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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I feel bad for you....skin chemistry is a strange thing......it is fabulous on me!
  2. Open Windows is fab.....I am waiting on an order with some Gotcha......I hear it is excellent paired with cops as well....
  3. I have had some really good ones.....many are in my journal. Take a peek. A couple of the ones that aren't (or may be, I'm not sure....I am too old to remember!)..... 1) My almost impotent 3rd (ex) husband had not had sex with me in a year......was not interested, no way, no how......that was my first run with EoW (and pheros in general)....mixed 50/50 with some perfume oil......he promptly sent his 12 yr old daughter outside to play with my son who was 4 and his other daughter who was 5.....dragged my into the bathroom, locked the door, and proceeded to have his way with me on the bathroom vanity......YES, it really happened.....no joke! 2) With LAM, I went out with my current man for a couple of drinks while we were visiting my mother and on the way home, he wanted to go parking like a couple of teenagers.....I walked into my Mom's house carrying my panties...... 3) With Dominance, a persnickety male client (jeweler) who was about ready to cancel my services gave me a $1200 diamond ring instead...... I have linked some of the more fun ones.....the last link may be of assistance to newbies.....it contains reviews of SEVERAL of the blends..... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2970 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1287 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5171 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6525 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6797 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2784 I need to go in and clean up my journal, I think.....there is a bunch of unnecessary stuff in there......
  4. Especially if you are new to pheros.....you may end up spending a bunch of money and getting less than desired results.....
  5. For me, whether an ultra-feminizing blend works on a MAN I am with depends more on the man's personality, not mine....oh, and Cuddle Bunny with SS4W is quite a bit of Est, BTW......I think you are in OD territory.....you are using quite a bit of CB. Try taking a break for a day or two and then cut back on the amount.....see what happens.
  6. Like they say.....raising a teenager is like being pecked to death by a chicken......I know, because on the weekends my man and I have ours, we have 3 at the same time......one just turned 14, one will be 15 in Feb, and one turned 16 in Oct......it is hormone central around here.......
  7. Mine either.....at first, Est was hit and miss with him, but mostly miss.....now, go overboard on Est and it can get ugly.......definitely NOT his normal persona......Cuddle Bunny needs to stay as far away from me as possible......
  8. My man noticed an almost immediate improvement (like after about a week)......I noticed a slight improvement, but I am also menopausal, so that's a whole other issue......
  9. Cops always works with my man. He is 52, and at that age, sometimes he is willing but the flesh is weak.......cops always makes him RISE to the occasion if you know what I mean....ALWAYS. If your man has estrogen dominance, you may want to look into a non-phero product as well........Diindolylmethane (DIM) ......it can help. It has helped both my man and myself in the estrogen area (I am definitely estrogen-dominant)........I get mine at vitacost, and it is not expensive at all.
  10. OK, new test.....for those of you who are finding this one too powerful to wear.....try it in spray! I turned one of my MULTIPLE bottles into a spray and it is FAB.......it is quite a bit lighter.....doesn't smell quite as heavy.....not quite as dark either......this is one that takes on quite a different character in a spray....but I still love love love it!
  11. LOL!!! Totally off-topic.....Chai, I emailed you.....did you get it? I also sent you a friend request on Facebook......
  12. Yeah, there have been a few that have done that to me....I have loved a particular scent, but got the "spike between the eyes" headache......sad when it happens....I hope that you got some goodies that worked in our exchange!! I am still crushing all over this scent.....it is just so.....ME.......
  13. The Naughty Naughty label just tickles me...... And the "Merry" girl looks like she has had a bit too much "happy sauce".....LOL They look great Mara, John, and the LP elves......
  14. Even with a clarifying shampoo, it's difficult, especially if your hair is porous like mine! It takes three washes in Prell (which is almost like paint stripper) to get cops out of my hair........the coochy-head smell is not a good thing!
  15. HA! Love it! Hopefully she learned her lesson!
  16. Well, I will usually be the one who is point blank! So, if I respond, people just need to understand that I am not trying to BE HARSH....I am just that way!
  17. I have had some relationships that were built on nothing but sex....and granted the sex was GREAT.....and they were HOT.......it still didn't last.....surprise surprise! I am known in my circle of family and friend as "she who has no tact"....sometimes they don't like it, but sometimes, my bluntness is exactly what they need......
  18. I just re-read this again....QG......I love your input from a committed male perspective.....I don't use the term "married", because that is actually the legal connotation. Many males may not be legally married but still share your same views.....I am with one.....we are not legally married, but mentally and spirutually, we are one. Many women on the singles scene see only the men out there with the PUA views and it is very discouraging to many females. I know there are men out there like you who honor the values and commitment that women are looking for. The ones who rush into bed are usually NOT the ones that will stick around.... I also think that this man.....who stuck with her while she was ill......is more of a MAN than many that you will find out there today. But if she can remind him of who she was BEFORE the illness and build THAT part of the relationship, it will be more important than any "booty call". HUGS to you QG....always love to read your input!
  19. And that ^ is why I love you QG! Very aptly put..... As I have said before, pheros are YOU ON STEROIDS.......
  20. Welcome Aniko! My wonderful friends here have already recommended and I will concur....pair PM with an OCCO.....PM is expertly crafted and balanced, and adding more beta-nol may end in saying too much or HEARING too much! If you haven't tried the OCCO blends yet, get the OCCO sampler! That way, you try the various scents before you go full-bottle!
  21. I find that focus works best sprayed directly to my chest.....try 1-2 sprays there. On your wrists is only helpful to you if your hands are in your face.....
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