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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OH, and I forgot....I ALWAYS keep a straight-up bottle of Essence Oil for boosting and such....
  2. Yep, my tastes and go-tos have changed! I thought this would also be a good thread for newer people to see who is using what and WHY......
  3. I don't have as much time to pop in and post during tax season, but I was doing an inventory of my Unscented products this morning so that I can re-stock. And, I thought this topic would be fun. What pheros can you absolutely NOT do without? You know, like you start hyper-ventilating when you realize you're getting low? For me, my personal must haves are: 1) Dominance--always and forever! I keep one bottle in silicone, and one in spray, because I do use it THAT MUCH. I love Leather too, but Dominance is just more ME. Also use it for working out......makes me push harder. 2) Open Windows--again, one in silicone and one in spray. This one is like flipping a light switch. It can turn my man into a happy camper when he comes home with his grump on. All it takes is about 5 min exposure, and he is all good! AND, it also gets rid of my afternoon headaches....who knew? 3) Treasured Hearts--prefer this one in spray. It is definitely a "feel the love" blend. Turns people who don't particularly like you into more of the "well, I can tolerate you and be nice" type. VERY good for family reunions and other family gatherings where there may be tension or strife (especially if you have a family like mine). 4) Cougar scented--simply because I LOVE the sparkle. I use this one when I am feeling flirty and upbeat, but going out in the public (so I don't want to cop-bomb someone to death). 5) LAM--a big YES for playtime--fun, upbeat, lightly scented, and VERY effective! I prefer original scented or Sandalwood and Resins (oh, and Peach). I keep a couple bottles of each scent on hand at all times, but I use the original scent the most. 6) OCCO--for the same reason as LAM--and unlike most cops from "other" places, these don't stink! Now, this is not to say that there aren't others that I like VERY MUCH and use regularly (Blatant Invitation, Leather, SWS, SS4W, BAM, Sexpionage), but they are more "situation-specific" for me, so I use them less often (but I still try to keep a bottle of each on hand!). And, my man doesn't do well with Est-heavy blends, so several of the newer blends (LFM, LFN, Cuddle Bunny, etc) have not even been attempted by me. So, what can you not live without? Let's hear it!
  4. Welcome! The LAM line is very lightly scented, but still pack a punch.....you want to definitely look into those if you or your man are scent-sensitive.....
  5. It was always sharp on me.....it always calmed down after a while.....I love it anyway......just like Cougar......you just have to get past the "WOW, NOW THAT IS GRAPEFRUIT!!!!" ....after settling, both are gorgeous on me......my skin is weird.....
  6. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Try shaking it as well.....sometimes resinous scents "settle out" a bit.....I always shake mine before application.
  7. For those of you who have this one and haven't tried it for a while, you really should! Normally, I amp grapefruit to an uncomfortable level, so after applying Hot and Sticky (or Cougar, for that matter), I have to wait about an hour (or two, in the case of Cougar) before I get around other people, or I smell like I rubbed a grapefruit over 90% of my body....seriously! After time passes though, everything is cool. Well, Hot and Sticky has changed as it has aged! I applied it yesterday morning, and while I got some grapefruit in the forefront for the first few minutes, it was not uncomfortable AT ALL. The pineapple calmed it right down. I even asked my man to smell me right after I applied and let it dry down for about 5 min. He used to point out the loud grapefruit, saying that it "pinched his nose", but loved both Cougar and Hot and Sticky after I would wear for awhile. This time though, he said.....when did you put Hot and Sticky on? When I told him it had only been a few minutes, he said...."Wow, it is different. Like calmer and sweeter....not sharp smelling at all!" I think the pineapple has had time to soften the grapefruit, and it is even more lovely than it was before! Today I am wearing it again, with Open Windows, because I have a full day of tax clients coming in and I need everyone to be happy (or as happy as you can be when getting your taxes done).
  8. Yes, and so NOT appropriate for church wear....IMHO.....
  9. I beg to differ.....it is not YOUR chemistry, it is the men you are interacting with......you haven't come upon that creepy guy at the bus stop or in the local market yet. It happens......sooner or later, you will either get some serious unwanted attention or give someone the totally wrong idea about the type of person you are. Just FYI.....I know, it has happened to me.
  10. You can do either. It comes in Unscented, but you can always buy a bottle boosted. Open Windows is absolutely FAB.
  11. I think Bang has a pretty good dose of cops though....I don't think I would go there when first meeting someone. Dominance puts out a very strong aura.....Leather is slightly softer but still quite commanding. Cougar is a nice fresh grapefruit scent, and has a sexy social phero blend. Very uplifting and "sparkly" feeling. I think scented Cougar would be a good choice.
  12. While it may suck that things didn't work out, at least you took that step to know for sure, so you won't spend more time thinking and wondering "what if", and wasting so much time and energy on someone who doesn't return your feelings. Now, you can move on and find someone who reciprocates. Trust me, I have been there, and unrequited love is not fun! BUT, life goes on! Pick yourself up and have fun.....you will meet "the one".
  13. I wouldn't go with something blatantly sexual, since they haven't spoken yet, and the gym is a place where diffusion would probably be at its maximum with body heat. I would say something like SS4W or Cougar.....something more social in nature, yet still sexy.
  14. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    The sandalwood in Decadent Diva is much more in the forefront.
  15. Our QG is DEFINITELY lovely! Welcome to the forum!!
  16. It is most likely the Androstenone that is giving you those effects. That is the male sex hormone, so it stands to reason that it would be a turn-on for women.
  17. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    I think it would wear nicely on a man!
  18. Scents can totally change their character depending on where you are in your cycle......they can also change based on diet as well....
  19. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Even though this one is a little bit different from Resin Ho, my man says he loves it just as much.....it has some throw, too! I walked through the house a while ago, after putting a little bit on my wrist pulse points ONLY......my man stopped me, saying....."This is not fair! You're working, and you come through the house, smelling all good and shit, and you have to go back out to your office!" LOL
  20. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Thank you, but Mara did it! I just told her what I was thinking about when we were talking about Resin Ho. She is the one who figured out which notes would work together, and in what proportions.....she is a genius!!!
  21. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Resin Ho aged really well....after only a few months, the edges softened, and the notes just melded into each other.....I have a feeling this one will do the same. Don't worry ladies, whatever ya'll don't buy, I will!
  22. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Just getting to try this one.....it is absolutely gorgeous! For those of you who have tried Resin Ho, on my skin, this one is not nearly as heavy or dark smelling.....and it is a tad bit sweeter.......the sandalwood is in the forefront, with the other notes playing in the background. For those of you who may not be sure about this one, don't be scared! It is not nearly as deep as some resinous scents.....it has a sheer quality to it. Absolutely lovely!!
  23. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    I love OCCO Black too.....but no, not much similarity there.....very different feel.....mostly because of the sandalwood.....
  24. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    I think we all have notes like that.....we love it, but it turns into something very VERY ugly! Ylang ylang often does that on me! Several florals do, actually, but ylang is one of the absolute worst ones......
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