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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. So wearing this one today, I realized something new. After several hours, it turns into nothing but vanilla on me. And the vanilla that I am getting is EXTREMELY similar to the one in OCCO white.
  2. OK, so I get pineapple and vanilla, all kinds of it. The pineapple is not citrusy as in Hot and Sticky....the vanilla keeps it from going in that direction, I think. Lovely.....and a good pairing for Levitation.
  3. I do get Luna's statement about it being similar to Rajah....although it isn't as potent-smelling as Rajah. I think it would be great on a guy, but I like it on me too! It reminds me a lot of Spirit Bottle, with the smoky, incensy, woodsy feel. OH LYNNE!! You need some of this!!
  4. I love cops. They make me feel feminine and sexy.
  5. Yeah, I agree. I never EVER put any pheros on my man without his knowledge. He didn't start wearing them until after I told him that I had been wearing them for quite a while, and he said he wouldn't mind trying some, especially if he would reap the benefits of stoking my fire.....he even suggested them to a co-worker, whose wife was a bit.....well, let's just say it......frigid.....I gave him a little "primer" on which pheros he should try, and my man took him some of the men's scent samples so he could find out which scents she liked on him. Now, though, even though my man knows I wear them, I never tell him when I am testing a new phero. I don't want to skew my results. It is funny now, that when he has a strong reaction to something I am wearing, he will say...."Did you phero me?" LOLOL
  6. I don't think I have ever used it with my family, but if your family is such that you need to appear capable and in charge, but not over-bearing, it may work for you!
  7. Yes, Wanted Man and SuperSexy were both blended in scents already. Super Sexy was in scented Super for Men (I looooove that scent)....he knows that the pheros turn me on, and that is why he wears them. He is still skeptical as to whether they work on other females, but I have seen the reactions....they do! I mean, he is pretty damn hot on his own, but some of the head-snapping double takes that I saw were off the chart!! If you get the Unscented Sexpionage, be aware that it does not have an included cover scent (thus why it is called unscented), but it does have it's own smell, and it is not a very good one! That blend is pretty stinky.....so, if you don't get CP in a full bottle, and decide to get Sexpionage straight up, you WILL need to get a VERY GOOD cover scent....trust me on this one!!
  8. My man didn't know until a couple of years into our relationship (I was wearing them for several years before we got together, too)....now he knows that I wear them, and he wears some too. I got him hooked on several of Mara's scent too....he wasn't very scent-adventurous when we started dating. There are some that I wear that really get me cranked up.....one is Sexpionage.....it has the phero Androstenone, which is the main male sex pheromone. I love Sexpionage.....TRULY. It also can tend to make the sex more animalistic.....clothes ripping, biting, furniture breaking, you get the picture! My mans has some with Super Sexy for men and Wanted Man, and I like those as well. Welcome....and have fun!!
  9. I just noticed that you said you are 10 yrs older than this shy guy......try some Cougar.....it is FAB!!
  10. I haven't used LAL or Alpha Dream, so I can't speak about their effectiveness, but I have used Androtics and LPMP. There is ABSOLUTELY NO COMPARISON. Androtics products are watered down, overpriced, and most STINK. LP has everything I need, and they smell GREAT to boot. If you get some of the basic blends and start slow, you should be able to find one for any situation you may have. As far as the shy guy, first of all, your changing phero signature is probably confusing him further. I suggest you get something to make you seem approachable and non-threatening. Something like Open Windows, Super Sexy for Women, or Cougar. Then, YES, ask him out for coffee or something casual. Sometimes, with guys like that, we ladies have to take the lead and make the first move. Oh and WELCOME!!!
  11. If we don't need to be in the pic, I have some gorgeous pictures of purple and yellow irises growing at my Mom's house and peach miniature roses in my flower bed....they are beautiful!
  12. Sugared Frankincense and Myrrh is TO DIE FOR......
  13. AH....yes Cougar is lovely......gives you the sparklies.....love it! I am a tax preparer.....I use Open Windows when I know I am going to have clients who are typically anxious or unhappy.....and it lifts my mood, too....you should seriously get some!!
  14. Welcome! The Est in Cuddle Bunny may be what is making you weepy.....it is usually put out by pregnant women.....Sneaky Clean is a great sexy social, as is Cougar......and I can't say enough about Open Windows....it doesn't have the sexy edge, but is great for lifting moods.....I love it! Be a little bit cautious if you wear Compromising Positions out without your man.....it has the raging assload of copulins as well as Androstenone.....it can sometimes get you reactions from the creepy guy at the bus stop or other undesirables....for instance, I wouldn't wear to work or other such public venues (unless your man is by your side). You shouldn't have that issue with the sexy but more social blends like Cougar or Sneaky Clean. ENJOY!!
  15. Yes, I have long hair, and am a "hair flipper" so it tends to diffuse a bit better.
  16. That's very interesting.....My hair was dyed chemical red previously, but red fades horrendously anyway, so I couldn't tell if it was my normal fade or the pheros....now I use henna, so I don't have fading. No biggie sweetie.....I am glad that you stated your experience, as did I....we are all different and we all detect pheros differently. As with so many products these days, YMMV....
  17. When I first started wearing pheros, I accidentally got some a spray from " a company that shall not be mentioned", that was loaded with EoW onto a suit jacket. It was dry clean only, and after they cleaned it, it still smelled. The lady even mentioned it when I picked it up......they didn't charge me, because they couldn't get the smell out, even though they cleaned it twice. I haven't had any issues when laundering at home.
  18. I wear lots of socials in my hair.....especially Open Windows....works well for diffusion, and never any problems.....but I don't find anol or bnol very stinky at all.
  19. I have gone there.....and it STANK! Cops mellow on me to an over-ripe fruit smell, but in hair.....TOTALLY NOT! And, if you bleach or dye your hair, it will usually be worse.....because the hair is more porous. And, it stays until you wash your hair. The only thing I could use to remove it was Prell. Which is almost like paint stripper. Hits were not good. I kept getting the statements "What smells so BAD?" Same goes for spraying it on your clothes. Cops really need to meld with your skin, if they don't, you get the STENCH....and......IT. NEVER. GETS. BETTER.
  20. I think he knows the effects that LP had on HIM, and doesn't want the next guy to feel those same effects. Wear whatever scent you like, that makes you feel good. As for the phero, I would go with something fun for a lunch date....maybe Open Windows, Perfect Match or something similar.....then for date night, you can go a little more sexy.
  21. As mentioned near the beginning of this thread, watch out with the UnCB in spray form. It has quite a bit of cops, and if you get that in your hair or on your clothes, it will stick around for a long time!!!!!!!
  22. One of my ex-husbands is narcissistic. EXTREMELY. But mine is different from your is that, if I appear vulnerable with him, he "goes in for the kill", so to speak. He is usually uncooperative and hostile (on a good day). UNLESS I wear Dominance. It takes him down a notch. Big time. OH, and WELCOME!!!
  23. I use Dominance, Leather, or Swimming With Sharks for work. I would go easy on the cops at work, especially if you have men who think you're ignorant at times. In my opinion and experience, men who pick up a strong sexual signal from a woman in the workplace can see them as inappropriate and ineffective at their job.....you know, the old stereotypes of woman being sexy or smart but not both. We all know those AREN'T true, but pheros work on a subconscious level, so it does happen.......just like when people detect the strong odor of cops on a woman.....it can make her appear easy or a slut......even though she may be nothing of the sort.
  24. I have always had excellent results with TH with my man. Especially in the beginning. He was unsure in the beginning, and after I wore TH around him for a good solid week, he proposed. It makes them feel a need for permanence and nesting. The territoriality was probably the cops in the Cuddle Bunny. They raise men's testosterone levels, and sometimes causes a "pissing contest" amongst men. I have seen that first hand.
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