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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Bwahaha! That's a man for ya! HAHAHA!
  2. Went back to see! YES! I wish I had seen this earlier. Glad to know I'm not the only one who LIKES Jouir De! This one is, hmm, how to describe, everything I like about Jouir De but made more palatable to the other people in my life who MAY not feel the same about Jouir De that I do The orchid is forefront for me with Jouir De. I feel like I'd be getting Jouir De again...you know, I'm going to have to wear them together to decide if I want a bottle... I wear cops to work...like EVERYDAY. No adverse effects yet
  3. I slathered on this sample today around 12:30pm and it's 11pm now and I'm getting (although I have to get very close to my skin) a soft, sugary sweetness. My favorite so far today. There's something a little too sharp for a little too long for me to want a full bottle but this scent is so feminine and sheer that I know many of you will LOOOOVE it...if not all of you Definitely fruity and floral. I gave what was left of my sample to my gf and am eager to see how she likes it as scents like this wear SO lovely on her...SO jealous *sighs* Where it was applied on my wrist and got onto my sleeve cuff it is still just about as true as when I applied it so I would have to second letting it get against some clothing before completely drying I think I actually LIKE the scent MORE on my sleeve than I did on my skin But I think that just says something about my occasionally wonky chemistry When I layer sprays and oils I use the same amount split between the oil and spray, i.e. if I would normally wear 4 sprays then I would instead split oil between wrists and on neck below/behind ears and then 1 spray to my chest over the "girls" and then 1 to the front of my neck, or depending on the mone, a spray to the front of my blouse instead of my neck. That way you wouldn't be piling them over each other and each vehicle would serve it's proper purpose I hope that made sense?
  4. WEEEEELL....If this is what we have to look forward to, I am gonna be a HAPPY camper FO SHO Hubs isn't ready to lay anything at the feet of pheros just yet but I'm perfectly happy to continue experimenting until he comes to a conclusion
  5. Damn skippy! Naughty by design! GrrRuff!!! Still gives me goose bumps thinking about it....
  6. NuTrix

    Radium Girl

    Thus far it's the only BLUE LP I have...I can pick it out in the crowd, lol. But that's good to know for future reference! Thanks Halo
  7. HOLYMOLYTHISONEISDIVINE! Okay. 1st Hubby is ok with the scent. He NEVER wears cologne so this is a brand new experience for him and getting a description from him is WORSE than pulling teeth. By "ok" with the scent just means he's still deciding but he has only worn it once so far He refuses to wear it to work as he says he doesn't need or want women hitting on him K, fair enough. What he wore: 1 spray from a 5ml bottle to each forearm. He spent most of the initial dry down and first 45 minutes being distracted by the "new" smell - though he kept saying it wasn't bad, just different, and that it wasn't giving him a headache. It was only strange to be "fragranced" He picks out ZERO scent notes, only stating repeatedly that "Yeah, this isn't bad. I could wear this I guess." 2nd: What the wifey got: HOLYCRAPTHISSTUFFMADEMEWANTTORAVAGEHIM! For a bit he was really amping the smoke and leather OH. MY. GOODNESS. WANTTOEATYOUUPLIKENOW!!! When he first sprayed it on it did seem somewhat foodie but once it dried down it just went SEXAAAAY and FAST. Later that evening I applied Love Potion Balls! to compliment his Voracious and HOLY SHITE! Let's just say it was a VERY good night
  8. NuTrix

    Radium Girl

    Initially...it was just panic, lol. WHADDOIDO???WHADDOIDO???WHADDOIDO??? (AND how do I do it with one hand because I was afraid to set the vial down for fear it would leak/spill ) Afterwards, I tried to peel off the label to put it on the bottle but as I tried it crumbled in my hands - YIKES! So I carefully wrapped it in tissue and threw it away. BUT the potion IS saved!
  9. Me too Molls! I JUST decided I have to wear this one first. It's just as you describe it and if the fruit doesn't go sharp on me then this one will be a TOTAL winner....please, please, PLEASE behave delectable little scent!
  10. CC- some things that make me go Hmm.... Oils stay close to the skin and use body heat for diffusion. The throw I mentioned is how mixing the oils in an alcohol blended spray uses the alcohol as a carrier to wing the pheromones and the scent farther out "into the universe", as I affectionately refer to it. It's also why I like to layer the same blend in alcohol sprays and oils at the same time...so I can have BOTH the throw and that lil' something extra to keep 'em there when they get closer - an ingenious share by Shelly B! MissH....In my guestimation for full size vs 5ml sprays, for me, it appears that 3 mini sprays are closer to 2 sprays from a full size bottle. I usually use 5-6 sprays from my 5mls to get the same effects as 3-4 from my 1oz bottles. That's how it's seems to be playing out for me at least
  11. I went through the same thing! I had all these oils and I knew what they did and how to wear them. Then I read about "throw" and wanted to experiment with sprays and see how far away people could be effected...but then I had to figure out how NOT to OD You'll sort it out relatively quickly though. For the life of me I cannot recall the mix I had on when it happened, but I actually had a co-worker sneeze when he came to my office for something and he actually excused himself and told me it must be my sex appeal!?!? OH GADS that would be great for whatever blends review thread that was! What I want to know is how he equated his likely reaction to my perfume to sex appeal???!!! BWAHAHA!
  12. Thanks Chai! FOUND IT! LADY BANK ROSE WHIPPED LICORICE ROOT HONEYSUCKLE HOT PATCHOULI IRIS BULB THREE SPICE BLEND KISS OF THE SNAKE I've not heard of MORE than half of these ingredients! HOT patchouli? WHIPPED licorice root? KISS of the snake? HOT WHIPPED KISS?...Sounds naughty alright!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My scented CB is here! Initial thoughts: Clean. To me it smells clean, fresh out of the shower clean but MY fresh out of the shower clean, not my husband's It's ANOTHER FLORAL. (I really promise I will no longer fuss about florals NOT liking me...proving me SO wrong of late!) Very definitely floral, but it's SO clean and light. This makes me feel...cuddly! TMI coming...Often I curl up with hubs right after a shower, while we're both refreshed and clean...it tends to lead to "other" things...and this scent actually takes me to THAT mentally and emotionally...cuddly, happy, coziness...if that makes any sense? WOW! Another JEM I've been overlooking! The longer it's on the lovelier it gets. Really - I wasn't planning to wear it until tomorrow, but I'm weak :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  13. Ok Eggers. I don't know if it's the power of suggestion or what, but I'm snuffling at this vial and (in the vial at least) I TOTALLY get the bubblegum thing you're talking about but I don't understand WHY I smell it VANILLA AMBER PATCHOULI CINNAMON DARK SUGARS WOODS RESINS I do not see bubblegum anywhere in there...nor do I care at the moment, lol. Can't wait to wear this one...I am SO going to be kicking myself for NOT getting this sooner...I think I can tell that already
  14. Sneezing happens with some of the potions I wear too You being talkative sounds like TMI fo sho, lol. 3-4 sprays is my sweet spot but everyone is different so you'll have to experiment How crazy did you go? 2 good sprays can even get you hits...but there are some gals who have gone 5 & 6!
  15. OK. I may be flayed for saying this but...to me, this is a lighter less "dirty" Jouir De. As soon as I smelled it I thought, "I've smelled this before." I LIKE JOUIR DE, always liked it, still like it, can't imagine NOT liking it...EVER. BUT for those of you who found Jouir De "too much" pleeeeease give this one a chance, this may be more to your liking. This is really lovely, it's VERY sensual and well blended in that SO FAR no one scent is pushing out any other. If Jouir De represents the seductions of a woman's whiles, then Dance of Passion is her sumptuous little sister that is coming into her own....
  16. NuTrix

    Radium Girl

    Just got this out of the mailbox about a half hour ago. I was pulling the wand out to sniffle this one and my vial CRACKED! Just the tip where I was pulling out the wand...Soooo, I dashed for a 5ml spritzer and carefully poured it in and then rinsed out the vial (VERY carefully using a pipette so as not to break off the tip) with perfumer's alcohol (twice) and now I have a little perfume spray of Radium Girl! I will be back to review this properly within the next couple days...I will probably be too imapatient and give it a test run tomorrow though
  17. I had NO intention of putting this on me, as I've JUST pulled it from the mail and won't trust my nose until I'm sure it's acclimated from it's long trip to my home. That being said, when I opened my sample vile, I didn't do so with much grace and the little wand splattered my hand and, well, if it smells this good tomorrow, this is a no brainer. BUT - It's floral. I feel I'm always saying florals don't seem to like me, but then I found Highland Fling and Leprechaun Luck and now this From this point forward I am going to NOT say florals don't like me...apparently, there are a few that DO YAY! I will be back to properly review this in the future but it's off to a very grand start!
  18. :cat690: DD! You told me no lie when you said I would love this! I know that it probably isn't even as wonderful as it will be tomorrow because I've JUST pulled it from the mailbox and it probably needs overnight to settle from it's lengthy ride from west coast to east BUT OH MY GOODNESS! This may be my missing NOM NOM link! I can't wait to try this for a test run
  19. I can't find it anywhere...it's one of those that are gone isn't it But since it's "scent with intent" it cooould be the double whammy that got him ^_~
  20. LOL It wasn't until finding LP that I even began to understand the power of fragrance...which scent was it? Sounds like a good combo...happy SEXY and feminine ^_~
  21. I thought the same thing of Sex and Violins. It wouldn't be the first LP that I tried and thought, "hmm, not so sure", only to come back days (or sometimes weeks later) and ask myself WHAT I was thinking and how fantastic something was/is. Oh and, yes, I will be sure to give you proper credit when Mr Nutrix shows his approval
  22. Hahahaaa! I wonder if it lowers inhibitions? Was this the scented or UN CB?
  23. DINGDINGDING! Winner! Nothing wrong with a lil' feminine appreciation
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