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Posts posted by Dolly

  1. If you list out the ingredients from the various blends, you may be able to determine which ingredient may be the offending one. I think in this case androstanone may be the culprit....not all targets find it to be aggressive, but it COULD put off that vibe under the right circumstances, if you are especially sensitive to it.


    Depending on the people you are coming into contact with, it could be that they are already feeling inferior to you and Pop Potion puts you "out there" more, thus causing these people to be even more agitated. Also since congruence is a big issue, if PP puts you in a bad mood, you are putting out that vibe to others. Pop Potion just may not be one for you. I haven't done much work with that blend. I prefer Open Windows or Levitation.


    I can't use some blends, personally. Not every blend works for every person or on the same targets. If you find a blend that doesn't work for you, offer it up on the trading post....there is bound to be someone who would like to take it off your hands.

  2. Yes. Absolutely. My (soon to be ex) man has BIG issues with Est-heavy blends. Goes into total a$$hole-ish-meltdown. Not a good thing AT ALL. And definitely not what is intended by the blend. ALWAYS try new blends with someone you know, start slowly, and keep an eye out for bad reactions.


    Probably more, Tinkerbelle. Many people say they last into the following day.


    I absolutely agree. As a general rule, I do not refresh my cops. I generally have one copped bottle and one un-copped of my main scents, so if I want to refresh the scent I can do so without killing them with cops.


    I find that mine are still effective the next morning.

  4. Well, this mix did NOT let me down! Will probably be my new go-to event and party mix. 2 of the gentlemen who were there are normally the flirty type to begin with.......I remember one event where one of them shook my man's hand and said...."Now get out of my way so I can kiss this beautiful woman!"....grabbed me and actually kissed me...on the lips! That was the first time I had met the guy.....I was wearing Cougar, if I remember correctly.


    This time, he wouldn't stop hugging me......he hugged me when we got there, hugged me when we went from the bar to the table, and hugged me twice when we were making our way to our cars. He was on the other side of the table and he wouldn't stop looking at me......when I would look up, I would see this..... :Emoticons04231: I was trying so hard not to laugh!


    There were various little conversations going on around the table......it was a long table with several couples, so, a lot of chatter. But I swear, every time I would open my mouth, everybody would shut up to listen. Apparently, EVERY thing I said was hilarious or interesting. And the women could not stop complimenting me.....they loved my blouse, my hair, my slacks, my shoes, my purse.....I was like.....REALLY? The one sitting beside me actually called me gorgeous, when she was trying to get my attention to ask me a question...she started it off with "Hey gorgeous...."


    I was seriously flabbergasted by their behavior. I had met most of these people (except one woman's husband, I think), and have been to dinners and events with them before. They are all always nice, but their behavior was really over the top this time.

  5. Wearing this tonight, along with Aphrodisia (solid). Going to a dinner with my man, and some co-workers from his company. Wanted something fun, flirty, and a little sexy.


    I know most of the people I am dining with, so I will report back with results.








    ETA.....I edited this so that the event would not be as "identifiable" to lurkers, if you know what I mean.

  6. I don't know if I've ever gotten favors... I do know that when I wear either Cuddle Bunny or LFN around men, they tend to want to do things for me. Just little things though, like getting me another drink or something like that. And Balm Bomb seems to work wonders on my female friends. I don't know if it arouses their sympathies or what, but when I wear it at work, my female co-workers tend to give me whatever I want, whether it's a particular section, a lighter work-load, a heavier work-load, or the night off! I don't know if these count as favors though...


    I wouldn't mind something that made someone want to give me a diamond ring though! Damn, Dolly! :o


    Yeah, he was a jeweler and saw me eyeing that particular piece when he put it in the showcase....LOL

  7. I am even more in love with this fragrance now......it has gotten to a point where it is less bright, even at the very beginning. I always get the currant, but now much more musk, with the other fruits playing in the background....love it!


    And of course, Open Windows is always a good thing!!


    Mara, I think this one should be added to the permanent collection! It is so happy and bright, perfect for Open Windows, with a little sexy musk playing in the background.


    And, I would like to add that this one is great sprayed over Aphrodisia Solid!

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