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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I had to go look back at my notes, because I forgot! I used 25 drops in this one. And I just went to look and realized I have polished off 1 and a half bottles of this one, so I had to go get two more bottles in the sale.....
  2. Oil based is actually the longest-wearing. Silicone diffuses a bit faster......and I like the feel of it better, but that is a personal preference.
  3. I have the one in silicone. I do about a 1-2 inch stripe on the backs of hands (I talk with my hands, and then each side of neck and wrists (typical pulse points)....I apply this one on top of my scent since it is not stinky. This is not one that has ever given me "center of attention" hits. It just calms down the grumpies and chills them out.
  4. I would try something like Treasured Hearts or Open Windows to tame the savage beasts instead.....I have had more than one occasion where a female who never reacted to my cops poorly "flipped the switch" and became a raging bitch.....I am assuming they were just at a different point in their cycle.
  5. I have always gotten good results with TH.....FAB at family functions, especially if you have a family like mine where there are always one or two who are not speaking to each other. I have also used it at work when I have someone who is grumpy but needs a "light touch".....it is what I like to call a "spread the love" blend.
  6. Get some more NOCO white with no pheros added and use that as a cover.
  7. Open Windows is absolutely FAB! Especially for work. The coming off as "too sexual" thing.....it has nothing to do with the way you look, or dress, or act. While most pheros only enhance what is already there (we always say that pheros do not create, they only enhance), cops are a bit different. It is a subconscious mating signal. Seriously. It is not something they would consciously be thinking....like if you walked in wearing a very provocative outfit......"Wow, she is acting slutty at work!" Instead, when men are getting near you, they are feeling very sexually excited, no matter how you may or may not be acting. Trust me on this one. I know what I am talking about! I have tested it over and over during the past 10 yrs..... I agree with Stacy on this one. I would go with socials or the sexy socials (with little or no cops) at work, and lay off of the sexual blends for a bit.
  8. Seriously....OW is INDISPENSIBLE......it lifts my mood, others moods, even helps my killer afternoon headaches....LOVE IT!
  9. EXACTLY! You are getting it! They may not say it, but they could be thinking it....work is not a good place to test those boundaries.
  10. You're very welcome DD! I will go one step further....my work arsenal... Focus, Dominance, Leather, Open Windows, Treasured Hearts, Cougar.....also Happy Water with straight A-nol......
  11. I agree. If you are pairing it with BI, is the BI unscented? What are you covering the BI with? Did you only apply the BI in the same area as the OCCO? I agree though that using both BI and OCCO is a waste....
  12. Yes, that could be a very bad idea! VERY VERY BAD. The blends here are carefully formulated by scientists in order to be balanced and to produce a desired outcome. Even if a blend has only two phero components, it is blended in such a way to create a balanced, harmonious mix. If you go and start layering blends or adding Est on top of everything, you could totally skew the results of the blend, or negate the results entirely. So, it would be like NOT trying another blend.....what's the point? IMO, straight Est is a bit difficult to get a handle on exactly how to use and how much. Plus, remember.....more is not always more. Sometimes less is more. Especially in pheros. Also, Est is like $75 for a one-ounce spray.....not a cheap item, by any means.
  13. I have had good success with SWS around women too. It garners respect, but not in an overbearing commanding type of way.....more of a "listen to me, I know what I am talking about" kind of way.....more of a friendly respectful vibe....
  14. Too many cops for work! Exactly what I have been saying here and in Amalthea's other thread! I suggest she try some more social blends for work....Lace, Cougar, SS4W, Open Windows....
  15. Oil and silicone-based pheros will take a little longer to diffuse.....they diffuse with body heat. Sprays get out there fast and often hit pretty hard. So a timeline would really depend on a whole host of factors.....what form you applied, where you are, what the climate is like, what physical activity you are engaged in, etc etc etc You really shouldn't have to re-apply roll-on pheros unless you are sweating excessively or live in a hot humid climate. Sprays can burn off quickly, though. That is why Mara makes the alcohol/oil combo sprays to give them some staying power. Just beware when re-applying that you are not going overboard and into OD land. It is easy to OD, and we have all done it at one time or another. Women can sometimes react negatively to excessive cops on a female.....it is a subconscious "competition" thing....Cuddle Bunny AND Sexology at work.....that is a lot of cops.....I have had females smell the cops in a scent and tell me I have a bad "odor"......and then I have had some females get very "catty" when I wear too much cops.....
  16. I am with BB on this one.....Open Windows is always a winner. I have had great success with Cougar around women too.
  17. Mara is really the only one who can answer that question......sometimes she rebrews items, but prefers not to. That is why so many of us hoard!
  18. Love the "baked ass"...LOLOLOLOL Yeah, cops in hair is where the name "coochy head" came from. I have been there, done that, will NOT go there again. My hair is super porous (or used to be), and it smelled ok until the perfume's scent dissipated. EEEEEEEWWWWWW It took 2 washes in Prell (which is like paint stripper) to get it all out.
  19. One of the issues with sexual pheros in the workplace is that pheros are not at all discerning. They will affect anyone who happens to be "in range". Copulins specifically send strong sexual signals to more men than just your target.....they cause a testosterone spike in men, which can sometimes lead to aggression or unwanted sexual advances. Wearing a large amount of them in public is not always a good thing. You could be inadvertently giving off an overtly sexual message to bosses, co-workers, and other people that you come into contact with. Not always appropriate, especially if your workplace is conservative. Perhaps you could try some of the less sexual mixes that contain Est when you are at work....maybe Lace.....or Gotcha.....or Super Sexy for Women. These blends are SEXY, but not overtly SEXUAL......if you get my drift. There is a difference. I prefer more social blends in public places.....I use a lot of Open Windows, Cougar, Leather.....then I save my heavy cop blends for when I am enjoying time with my man. Don't get me wrong.....I do wear cops in public, but my man is normally with me, so there isn't much possibility of a strange man making unwanted advances on me.
  20. If you work in a conservative environment, I would steer clear of the heavy copulin blends.....BAM has a lot of cops, so does Sexology. In the wrong environment, sex blends are not a good thing. There are times when people feel the effects but just don't show it. Especially with sexual feelings in a public/office environment.
  21. No guilt! Pheros only enhance, they do not create. Phero-free, I am ME.....with pheros, I am still ME, but AMPLIFIED...... like ME on steroids......LOL.....if someone hates my guts, chances are they will still hate my guts. My pheros may keep them "in check", and make them tolerate me, but they won't magically love me. By the same token, if they already love me phero-free, then on pheros, I can prepare to be worshiped....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  22. So cool! And you used my Momma's Doxie, little Miss Midget, on the Lucky Dog label!
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