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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Definitely consider it! Definitely!
  2. Oh! I think you made a great choice! Don't forget to post how it turns out!!!
  3. NuTrix


    Agreed! Instant classic...hmm...and maybe it's a slightly odd image...but I get it, lol
  4. Oh! I like the brightness of the apple but it's supposed to go away in just a few minutes? I'm a little sad but I'm liking the other notes that I'm getting....I KNOW this one's a winner. My gf got her order before me and I LOVED how it smelled on her and there was zero apple by the time we saw each other but I can say, at least of her, I was liking what was left A sugary smoky creamy musky goodness! Hope that's how it goes on me too! EDIT Yes, this one is so unique and feminine! I'm liking the outcome VERY much. WINNER!
  5. NuTrix


    I'm oozing joy! This is FANTASTIC and I am beyond happy that I ordered a fb. Drooooooling with delight! This is simply delicious! What a buttery maple honey oat fantasy!!!! Oh, oh, wait....drooling...need a tissue or napkin or something....
  6. This IS like candy! Like a jolly rancher candy! Not sure it's what I'm looking for to wear for myself but it is tasty smelling Apparently I like baked good smells and candy, but I seem to like pink sugary candy more than fruity candy...if that makes ANY sense at al?!
  7. NuTrix

    Baby Chicks

    I don't know! This one is starting all fruit on me, but it's not the piercing painful fruit that my skin sometimes does. It's sweet and juicy, which is nice, but I'm going to wait to see if the milk/butter/cream and marshmallow root make a debut.... EDIT: I don't think I'll be getting a fb of this one. The fruitiness stays juicy and sweet (if that makes sense?) Hmm, I must be persnickety.
  8. NuTrix


    Too much fuzzy ginger and maybe sarsaparilla? (new to me) not enough buttery vanilla cinnamon nutmeg....but I've only had it on for a half hour so let's see in an hour or so....
  9. I've got this on to test and I'm really amping the patchouli, but I do with anything with patch - at first - & I get the honey too, so let's see where it is in an hour... EDIT: Oh No! The Patch is so amping on this one! It's not all I'm getting but it's so strong that it's overwhelming everything else I may need to let this one sit and try it again in a week :'(
  10. NuTrix

    Leprechaun Luck

    I've just applied and what a wonderful honeysuckle I'm getting! With a bit of lemon? or ginger? or both? But it's honeysuckle for sure after the 1st 10 minutes. THIS IS A WINNER FO SHO! I've been LONGING for a honeysuckle and I'm in heaven at the moment. the brightness of either the ginger or lemon is really making it pop right now....loving it so far EDIT: The honeysuckle is staying prominent! This one is a win for me! I like so few florals and I LOVE this one! Wheee!
  11. Squeeeeeeeal! MYORDERCAMEMYORDERCAMEMYORDERCAME!!!!! ILOVETHEMALLILOVETHEMALLILOVETHEMALL!!!! Very happy with the fbs I got Off to the review threads!
  12. I'd have to agree with those statements 110%! It's fun and flirty and naughty all at once without being a dirty throw down sexual I don't know, I think it's good for certain work situations. I wore it to my interview and walked in with my game turned WAY on and now I'm happily promoted. I felt like it made me approachable but I, myself, felt completely in control and confident. It could be good for speaking or presenting as well....will let you know. Training opportunities will be coming in the next several months...I'll give it a whirl then I get what you're saying about the OW feel and it certainly effects the fellas *sniggers* though I notice a little more DIHL and googly eyes Did I mention, LOVE this one?
  13. I remember you saying that about none before. I didn't even remember PP having none in it. *scribbles note to self* Thanks halo!
  14. Wow LLVC, great report! Good to know it's working it's magic for you
  15. WHEEEE! Got my tracking number today! The wheels are turning! I should see my package by mid next week! Squeeeeeeal!
  16. I have this in All Hallow's Eve and REALLY enjoy it! I had written off the UN when I saw it was discontinued until seeing Mara's post. I get the Cougar vibe from this too but purely social. It was GREAT over the holidays! Thanks Potion Master! It's good to know it's stile available!
  17. *whimpers* I see some of the ladies are wearing them already! SO jealous right nooooow! WOW. I didn't realize how dependent I've become...*snickers* at least I know I'm in good company wit my homies
  18. WHoot Whoot! Nice review! Teheheee! Sounds like you may be hooked now? Who'd have thunk it?
  19. I'm still stalking my email for the shipping notice LOL! *drools with anticipation*
  20. OK. Round TWO. So here's the thing...and I promise there's a point...Hubby and I went out to eat Sunday in Northeast MD at a little crab shack called Woody's. For an appetizer we got their coconut shrimp...which happened to come with a sweet and heat, orange zest dipping sauce of some sort. THIS TIME when I first applied ANDB I totally got the orange zest and the coconut and it took me right back to Sunday's appetizer - minus the heat! Now HOW did I miss this yesterday? REALLY?! But here I sit, again, 12-13 hours later with that yummy maple, butter, sugar finish. I kept getting whiffs on the car ride home as well and it make me breathe more deeply...and smile. I don't recall EVER smelling SO many perfumes that make me HAPPY. Seriously. It could be scent memories of decadent pleasures or something exotic and new to my senses. LP is AMAZING! I am SO hooked...like...SO. You know?
  21. It was a little scatterbrained...I will never make for a professional reviewer It just had me so confused because I had the mental idea it would be all sweet and foodie...and it is, but it's so much more. At one point I was even thinking I wouldn't like it because it might go all weird and fruity on me. I love that about LPs...just when you think you've got them pegged...NOPE! Not so much! This one was actually very interactive for me the way it morphed throughout the day And I am pleased to be available for your entertainment pleasure
  22. I see your point. The problem would be in picking JUST one
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