way of individual notes, but it is almost as if I can detect the notes of air, water, earth, and woods....It is a very smooth, pleasing scent. Not sharp notes, but round, and they meld well together.....that is about all I can say about it......I think this could be easily worn by a man or a woman, regardless f your particular scent preferences.....
  19. Dolly


    OK, so I can't pronounce this one......let's just call it "gypsy wine"......this one is very nicely done. I get the mixed tartness/sweetness that you get from an actual glass of wine, tart at first, and then turning sweeter as it dries down. After it dries, I get a darker more resinous blend as the fruit fades to the background. This one is unusual enough to turn some heads, and very nice! Makes me want to go pour myself a good glass of wine.....
  20. Last night, I layered PG II with Nasty Habits......OH WOW......
  21. Dolly

    Lady Casanova

    Well, have you ever smelled a scent that wraps mystery, elegance, refinement, and raw sexuality all into one? This one does it. It is floral but not loud, resinous but not too dark, and sweet but not sickeningly so. This is perfectly balanced, and fantastically done.....I may need a full bottle of this too.....oh my poor credit card!
  22. I agree with everything luna says on this one....very nice, and very sexy.....foody, but not overpoweringly so......my only problem is that my skin sucked it all up within about 45 min! I was so sad.....so, I re-applied.....
  23. Dolly

    Sultry Afternoon

    OK, my description of this scent......straight-up sexy. I am going to have to get a full bottle of this one, I think. I get the fruitiness, spice, sweetness, and musk....all at the same time.....WOW....I really like this one......I am going to try it out with my darlin' tonght, and see what he thinks.....
  24. That would be Instant Sexiness A and B by Androtics..... Actually, I like SS so MUCH better than IS/A or B......it is much more potent, lasts longer (doesn't diffuse and evaporate as quickly) and is a definitely a head-turner......
  25. So glad Countess and Laurie FINALLY found their way over here! Stay and talk with us.....we get some good chats rolling.....
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