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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. And just for the record, it does make an absolutely fabulous refreshing spray! Makes it even better for summer (if that was even possible!)
  2. Since I have been wearing this one the last couple of nights, my man has re-named it "Spontaneous Erection".....wearing it tonight with a boost of Leather plus cops.....works like a charm!
  3. My man loves this one on me......it blooms beautifully and amps the spices.....I might need to snatch up a couple more bottles in the sale.....
  4. Welcome!! Enjoy your new smellies!!
  5. Yeah, it is so hot here that I melt when I walk outside.....I workout inside!
  6. Pheros in oil can last on the skin (and still work) for about 5-6 hrs or more, depending on how hot and humid the weather is.....sprays burn off quicker.
  7. I just answered above, but I wanted to add that the ones that I wear in oil are usually the sexual ones that I want to affect those who get into my personal space.....you know, that "bubble" that is around you.....each person has their own, and they vary in size.....mine is about 1-2 feet depending on who I am dealing with.....and how yummy they are.....LOL.....I have learned that it is often better if you don't have sexual signals flying across the room when you are in a large group.....the social mixes are best utilized in spray.....
  8. Still finding that the results are the same.....it wasn't just a fluke! YAY!! Still getting a boost in my workouts, so I am definitely going to need more!! Get the vat ready, Mara!!! LOL
  9. Calii is correct. It will be different for everyone......and it can even be different for YOU one day than on another.......it will be affected by many things such as humidity, where you applied it, what your body temp is, if it is windy or no breeze at all, etc etc etc.
  10. Dolly


    Just a suggestion.....always give these scents more than one try.....diet, stress, and hormonal changes during the month can all make a difference in how a scent may or may not react with your skin!
  11. Dolly


    It certainly does have staying power! I have two bottles, and I think that is all I will need, as it doesn't take much! Love it though.....it is a gorgeous, deeeeeeep rich scent!
  12. OH YES.....this is a good combo......and good all by itself....everyone who loves the fruity scents and/or a good cover for EoW needs to try this one!!!
  13. Thanks hun, but I haven't been very dedicated to my workouts until recently. One of those things that I tend to put on the back burner WAY too often. Trying to change that! It is cool working right next door to my house......I have been self-employed since 2006, and even though the uncertainty in the financial area sucks sometimes, I love it! I quit my job when my son was 6 so he didn't have to go to daycare any longer. I was free to attend all of his school functions, take him to his doctor's appts, etc. AND, now that he is older and doesn't need Mom as much, it means I can end my workday when * I * feel like it! Going to keep using the Dom for my workouts though......that's for sure!! It is like that kick in the butt that I need sometimes!
  14. OK, so new territory with Dominance. I was wearing some a few days ago...... I normally do a workout in the morning, and would like to get back to doing 2 a day, but by the end of the day, I am just so BLAH that I don't feel like doing anything except being a couch potato. Well, I did my morning cardio workout, and actually felt kind of fatigued by the end, because I didn't sleep well the night before.....had maybe 3-4 decent hrs. So anyway, I worked out, showered, and I applied Dom with some Hot and Sticky over it.....nothing unusual about my workday.....just the norm. Dom diffusing well...... So, about 4 o clock, I went into the house and decided to do another cardio session.....powered through it. No issue! So, the last few mornings, I sprayed one blast to the chest, and my morning workouts have gotten easier......and I have done 3 afternoon cardio sessions this week as well.....with the help of Dom......need more!
  15. That reminds me....I need some more Unscented Focus Potion.....it works pretty well for me! Don't remember much about IW.....I had a sample, but had kind of mixed results with it.....may have to give it another shot...... However, just as long as you don't stop selling Dominance, I'm golden!!! LOL
  16. Calii is correct! Give it at least 24 hrs before adding extra......
  17. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    OK, so I decided to grab randomly from my LP stash this morning, and this is what I came up with! I love love love this one! For those ladies who like the deeper, richer scents, try this.....gents too.....this one is truly "unisex", and totally sexy!!!
  18. It can be done. and, the Essence oil will normally stay mixed in alcohol. HOWEVER, if the perfume you are mixing into is one of your faves, I would mix a little bit in a small atomizer first. Essence Oil can totally change the character of a perfume. Especially so with alcohol based blends. You don't want to ruin a whole bottle of perfume.
  19. Dolly


    I occasionally check the ones that I REALLY like......
  20. Dolly


    You neeeeeeed this one! Trust me!!
  21. Dolly


    So glad I got two bottles! This is SUCH a beautiful scent! Dark, lush, and exotic to start, soft and warm upon drydown......LOVE LOVE LOVE! I wore it this morning, to the local grocery, and it is a REAL head-turner! I came home and applied OW afterwards (for MYSELF), but out in public with just the scent straight-up, I was getting lots of looks......even with my just-showered wet hair and no makeup......I don't think this scent would need pheros to turn people on.....it is just sexy, all by itself! BTW, public service announcement.......I noticed there are only 16 bottles left in the cart, peeps.....you had better run and get them.......BEFORE I DO!
  22. I really like Treasured Hearts and/or Open Windows. There are both chill out/feel good social blends that always seem to work when vibes are stressed.....works on me as well as my targets too.
  23. Skin chemistry can be a very strange thing! On me, it is not soapy at all.....just a soft warm scent......
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