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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Yes, we'll all be the best smelling "bag ladies" around! BTW, if you like PheroGirl, try the straight Sugared Honeycomb.....YUM.....
  2. OK, this one is probably going to be in full bottle status for me. Since I have been dealing with this older gentleman (since March), I don't think I have ever seen him smile. UNTIL TODAY. He is always grumpy and grouchy, and stressed. Today, he was that way when I arrived. Then, we sat down beside each other and I started reviewing his books with him. By the time I left, he was chuckling and smiling, and thanking me for the job I am doing for him, and telling me how lucky his is to have me on "his team". I was wearing a little roll to each wrist, a dab to the cleavage, and a roll to each side of the neck. Covered with Honeyed Seductions. That's it. And, it's a winner. If you want somebody to "show you some love", get some of Treasured Hearts.
  3. FIELD TEST TODAY!! Today, I am meeting with an elderly couple (clients) who need to be handled with a very soft touch. I want them to have that warm, fuzzy feeling about me.....they are usually quite grumpy.....not argumentative like some of my other customers, just not "happy campers" in general.....so, I am testing out "treasured hearts", so I can see if it helps. I'll post my results this afternoon!
  4. Oh, I agree wholeheartedly! The ones that just don't work are still lovely.....and I love love love the fact that we get such generous samples.....that way, you can use it sesveral times, even if you decide not to opt for a full bottle......
  5. I know that before I started coming here, I have never had such fun exploring scents.....and, my sweetie loves the monthly sampler arrival almost as much as I do.....
  6. Well hair is known to absorb things.....that is why I never apply EOW to my hair.....it will stay in there for days.....just try skippng her hair the next time you apply it.....just try it on her skin. I would think that any LP would work....like Red or Black....I would also think that, if you like Dirty Sexy, it would work well.....Dirty Sexy and Nasty Habits are 2 of my favorite covers for EW, and if a scent covers that, it should handle Est with no problem.
  7. I'm one of those who is unaffected by the smell of pheros....I can smell them, but they are not offensive to me.....not necessarily pleasant, but not offensive......but I usually try to cover well, because I know that not everyone's sniffer is the same as mine....
  8. Well, we all have that problem from time to time.....you sniff a scent that you just love, and when you put it on, it turns into something very bad. I have some of those too.....the worst offenders on me are various florals....some do just beautifully, but some get very ugly....
  9. That could be fun.....I know for a fact what unscented Super Sexy, Cougar, and Essence Oil do when mixed....WOW....let us know how it goes.....
  10. Well, the stuff that we are getting here is MUCH more potent than what was being sold at the other place....so, yeah.....it is going to smell. As fas as the oil & alcohol, just shake before application, and you should be good.....I have added LP oils to straight beta-nol that I had on hand, and it seems to work just fine.
  11. Oh yeah, katz.....b-nol is fabulous. About 3-4 months into our relationship, I knew that my sweetie had something bothering him, but was holding back. I made a strong mix of b-nol, with a little a-nol thrown in, and doused myself in it......he was singing like a canary by the end of the evening!
  12. That's the way I feel about Blatant Invitation, also.....I think I may as well just purchase full-sized bottles of ALL of them, and get it over with..... Hey Mara and Danna, I know that some of the first blends that you had done by the other lab are going to run out, but these blends from Stone Labs are not going to be "limited editions", are they?
  13. Why don't you try putting some in a small atomizer, and putting a few drops of one of the lighter smelling LP's in it? It would be the same as putting light neroli in it, but will smell a HECK of a lot better.......
  14. Yeah, I love beta-nol too.....for sure, we don't want to give away our own secrets!
  15. Too cool.....I am going to be field testing this one myself, very soon..... Oh, and congrats on the promotion.....don't worry, I keep it under my hat!
  16. This is good to know.....I am DEFINITELY going to wear it at my family function....some of my cousins need all the good vibes they can get!!!! And, I really don't want to play referree!
  17. Don't worry, hun! We've all been there......we have our own support group here..... Now say it with me....."My name is Esmeralda, and I'm a Love Potion addict." j/k Enjoy all the lovely scents!!
  18. I told this story to my sweetie, and he laughed his head off.....he now knows that I wear pheros....since I started making him wear Super......but the trick is that he never knows WHAT I am wearing or WHEN. For all he knows, I could be wearing a scent laced with something heavy, or it could just be a killer perfume......helps to keep my tests un-biased!
  19. At the end of the month, I am going to be visiting my family, and we are going to be having a big birthday party for my grandmother......there is quite a bit of animosity between some of my "estranged" relatives.....I think that treasured hearts will probably be the ticket! Now, just to figure out which scent to mix it with......ooooooh, maybe Mermaids!
  20. Countess, you are going to absolutely love it. Both the Blatant Invitation, and the Naughty Minx....
  21. This mix illustrates why I love pheros so much.....so much fun!! I left out what happened when we got back home, but let's just say, in one word......HOT!!!!
  22. Trust me, you are going to absolutely LOVE it......all I can think is that I WANT MORE!!!!
  23. Dolly

    Lady Casanova

    The more times I wear this one, the more I like it.....I am glad that my full-sized bottle came along with my June sampler......I have already burned through my original sample of it......
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