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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. And it is always good when you fall in love with one of the scents from the permanent line......they don't ever sell out, and if they do, they are always rebrewed!
  2. No problem, sweetie! Yes, this is a cool combo....no issues, and I have tried it SEVERAL times..... You are absolutely correct......you should just be aware of the amount of cops you are wearing, so you don't go overboard.
  3. I have totally used them together....think happy sex!!! I was using Open Windows to lift my man's mood (which it ALWAYS does), and later in the evenong, layered on some OCCO. Worked like a charm! OCCO is cops only.....it can take almost any blend in a very sexual direction.
  4. I agree with my lovely friend Molls, the morphing is part of the fun. Cops definitely need drydown time, or they can smell skanky. But, if you are just worried about the "loudness" factor of the scent, and not actual morphing, LP Original is pretty mild in general, and isn't very loud when first applied.
  5. You're very welcome! And welcome to the forum!!!
  6. After it wears for a while on me, it smells good.....my man doesn't like it shortly after application, but after a few hours, it is ALL GOOD! I wore it under Dolly's Resin Ho over the weekend, and he liked it VERY VERY MUCH!
  7. That is because LP P & D is a blend of LP Black and LP Red.....P & D was made by Mara because so many ladies were wearing Black and Red layered.
  8. OK, so I am going to be wearing this tonight, under Resin Ho.....let's see what happens!!
  9. Well, Swimming with Sharks and SS4W are both pretty complex....I'm not sure I would try mixing those. Maybe just a drop, and I do mean a DROP of cops.
  10. That is why I am glad that I also love some of the permanent line.....that way, I will always have something I like to wear......hell, who am I kidding.....I have enough perfume to last me for about 10 years already......but, such is life!! LOL But yeah, the trade threads are really good for picking up stuff that is sold out....
  11. LP Black was one of my first loves.....it is one of my staples!!!
  12. I love the Sandalwood and Resins and the Vanilla/Honey one best.....they are both so versatile and can be used in so many ways!
  13. Well, you never know....the reason I threw that out there is because there are a couple of us here (me and Beccah for sure) who have men who do not do well with large amounts of Est......my man seems like the type that would be perfectly aligned with Est, but he is definitely NOT. I have had times when he had a good reaction and sometimes when it was "meh", but mostly it is BAD. Fights where he said some horrible things.....totally out of character for him. I mean, we have arguments just like any other couple, and he downright pisses me OFF sometimes, BUT he never says really nasty, ugly things to me. It only happens when I wear too much Est without something more dominant to balance it......Many of Mara's good-selling blends will never ever be worn by me around him.....because after the last big round we had, I just decided it just isn't worth it. There are too many others here that he just loves on me. A friend of mine actually threw out a theory on it.....Est is a phero that is secreted only by pregnant women. My man and his wife were fighting the whole time she was pregnant (all three times).....she got pregnant on purpose because he wanted a divorce, he decided to stay for his children, and she then proceeded to make his life hell. So, even though he loves his kids, there may be something in sensing the Est that makes my man react poorly in his subconscious.....it sort of makes sense to me. I still say try Open Windows.....it is definitely mood elevating.....both for the wearer and the target(s). That one may help lift his spirits.
  14. I literally go through gallons of LAM and OCCO. LAM original is great right out of the shower when I don't want to knock my man out from too much perfume.....it just smells light and sweet. OCCO Black and White are both great too. Worn together, they are lethal.
  15. Sheer Essence is new, so the ladies getting their packages are just trying it out too..... I am an old hand at using EoW (about 10 years now), so if you need some help you can always ask on here!! It just takes some getting used to. The Sheer Essence may be just the thing you need to help you get the hang of it. For first time users (or those like yourself who never got the hang of it), I always recommend the OCCO line, which is scented and very easy to use, and the Like a Magnet line......LAM is a simple blend, A-nol and cops, and OCCO is just simply cops. I like the LAM because I can layer another perfume over it if necessary, or I can wear it by itself for a light scent.
  16. As for socials, Open Windows is a MUST HAVE.....seriously. SS4W is more social as well. And, if you get scented Cougar, it is good as a social. I would also look into some of the LAM (Like a Magnet) line. Those are lightly scented, so they can either be worn alone or layered with heavier scents.....they are truly some of the most versatile pheros in the catalog.
  17. I would also recommend that you try some of the permanent line.....LP Original, Red, and Black are all great.....
  18. Hi there, and welcome! Try some of the scented phero blends too.....since it is November, all of the regular releases are phero enhanced.....great time to try some of the scents! As for scent preference, I do don't do many of the foody scents, my man has told me repeatedly that he doesn't find cakey cookie, drippy gooey scents sexy at all, I can take them or leave them. I tend more toward the darker side of perfumes for the most part. He is ok with fruits, vanilla, and then some of the spicy and/or dark ones I choose. I am 46 and he is 53, if it matters. You will most likely want to try the original scented Cougar. It is a musky, sugared pink grapefruit.....not overly sweet, but makes you feel very sparkly. I like it better than the Unscented Cougar, actually. Get some SuperSexy, Leather, Lace, Open Windows is INDISPENSIBLE as a social blend, as is Treasured Hearts. If you want sexual blends, I would start with LAM/BAM and an OCCO or two.
  19. This is NOT like EoW is when it is not covered....granted, EoW has never really bothered me once it dries down.....but I just have one of those skin chemistries that likes cheese, I guess.....LOL. Aja is not cheesy at all on my skin....just sweet.....dirty, but sweet. And, I find that I only really get the "dirty" essence if I stick my nose right on the application spot. Other than that, I just smell honey. Ripe honey.
  20. Shame on you! I can still smell the Aja this morning.....it is just a warm, subtle honey.....
  21. Well, thus far, the man is undecided regarding the scent. He did not care for the scent applied and worn for roughly 1.5 hrs or so. But was perfectly fine with the scent after 4-5 hrs of wear (after it had blended). I am thinking I may try pairing it with some amber paste that I have. I think it would be lovely. We are not going full force on the sex effects tonight. The man has an injured hand, and is quite grumpy because of it.
  22. Yeah, I was shocked too! From the tracking info, when it wasn't here Saturday, I figured I would get it tomorrow. But apparently, some of the "behind the scenes" people were working, because when I checked this morning, tracking said it was delivered today. So, I rushed right down to the PO and picked it up!
  23. Not meaning to sound snippy or anything....just sayin'.....
  24. After several hours wearing, it smells very much like OCCO SLF on me.
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