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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Sometimes they behave on me (very rarely), but usually they do very unpredictable, very nasty things......
  2. OCCO purple goes beautifully with Velvet Moss...... It also goes pretty well with Lady Casanova, but I can't wear much because LC is a very "busy" scent on me.....lots going on.....adding the OCCO gives it a sweeter note that can become too much....at least with my skin chemistry.....
  3. Oh, I plan too. It will be on my next order, for sure.....been meaning to pick it up, but just never got around to it!
  4. Pink scents generally do very very ugly things on my skin.....so I normally don't even go there!!! Haven't tried OCCO Pink, but I do really want to try Red.......love the White and the Black.......they are wonderful together, too!
  5. I don't know about that combo, but Mara, you just made me spit my ice water with the "jarringly bad" reference.....I might have to steal that one!!!
  6. No problem.....dry down time is not always important in regards to bleed-through, but is important if someone is going to be near you before a cop heavy scent settles......such as the OCCO line and the LAM/BAM line.....the cops are usually evident before it dries down, but are undetectable after drydown. Also, if an OCCO gets on your clothes when wet, it will never fully dry down.....at least, that is my experience.......
  7. For instance, I will put on OCCO Black and layer it with LP Black immediately, with no issues.....the scents are strong enough to do so.
  8. I think you will be fine. The scents of the OCCOs are designed to cover EoW, and Red Lace is strong enough to cover it as well....
  9. Yes, if it doesn't dry down completely, you can get cops bleed through when you use a light cover.....I have experienced it, because sometimes I am impatient.....LOL.....thankfully, MOST of my scents are heavy enough to cover it.......
  10. Yes, it usually takes about 10 min.....sometimes more......smell it......if the scent has faded substantially, it has dried down.....
  11. Welcome, Skylove! I agree with Halo....start with some of the samples in oil, and then move up to the sprays if you wish. Very good choices to start with! The LAM line is very lightly scented, and is very versatile.....it can either be worn alone for a light scent or layered with other scents..... Welcome again! I am a little late to the party, because I am in a busy time with my business right now.....but will be looking forward to what you think of the fab products that Mara has created for us here!
  12. Scent does aid diffusion......it also encourages people to lean in and sniff you.......sometimes I still choose to just use unscented though......sneak attack.....LOL
  13. SWS would be great for this all on it's own........I would not mix the two.....and I am the Queen of experimentation......for these purposes, I wouldn't mess with a good thing..... SWS makes you appear in control and competent......without being overly dominant.......this is probably exactly what you need to convey......
  14. I would say SWS, definitely. And, I would personally hand them the documents, as well......Also, to get better diffusion, you may want to try applying some of the SWS to the backs of your hands WITHOUT perfume cover. It isn't a stinky one. You could also try turning the SWS into a spray with some perfumer's alcohol.....that would get you the best range of diffusion.
  15. OOOOOOOOOH.....so glad i squeezed out the $ for a full bottle of this one! This is very nice, very smooth. I think it will be fab for layering too!
  16. I love Focus Potion. Helps me get right down to business. I also like Focus with Hathor, but Hathor is actually sold out. Check the first page of the Perfumerie, and choose fertility/creativity as the intent, and you should find some good scent options to go with the focus potion.
  17. ME! ME!!!!!! OK, I am hijacking this thread temporarily, because I want to throw something out there that I always want to say when I hear anybody talk about how getting "old" makes them fat and unattractive. I just turned 45.....and love it. It took me a looooong time to get to this point, but I am secure in myself and who I am, and have gotten to the point where I do not need validation from anyone else in this life in order to be happy. Now, don't get me wrong.....I love men. Were I not with the love of my life, I would probably be out on the dating scene. Attention from men is great, but one of the things I have learned is that what my mother used to tell me is VERY true.....a man of SUBSTANCE will care about more than looks when choosing a mate. The young hot ones who look only at physical attractiveness only want a woman for one thing. When the beauty fades, they will be gone. And men are not the only culprits. Many women are the same way. Like Judge Judy says...."Beauty fades, but dumb is forever." I have gotten to the point where I wear what *I* like, I wear my hair the way I like it, and I do what I want to do. And if a man wants to not be with me for any of that, he can head on down the road. I want to get more fit, but not for anybody else.....simply for me.....actually, mostly to head off physical ailments that tend to come with aging...damn sure not to attract a man......because I have found that no matter what size I am, it is all about attitude. I could be as big as a house (I am pretty big now), and would still be turning the heads of men young and old alike, pheros or not. Yes, that sounds egotistical, but I don't care. It is TRUE, and that knowledge comes from repeatedly seeing the reactions of men, for years. I have been the size I am now, I have been heavier (egads), and I have been 60 pounds lighter. Sometimes I was wearing pheros and sometimes I wasn't. I still got the reactions. And I am NOT a beauty queen, by a long shot. Because, even when I weighed more than I do now, I always walk into a room like I know who I am and that any man in the room would be lucky to have me. Men find that sexy. It took me a long while to figure that out, but I did. I was very "subdued" when I was young.....mostly because I was always worried that I was not good enough, or pretty enough, or WHATEVER. When I finally allowed ME to come out as I got older, I started getting more and more positive attention. And that had NOTHING to do with pheros. Don't get me wrong.....I like using pheros (hell, I LOVE IT), because they often make the reactions go "over the top", which can be FUNNY......and I like to use them to spice up my relationship and for self-effects as well. Love love LOVE the socials to affect moods too! But I don't "need" them in order to get male attention..... A friend of mine said in a conversation recently....."What I wouldn't give to be 25 again!" I said....."Not me!" She looked at me as if I was a spaceship landing. I added to that...."Not unless I could know what I know now!" I have truly learned from my mistakes, and know what NOT to do again. I honestly feel that this only comes from experience. I see getting older only as gaining more experience in life and moving on to an even more happy, secure, and fun frame of mind......as if I could have MORE fun than I do already! OK, end of rant.....
  18. Why do you ladies ALWAYS do this to me? I just had to run and order a bottle of this.....sounds like it is right up my alley!
  19. Welcome to the forum! Yes, Mara brews at least 10 new scents each month. And, yes, you can get a sampler package, which is a sample of all of the new releases for that month, except for the private editions (private editions are scents created by the members, that are made in very limited supply). Bear in mind that because new scents are released every month, they also sell out. And, once a particular scent is gone, there is no guarantee that it will be re-brewed. There are some permanent scents, however. These would Include LP Original, LP Red, LP Black, LP Pink, PheroGirl, Sugared Honeycomb, The OCCO Line (standard scents....not limited editions), the LAM/BAM line, and a handful of others. Enjoy!! Look forward to seeing you here!
  20. :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: -----and don't ever retire Leather, Dominance, Open Windows,.....or......or...... or LAM !!!!
  21. Hope Mara doesn't get upset with me, but I thought I would chime in.....you can wear the OCCOs either by themselves or layered with another phero or phero-containing perfumes. I guess that answers your question? Cops can be worn alone, or as an extra boost to sexual phero blends.....there is no right or wrong way to wear them, really.
  22. Chemistry can change, but I think your tastes have probably changed and broadened as well. I love OCCO Black too.....my fave OCCO! Pssssst, Raq.....try pairing it with LP Black......just sayin'......
  23. I have had good luck with the more robust of the LP line.....LP Black, LP Red, and Passion and Desire.......
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