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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, depending on the weather and humidity where you live, it can evaporate....I live in Southern Louisiana, and I do usually reapply, because even though they evaporate less quickly with a non-alcohol base, they do dissipate over time. As far as OD, I have tested mega-doses of various pheros, just for the fun of it, and the only ones that I have gotten bad reactions with are the "male" or alpha pheros (androstenone).....I don't think that an SS OD would be problematic.
  2. Just keep playing with it.....you'll get it figured out......numerous ladies find out that they need more......I use anywhere from 5-10 drops, depending on the situation. And, it ALWAYS gets results. The Essence Oil from here is FAB.....you should really consider getting a bottle..... Mathematically speaking, that is the same statement. You are taking a man's own, normal testosterone level (his baseline) and multiplying it by 135%. Now, I'll defer to Ail and the other lovely ladies regarding the EST discussion.....I don't use it much, because my man is already a big cuddler (so am I).....if I used EST, I would probably have to pry him off of me.....
  3. Countess, if you like EW, you MUST try the Essence Oil.....I much prefer it to the alcohol-based version.....
  4. I HAD TO get the full sampler.....AGAIN......oh well......any samples that I don't love will be given to my female clients......it's funny.....I told Mara that my female clients who COULD simply mail or email stuff to me, or drop through my mail slot are all now making appts for trivial things.....just to see if I have any more perfumes they can beg for.....
  5. Yeah, my man too.....but sometimes I can tell a difference in intensity.....
  6. They become used to it, so the reactions may not be a strong or pronounced......but I have never had someone become totally immune to it. It is good to switch up every now and then though.....
  7. My fiancee was calling me his "dirty girl" and his "dirty sexy girl" when you originally came out with this one. When I layered it with Nasty Habits, he called me his "Dirty Nasty Sexy Habits" girl.....he liked it so much in the original version that he wanted me to buy multiples.....I currently have about 2 and 1/4 bottles......yes, I'm a hoarder.....
  8. Well, I see that I need the whole sampler this month, AGAIN.....
  9. Female copulin production decreases with age. Also, those of us who have been using cops (EoW) for years have a theory that extended birth control usage also decreases your normal output. HRT drugs are quite similar to birth control pills. So, you may be one of those women who needs extra cops to get the same reaction as our younger counterparts. As far as the other pheromones are concerned, age is a factor, but I am not sure if it is as significant a factor as it is in the area of copulins. I use more pheros and cops than a lot of younger people do, so I can only assume that my age is a factor....
  10. I think that Beta-nol would be good......just keep a FEW in stock. Kind of like a special order only item. Beta-nol has been indispensible to me in several different areas.......it turns the chattiness of alphanol into deeper conversation......it is also good for hyper kids in a car on long road trips. I keep a bottle on hand just for our 15+ hour summer trip to see my mom. I can't wait to get my hands on some of the new blends for testing.....and those of you who know me know that you will get the WHOLE story.....no holds barred.....
  11. Dolly

    Bayberry & Gold

    I finally ordered a sample of this one. This scent soooooo takes me back! My mother used to always set out bayberry candles at Christmas.....as soon as I smelled it, it was like I was 8 years old again! In all honesty, this is a very nice, crisp scent......hope it does help with the finances!
  12. It's sad, but a lot of the best ones are too difficult to re-blend......such as my personal fave, Messalina.....
  13. I find that it smells the same.....BUT, it seems to be easier to cover in that I don't have bleed through if I am in a hurry.....in other words, with "regular" EoW, before I could apply scent, I had to let the EoW dry for at least 10 min or it couldn't be completely covered....with the Essence Oil, I can apply my scent almost immediately (within just a couple of minutes) and haven't experienced any problems.
  14. True, Cuddle Bunny may help soften that image up. Also the Drop your Guard (like in Synchronicity) would probably also help her seem more approachable.
  15. You're very welcome! I think you'll like the SS.....I love it.....last night my fiancee and I were going to spend a quiet evening at home together...... I wore SS WITH the EoW oil, covered with Messalina......my fiancee wore Super for men.....it was definitely an OMG night!! Really REALLY WILD!
  16. Between SS and EoW, you should go with the SS, I think. If you buy straight EoW, that is NOT true pheros. It is copulins, which raises mens' testosterone levels and sends out a STRONG sexual vibe. If you want cops, PG Dom and origial PG have a lot of EoW in them, so you have that area covered. SS is the same formula that is in the Super for Women, BTW, and Synchronicity has the Drop your Guard.
  17. Oh yeah, I do love the Super Sexy......it definitely gets the reactions.....
  18. Anywhere & everywhere, hun..... Glad you are enjoying your goodies thus far! At least you didn't do like most of us here......you can tell the truly addicted, because when we get a package, we put 5 or 6 on at once, in various & sundry sniffing parts, because we just CAN'T WAIT....
  19. I notice the difference wet......the less maple for instance......I am loving UN though.....will be ordering a bottle of this for my sweetie.....
  20. Trust me, you're going to like it......I am considering a full bottle so I can get one of the fortune cookies!!
  21. Dolly

    Turkish Delight

    Yeah, each month I have done the "pick and choose" thing.....this month, I just said "what the hell", and went with the whole sampler.....glad I did! If you want 5, that is $25 already......the full month's set is only $29.95......
  22. Well, I will DEFINITELY be trying this on myself tomorrow....
  23. Dolly


    OK, so today, when I took my shower, I washed off all my samples that were giving me a buzz..... And, I applied a little dab of this to the back of each hand. When I would get the urge to go nibble, I would sniff, and surely enough, my craving seemed to subside. Maybe it is just the power of suggestion, I don't know......BUT I'm going to keep using it this week.....and since it is light, if I put it in an area where I don't usually wear my perfume (such as the backs of my hands), it shouldn't interfere with my scent of the day.....
  24. Dolly


    Sneaky sneaky.....
  25. Dolly


    Miasma The Lily is a symbol of France, as is the Fleur de Lys logo - a symbol of both the flower and the country. MIASMA, a thick and heady melange of gorgeous-smelling but poisonous lilies, is an ode to the "Dark Queen" Catherine de Medici of France, circa mid 1500's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: Poisonous lilies of every description...they smell sooo beautiful, but oh, so deadly... LILY ~ Purity, modesty. Wards away evil, protects, and breaks love spells. LILY OF THE VALLEY ~ Soothing and calming on the nerves. Sweetness, mental prowess, happiness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, this one is LILY.....very powerful on me at first.....as it dries, I still get lily, but possibly other florals.....my skin is morphing this one, I think, and not in such a nice way. BUT, my skin is known to have a floral issue. For those of who who do well with florals, you will love it. Very beautiful in the vial, and for about the first 30 min after application (may be something I could use in a scent locket.....now THERE'S a thought).....try it, definitely.....I am sure that for someone with the right chemistry, it would be absolutely breathtaking....
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