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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Yeah, my man is one of the oddballs.....SOMETIMES it is an ok reaction, but usually it is BAD BAD BAD. The last time I tried one of the Est-heavy blends, we had a very ugly ugly fight (we disagree, but he doesn't turn ugly and mean.....it is just not in his nature.....he is normally very loving and generally easy-going).....UNLESS I am wearing too much Est, that is). After having that happen repeatedly, I just don't go there anymore. I can wear blends with Est in them, but it has to be more on the dominant side.....like Blatant Invitation or Leather. I am naturally more of a dominant personality, very independent......so I am assuming it is a congruence thing......
  2. I am mostly through meno too.....the problem isn't with ME, it is with how other people react to me. My man has had some very ugly reactions to it, and that is totally out of character for him. And BTW, Cougar IS great too!
  3. Agree! Est-heavy blends are not always good with my man either (sometimes it is downright ugly).
  4. If you have Open Windows, wear some of that around him. Great mood lifter. When my man is in a funk, it is like flipping a switch.
  5. I would go with Open Windows if I were you! It is fabulous!
  6. Welcome to the forum! If you hang around here, you will notice that pheros are useful in soooooooo many more applications than just sexual conquest. So, many of us here, even though we have found "the one" still use pheros regularly. Yes, we have had some members who have sort of "disappeared", for various reasons, but you have that with any online forum. Look forward to getting to know you!
  7. Connery was the best Bond.....most definitely!
  8. OCCO Red and LP Red are two different scents, but are made to coordinate and layer well. From what I understand, LP Red is a more "complex" scent than OCCO Red, as Mara created the OCCO line in such a way that the scents could be recreated easily. OCCO is almost pure cops, so yes, there should be more cops in a bottle of OCCO Red than in LP Red. As far as the disappearing sweetness, it may just be one of those flukes with your skin chemistry. If I recall correctly, some people who had issues with various disappearing scents obtained a bottle of the silicone base from Mara.....they stated that if they applied it (kind of like a lotion) prior to the scent, the scents stayed true longer. You may want to give it a try.
  9. It is lovely......a champ at covering cops, too!
  10. Great review! Excellent! Love Open Windows for so many uses!!!
  11. Wore Cougar out and about today. About a one inch stripe on each wrist, one on each side of the neck, and then used 2 quick sprays in my hair (yes, I have both roll-on and spray). Went shopping at Sally's Beauty supply, got ALL SORTS of freebies when I renewed my card. The clerk gave me DOUBLE the free gifts, claiming that since I had my future step-daughter with me, we BOTH needed free stuff (even though we only have one membership that we both use). Ate at our favorite Lebanese restaurant, the waitress gave me free stuff to bring home with our leftovers (extra dressing and pita breads, and a large to-go cup of the Lebanese tea)......it was as if people could not do enough for me......love my Cougar!
  12. I agree 100%! Leather and lace would probably also be good ones to try! Love leather!!!
  13. Heather, some of the ladies here (me included) do wear cops during the day. But I, personally, am in a very different situation than you are. I work at home and very rarely encounter clients that I do not know (except for walk-ins during tax season). I live in a very small town (and I do mean VERY small), and I have lived here for years, so I know most of the locals. And, even under those circumstances, I have had some strange and somewhat unsettling experiences. But, I was well aware of what I was doing. I would never go downtown in one of the nearby cities wearing cops unless my man is by my side (even though I have my own car). It is just too dangerous. ALONG THOSE SAME LINES, I WOULD NEVER TELL YOU THAT WEARING OCCO OR BI (IN ANY AMOUNT) ON A BUS IS EVER A SAFE THING TO DO. If I do go out wearing cops and my man is not with me, I make sure that I am VERY AWARE of who is around me and what is going on. Also, I carry myself in a "you do not want to fuck with me" manner. So, a lot of men stand there with a confused look on their face....and yes, I can actually see that they are confused. I am putting off some heavy sex signals, but also project an air of "you do NOT want to go there!" Part of our issue here is that cops in PUBLIC are probably not appropriate GIVEN YOUR SITUATION. You have to take public transport. I get that. But, I agree with some of the other ladies that at night, on a bus, BIG NO NO (I would even say that I would not recommend doing that during the day). I agree with Beccah in that you could carry some OCCO or whatever to his place and apply after you get there (you don't have to tell him it is pheros....tell him you are refreshing your perfume). Then, wash it off before you leave his place. Shower if possible. I would suggest that you keep trying some of the other "sexy socials" to put that swing in your step. They are already formulated with a SMALL amount of cops to give you that "womanly" feeling hat you talk about, without putting too much out there. SS4W has a small amount of cops, so does Cougar, Gotcha, etc. Try some of those as an alternative to bringing out the big guns of OCCO and BI, which are screaming "do me now" (as Tyvey pointed out). The other part of our issue is that, when people give you advice here, you tend to disregard what we are saying and continue to ask the same question, but in a different manner, until you get an answer that you agree with. Many of us have been using pheros FOR YEARS, so we know what we are talking about, and we put a lot of thought into our responses, in order to assist you. To have our responses brushed off is a bit aggravating.
  14. This goes back to my point about giving advice that is not considered. Heather, with all due respect, you say that you read and reread our replies.....not trying to be harsh, but maybe you should read again. I think you want someone, anyone to validate your opinions and thoughts, so you read what you want to read. Just my humble opinion.
  15. OK, Heather....best of luck to you, but I will not have any part of giving you advice that is not considered. After 30 replies telling you that you shouldn't wear the sexual blends in public, you still say....."if I only wear a little, will I be ok?".....so, if we tell you yes, and you go out and get attacked by that one lone whacko that rides the bus that one fateful evening, then it is on our conscience that it happened. No, I am not putting myself in that position. Did you read above where I said, because nothing bad has happened to you YET, you should just consider yourself LUCKY? This is the honest truth. I have been dealing with this stuff for a lot of years. The blends you are wearing are VERY powerful sex signals. No joke. BI and OCCO in public are inappropriate, and dangerous when the woman wearing them is alone. PERIOD. That is my last opinion on the subject. You are a grown woman, and if you choose to do so, then any bad things that happen are on you. I am done.
  16. I would not consider a man who would send me home on the bus to be worthy of my time......sounds too much like he thinks of you as just a booty call......
  17. They do NOT put out the same vibe AT ALL. Sexpionage is very aggressive and animalistic. I would NEVER wear Sexpionage in public. Never. Not even on my most crazy, impetuous day. The fact that you have been running around in public, wearing OCCO and BI and have not had any problems simply means that you are lucky. Nothing more. I only wear heavily sexual mixes like OCCO when I am either with my man, or I am VERY FAMILIAR with ALL OF the people I will be coming into contact with, and I have been wearing pheros for 10 years. Yes, I did some crazy things, but I realize now that I was just lucky that I didn't end up in a bad situation. Where did you get the idea that because you were older, it wouldn't affect others? When we talk about older women possibly needing "more" cops, we mean in order to "seal the deal" with a specific target in mind. Not to just AFFECT others. Cops on a female create a strong testosterone spike in ALL MEN. Emphasis on ALL. Some are better at controlling themselves and their urges. The others, not so much. In public places, men who have good self-control will hide the fact that they are being affected, so it will appear that there is no reaction......when, in all actuality, there is a SERIOUS reaction happening. Wearing BI, OCCO, or Sexpionage on a public transit system (or other public venue) is just asking for trouble. I agree with this. If he has a slight ED issue, Sexpionage may not be the best idea. My man is 52, and OCCASIONALLY has issues. OCCO or LAM is all it really takes to overcome it. Sexpionage when a man is having an issue would probably not really help.....as Luna said, it is more for WILD SEX.....not just sex. THIS THIS THIS! Please read this passage over and over!!!!! This is the message you are sending when you are running around in public with BI and OCCO. Any man who is within range is getting the message that you want to be taken to bed and NOW. Wearing these mixes to work, on the bus, and other public places projects that aura, whether you want it to or not. Period. Come across one psycho who has issues with controlling himself, and you are in trouble.
  18. Or you could have Mara put a Dominance boost in a fragrance for you.....
  19. LP Black and OCCO Black are absolutely sinful together! If you like LP Black, the combo is a must-have!
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