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Phero-girl was too dominant?

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I wore phero-girl with cops out and got hits but by the end of the night I noticed the men were beginning to act almost submissive towards me? Which I’d prefer not. I like to be the sub in the bedroom and would like to inspire protective, sexual, dommy feelings. 
What would be a better scent for me?

Also, my personality is a bit more on the golden retriever side with a heavy dose of snark but I would not consider myself a type A by any means so I don’t think it was my personality. 

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I would be wary of ever wearing Phero Girl in public. It smells like sex and it's very intimate. Copulins aren't dominant or submissive, per se. They are clean lab recreations of vaginal secretions and a chemical signal that a woman is ready for sex. You likely intimidated them with a blatant display of sexuality which may not have been appropriate to the situation.


Greenappletart gave you excellent advice...try something with Lace or Cuddle Bunny, or if you want to go a little more innocent, try Gotcha.

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It would be delightful to have a bunch of guys saying “ Please pick me”  I have had good results with Heart & Soul , Lace have not tried Cuddle Bunny yet.


Also men love Goddess of the Blue Moon - there is magic in lotus 


 I have been  absolutely ravished with Sexpionage 

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Heart & Soul with some cops (not too much!) is great for getting male attention. As the others have said, Gotcha or Cuddle Bunny or Sexology are all good choices. Also you could try Cougar with some LAM (Like a Magnet). That really seems brings out the flirty-ness in guys.

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