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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Most good boys run from me too! They have to have an undercurrent of rebelliousness running under that good boy exterior if they are going to run with me!
  2. Thank you, dear. I have been in too many broken relationships to count, so I have a LOT of advice on this front, for sure. It has taken years of looking back, seeing where things went wrong, re-experiencing the pain, and then moving on. Reminding myself that relationships don't always have to fail, but sometimes, they are destined to do so........you may prolong the inevitable, but if it is not fixable, then it is usually best to "put a period and move on". But one f the main boundaries that I will never let anyone cross again is that "what you see is what you get". Walking on eggshells is totally exhausting......I will be me, regardless of who I am with or what we are doing.
  3. I would have to agree with this as well......I have been there, and all it built was resentment and anger.......been there, done that, got the T shirt and the matching hat! As JOC said, I found that little accommodations for your partner are fine......but if you have to change your personality, your authentic "self" as it were, it will never work in the long term. You will never be happy by suppressing YOU. SheHoss, I am sorry for all you are going through! Maybe through using the social pheros it will allow the two of you to get to know each other again, maybe you can work out a better scenario. Maybe he would be willing to once again stick by you......maybe not as a lover, but as a friend. If things develop beyond friendship, its all good. But if not, at least the "relationship pressure" would be off for both of you. Good luck to you!
  4. Hi there sweetie.....I have a strong opinion on this and being as I am known as "she who has no tact", I am just going to have to lay it out there, and I hope you don't get offended. The blends that you say made him "dismissive" of you are the ones that would normally garner a sexual response, as most of them contain copulins, and some contain a lot of them. Maybe because of the issues in your relationship, he is not wanting to be sexual, so the sex signals in the copulins are putting him off. If you want to bond with him, and the socials make him open up, go with the socials and do not push the sex issue. Use the socials and TALK. Really bond. This may make some people here upset, and I know this is not what you want to hear, but I am going to say it anyway......HAVING SEX WILL NOT FIX A BROKEN RELATIONSHIP! It will not help you re-bond. Seriously. Re-bond emotionally and intellectually. Then, if sex happens, it will happen. It sounds like he is totally averse to sex right now, and I wouldn't push him. I am 45, and that is one thing that I have learned, and it is fact. If the relationship is truly broken, you may encourage him to have sex with you, but that does not mean that your relationship will be fixed.....in fact, it could make things worse by complicating things and confusing him further. I would go strictly with socials and have a good time together over your vacation. Talk, laugh, and enjoy each other's company. If sex happens, let it happen naturally.
  5. Yeah, definitely try it when it is not your TOM........that could change it completely.......
  6. Wore this with a cops boost last night, and my man could not keep his hands off me.....and I was ROCKING the Dominance......and the bed.....LOL! He just sent me a text, telling me he is still smiling from last night!
  7. I can't say how glad I am that you are back!!!! And, you absolutely need some of the new blends! GOOD STUFF!! I use b-nol, but I am a big blabbermouth without it......with it, the social filter is removed completely! Leaves people looking like this at some things I say I do like BAM though.....because since it has a ton of cops, I am normally wearing it with my darlin'.....he is very tolerant of my "outbursts"....LOLOLOL
  8. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    CHAI! SWEETIE! So so sooooooo happy to see you back! So odd......I was just thinking about you yesterday afternoon! Velvet Moss is 100% FAB!!!! Love it.....it has a bit of a different character than DS, but veery lush and thick smelling......OOOOH, you MUST try Sex and Violins! PS.....be sure to get my email from Mara.....I am pretty sure it has changed since we last talked.....we need to catch up!!!!
  9. It does. Mara used less b-nol than a-nol, and added more cops, if I remember correctly.
  10. No, not strong on the honey.......the honey mostly compliments it rather than being dominant in the scent......
  11. OK, anybody who has OCCO SLF.....OMFG! The two go PERFECTLY together! And I am frankly surprised that I can walk........WOW!
  12. Grey Flannel used to be one of my fave men's colognes......this one is very very close.
  13. I am Dom-ing everybody......whether they want me to or not! LOL
  14. OK, I totally get the pepper when wet. As it dries, I get vanilla, and chocolate, and amber.....oh, and a teeny bit of tobacco.....hides the sexpionage perfectly! Great job!!!
  15. I totally get the Grey Flannel aura at first......MOST DEFINITELY. As it dries down I get more orange, and anise.......nice scent!
  16. It is absolutely FAB......I love it! I took my son to the podiatrist this morning for an ingrown toenail, and the doc did EXACTLY what I wanted him to......I was wearing it without cops, but still got sheepish little grins from the Doc.....almost like the dominant vibe made him too shy to smile or look me in the eye. It was cute!
  17. And, when I say this has THROW and takes just a little bit, I am serious! One little dab on each side of the neck, dab on each wrist.....I am enveloped in a CLOUD of scent!
  18. No, it will result in your PARTNER'S head rolling backwards and speaking in different languages!
  19. OK, I started thinking that I probably need to do a better review than OMG OMG OMG! Wet, this is very woody, and almost masculine....notice I say ALMOST,,,,,as it dries down, I get musky ambery goodness with patchouli and honey......this is just sooooooo fabulous. Let it age on your skin before you make a full assessment of this one.....and absolutely get the cops boost!
  20. LOLOLOLOL.....thank you for making me spit on my laptop.....I had to break out the squeegee on that one......yes, Mara knows me soooo well......all I have to do is tel her what I am thinking of, and she nails it !!!
  21. I am dying here! Mara, you must have been in my brain!!!! I asked for non-foody dark, and soooo sexy, and that is EXACTLY what this is! It is to die for, and I ROCK the Dominance.....and she was so right......it BEGS for cops! I tried it without and with, and it needs that extra little tangy kick! I am so in love.....I want to bathe in this one!
  22. Mara said that it will layer with OCCO Black, White, and Gold.....but I am going to add straight Essence Oil to mine.....
  23. I am so anxious to try it! You know I will cop it to the hilt!
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