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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I don't really think dry-down is as much of an issue, as it is with "regular" EoW. Today when I rolled on the Essence Oil, I applied my scent about 5 min later, and there was NO stinky bleed through, and there has been none all day. I'm LOVING the Essence Oil.....
  2. OK, let's start this by saying I wear of TON of EoW.....it dries down well on me, to a slightly fruity scent (kind of like fruit that is just a little too ripe), and only once have I gotten a bottle that was a bit "caustic" and caused little red marks on my skin (they disappeared after about 10 min). That being said, I hate the bottles that it comes in (the rubber stoppers "melt"), and have put mine in little glass roller-top bottles......you just have to be a little careful or too much rolls out because it is so thin (that is, too much for a normal person....I can't wear too much). WELL......yesterday I just got my package that had LP's new "Essence Oil".....for those of you who have used EoW, you are going to love this stuff. I haven't tried it on a target yet......but no doubt it will work......it smells the same, and with the oil base it will probably "stick" for a good long time. I tried applying a little dab, and this is so much better......it is easier to apply a little thin layer without it running everywhere, and no more spillage!! YAY!!! It will no doubt be easier to carry with you also......I need more of this.....I can see this is going to be a "vat" purchase.....
  3. I think that several women share your experience May. That is the thing with EoW......it does take some tweaking to find YOUR proper usage.
  4. Congrats on your upcoming bundle!! I agree......don't cancel your order......especially since some of them may be blends that could be sold out by the time the little one is here!
  5. Oh, I loooooove beta -nol......so useful for so many things.....
  6. I agree with Ail on this one.....give the PCC a try.....it may be the one for you.....and, since it is very mildly-scented, it should be ok for layering with other scents. Or, you could just use the scents like PheroGirl or Dominance that have quite a bit of cops in them to begin with.....not as many layering options, but get the same copulin results.....
  7. WOW. So glad I got a sample of this one in my most recent package.....I too had not originally jumped on this one, because I am not overly fond of green scents on me (they turn kind of wierd sometimes). But, this one has just the slightest whiff of it......it makes me think "almost green"...... Overall, this one is very fresh, very nice.....thumbs up ladies!
  8. WOW. That tooks some time to write.....thank you Ail..... LP Red is beautiful.....I have it in both solid and oil, and while they are a bit differenmt from each other, they are both real head-turners. I also agree that dry oil is FAB. I normally use shea oil in mine, and I go through tons of it.....my fave scent in it is the Sugared Honeycomb....I guess this is because it normally layers with all of the scents here so well..... Thanks again for the great post......
  9. Great story! I am getting ready to leave for an entire weekend of post-tax-season R & R, and my man is going to be wearing super all weekend! I am testing intellectual woman......we shall see how the weekend progresses.....and I'll post after I return.....have a great weekend everyone!
  10. Oh, I am definitely in the "multi-bottle club" with this one..... I don't EVER want to be without it!
  11. Isn't it though? And Danna has posted that it is no longer on backorder! YAY!!! I am a happy happy girl..... I looooooove so many of the LP scents, but this one is definitely my fave.....I guess it is the closest thing I have to a "signature scent".....
  12. Mara, as you begin to add single pheromones to the library, will they all be at that same strength (1mg/1ml)? Just wondering...... Because, if this is the case, buying the spray pheros from here will be akin to buying 150 mcg sprays from a diferent retailer......WOW.....think of how much longer a bottle will last......you can use one spray of LP mones as compared to 4-5 (or more) sprays of the other one(s)....THINK ABOUT THAT ONE EVERYBODY, and then go compare the price..... The other guy's Alpha -nol, 150 mcg.....also about $230 for 30 ml......hmmmmmmm.......
  13. And, just for a price comparison, 150 mcg per spray in the "other store" is about $230 for a 30 ml bottle......that is, when it is in stock.
  14. Yes, 1mg/1ml is about as strong as you can get these days. I think that, after you do some comparison of these to the "other guys' stuff", you'll see that these here at LP stand on their own merits.....
  15. Viv, the only company I have ever known who state (or claim) how much of a pheromone is in each spray is Androtics. That being said, I would just say that you can rest assured that the phero products offered here at LP are some of the strongest ones available on the market today. And, I say this as a very seasoned phero user of over 4 years......
  16. Honeyed Seductions is absolutely fabulous, IMO. If you like Sugared Honeycomb and Dark Seductions, all I can say is WOW. Just WOW. I have two full bottles.....
  17. YAY MAY!!!! I was just wondering last night if you had tried it....
  18. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Oh yeah, it worked beautifully.....
  19. YAY!! Your first "hit"!! Pheros can be really fun......could be that the others you were trying just weren't strong enough.....the ones sold here at LPMP are very potent.....get ready for some more hits!
  20. I know you are up to your eyeballs right now! Hugs for you and Danna both!!
  21. Hi and welcome, Seraphine, Traci, and Wyatt! Come chat with us and enjoy!!! Seraphine....the Southern Gothic is being released this month.....I've never personally tried it (but will be soon).....that may be just what you are looking for in a Southern scent.
  22. I want to add that the "calming" effect of this one does work......I wore it last week on a field trip with my son.....riding a bus full of third graders would make anyone crazy!!! I had a headache at the end of the day from all the noise, but had managed to maintain my composure and enjoy the trip! Also, the next day, the remnant of this that was left on my shirt was very nice.....I almost didn't want to wash it!!
  23. Thanks Liz......actually, I'll need for you to have 2 or 3 for me.....
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