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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, both motivation to get going and the energy to power through it. I do Turbo Jam (kickboxing/aerobics) with weighted gloves, and I was not fatigued at all......
  2. I cannot say HOW MUCH I love dominance for workouts! Due to the medication side effects I have been having recently, I have only been doing short cardio sessions each morning. Well this morning, I did my short session, and then this afternoon, I came in to workout and I was feeling kind of tired, not sure I would make it through a long session.......so, I sprayed on some Dom Unscented, waited about 10 min, and then did a powerful 45 min session....feeling good!
  3. I love Blatant Invitation.....this one is most likely going to be a full bottle!
  4. They all sound great! Fabulous work everybody!!
  5. This is absolutely correct. I have had this happen before.
  6. I smell the armpit thing strong in sexpionage....not as much in Dom. Raq, you could always try a softer phero....I would try Open Windows or maybe Perfect Match to tone it down a little.....maybe even Treasured Hearts.....it would be trial and error, for sure....
  7. And it is most often associated with that "unwashed armpit smell"......
  8. It can happen! Have seen the pissing contest situation happen here as well.....I try to avoid that as much as possible! Yeah, I have been using pheros for a long time! Almost 11 years now......and have tried almost every brand imaginable too....the good bad and ugly!
  9. Not all of them. Just mainly the ones that I have.....and use regularly......
  10. S & V already contains Dom. I think adding Sexpionage would be SERIOUSLY Dominant. Sexpionage has androstenone, and so does dom......you could be going into a dangerous area, IMO...... Well, let me rephrase that.....I DID do something similar one night.....but I wouldn't suggest it for everyone....I know how my man reacts to a-none on me though....too much a-none can cause men to be aggressive....some overly so.
  11. Jimmy reminds me (physically) of a guy I dated. Same muscularity, but he was shorter. Still f*cking FINE! Had an ego that almost wouldn't fit in my house, though.....I had to cut him loose.
  12. In other words, he turns totally submissive (and not in a sexual way) around Dominance......
  13. Well, my ex is a pr*ck, for lack of a better word. He needs someone dominant in order to "overpower" him, so to speak.
  14. HEH......was wearing this one today.....with cops....made all of my clients super-cooperative and appreciative. My ex (my son's dad) stopped by this evening, and he was like a little puppy. Cracked me up! Dominance is always a big WIN when I deal with him!
  15. Like WOW. He is super-hot! And the perfumes look good too!
  16. I made one into a spray and it is FAB! You ABSOLUTELY MUST get one in a spray.....maybe two....seriously!
  17. Welcome Chelle! Enjoy your new smellies!
  18. Hope that helps! and remember, less is sometimes more.....I suggest trying 1X before moving up.....
  19. Silicone and DPG both lay close to your skin. DPG is an oil.....silicone gives an almost "silky" feeling. Silicone will diffuse quicker than oil, and also needs to be shaken before each use, as it separates from the pheros. Alcohol diffuses much faster. It also burns off quicker and often needs to be reapplied. Having the different ratios is simply in an effort to extend the wear time.....each percentage of oil or silicone added adds staying power, and slows the diffusion a bit. Yes, it is the amount of pheros....the 333 is actually the amount in the phero boosted scents, I think, which is less than 1X.......I THINK 1X=1000 mcg
  20. Welcome! Sex and Violins is one of my faves......
  21. Welcome! I think I would agree that SWS would be a good choice for work....possibly even Dominance. Get them in a spray so they diffuse better. For home, I would also suggest Open Windows for lifting moods of everybody, and for playtime, you may want to look at LAM and OCCO. They are both great basic sexual blends. LAM has A-nol as well as cops, so it adds a happy vibe to the mix. And, if your man is sensitive to heavy scents, the LAM has a nice light scent.
  22. Testing this one today....will post a full review later!
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