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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I have had great success in that same type of situation by using True Confessions paired with Treasured Hearts......works like a charm. Everything out in the open, no hurt feelings.
  2. Exactly.....you will see it referred to as cops, copulins, EoW, Essence Oil, or as my man calls it....."that ass musk".....LOL
  3. Results within moments here......maybe we are just a couple of "fast women" Calii.....LOL
  4. And you are very welcome......it is at the very bottom of this page..... http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Beta_Testing.html
  5. You can say that again! thus, why I LOOOOOOOVE it!
  6. I agree.....LAM plus Leather may be a little A-nol overkill......BUT, if you try it, do let us know!!
  7. If you want to do the whole bottle, get a 1oz spray bottle, dump the LAM oil into the bottle, and then fill the rest with perfumer's alcohol. Mara also sells the DIY kits which already have the perfumer's alcohol in a spray bottle, so all you have to do is add your perfume oil to it. Makes it a little easier than buying your own alcohol and spray bottles. I generally only turn a whole bottle into spray if I have more than one bottle, because I like to roll on some of whatever perfume oil I am using, then spray over top. That way, I get the diffusion from the spray but the oil's staying power. Sometimes I will only turn 1/2 bottle into a spray, but the basic ratio is the same.
  8. OK, I am dying here.....they look so good! But I will have to live vicariously, because thanks to the hurricane, and my return to sculpting, my entire (small) amount of disposable income is all used up for now! Will have to "find" some for pheromas, though!!!!
  9. Weeeeeeell, that is a good question!! I know it could handle the cops with no issues.....the other stinky part of Sexpionage is A-none though......kind of has an unwashed armpit smell...... Glad your man likes it though......looks like you had better stock up! LOL Get some boosted and un-boosted!
  10. And I will second (and third) that! It blooms beautifully on my man.....makes me want to eat him alive......
  11. Yeah, your personality plus your other "assets" probably had the most to do with that!!
  12. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    I never thought of florals as a particularly manly thing either, however Bodice Ripper has violet in it as weell, and it smells absolutely FAB on my man.....still haven't gotten around to trying my Velvet Moss on him....maybe because I'm greedy and want to keep it for myself.....LOL
  13. Well, first of all, some people are "non-responders", and get no self effects.....ever. I am not one of those people, thankfully. Secondly, you may not have found your correct dosage yet. Each person and each blend is different, and it sometimes takes a bit of tweaking to get it right. I am a long-time user (approx 10 yrs now) . One main thing I learned is to never judge a blend on its first time out. Try applying more, or applying less......if you OD, you will get the opposite effect that you want (we call that "ghosting" or simply feeling like you are invisible). If you are worried about applying too much scent, try one of the unscented blends or one of the ones with a light fragrance (like LAM/BAM). Third, and most importantly, pheros help, but they cannot work miracles. We talk a lot here about congruence. You must act the part. In other words, if you slather on a bunch of pheros, but sit in the corner all night, or act shy, not making eye contact or talking to anyone, etc, they are still most likely not going to approach you. Pheros are not going to make someone approach you out of the blue, sweep you into a mad embrace, and slather you with kisses (though, it would be nice....LOL). Just as we have told other people, if someone is truly not attracted to you, pheros will not change that. They can tip the scales in your favor, but they can't do all the work for you. Keep trying and good luck!!!
  14. Yeah, for me it wouldn't really matter because I work out in my house, but if I worked out elsewhere, I don't think I would go with BI. Very sexual and has an assload of cops in it, too.
  15. Since that one was partially created by Danna, maybe not.....BUT, we could ask that something SIMILAR be created.....I'd be up for that! Especially with the Dominance add-in!
  16. I'd love to have a rebrew of that, but I think it was one of the ones that we were told could never be done again.....makes me sad!
  17. I didn't do a lot of testing with PM, but I LOVE Treasured Hearts! I am never without it in my arsenal.....creates a "spread the love" vibe in groups , and a nesting vibe in men (desire for permanence).
  18. LOL.....thanks hun! I have had some crazy times with pheros, for sure! If you get an OW spray, it may help more servers than just you......sprays do diffuse well.....
  19. Yeah, I was one of the ones who used to use EoW in spray blends a LOT, and was heavy-handed with it too (go figure....lol).....had some pretty strange things happen, though.....maybe I should write a book....."Dolly's Misadventures in Phero-land!" Now, I normally only wear sexual blends in sprays when I am with my darlin'....
  20. The back of the hands and forearms really work well for those of us who are hand-talkers.....that is one of my favorite places to apply the social blends that are not in spray format....I personally prefer the silicone base to oil, but that is just a personal preference.....
  21. Open Windows is a good mood lifter as well......I love that one for when I am feeling down......it will also give him a good social "talk to me vibe"......
  22. Swimming with Sharks is a good one.....maybe MVP also, although I haven't had my man try this one, it s supposed to be good for that. If he wants a purely social, happy vibe, he could try Open Windows as well......
  23. Yep, that is exactly what it sounds like.....I would go a bit lighter on it next time.....
  24. Well, BI puts out a pretty strong sexual signal, so it could have been that the guy who wanted to sleep with you was turned on by it but didn't want you to know. Sometimes when guys are trying to be cool or aloof with a girl they are attracted to, they end up avoiding situations in which they feel the sexual urges, so as not to embarrass themselves. As for whether it worked.......don't judge the blend on one trial.....sometimes it takes several tries to figure out your dosage.....everybody is different, and a person's sweet spot for each blend will be different as well. Just bear in mind that you are putting out a pretty strong sexual "do me" vibe with BI.....I wear it in public, but "normally" only when my man is with me. You may get some odd or unwelcomed advances/situations......just be aware. As far as the reeking.....that is normal. Just make sure that you let the phero dry down completely before you cover it, or you will have the stink bleeding through.
  25. AAAAAND, pssssssst......public service announcement......only 12 left in the cart!!! Get 'em while you can!!!!
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