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Juicy Lucy 2024 (virgin)


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Scent: Deep and complexly layered orange scent. No pheros this time, by request.


ORANGE & BLOSSOMS ~ Strong ‘magnet’ to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.
COCONUT WATER ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, is vitalizing.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
SAFFRON ~ Love, beauty, happiness, lust. Purification, healing, clairvoyance.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
FERMENTED ALCOHOLS: WINE, BEER, HARD LIQUOR, ETC ~ Intoxicant, used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is absolutely gorgeous! I feel like I was begging for this to be rebrewed since the first version came out. Juicy Lucy starts out bright orange with some saffron, then it melds into a sheer orange skin musk. It is not overly sweet and the alcohol notes are well-blended, not overt. I bought 5 bottles without smelling the rebrew, lol, and I am thinking I may need to get more. 🤣🤣🤣

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So far Lucy is sticking very close to my skin, I even asked my mom and she said she could hardly smell anything. What I *can* smell though I really like. I think I’m getting more musk than citrus, I have no idea what saffron smells like so idk if that’s a little of what I’m getting too. I will try it again and slather a bit more👍🏼

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I got a huge dose of mandarin oranges and ginger, very sassy blend. It also does have a nice bit of alcohol-based drink in here, giving a little hint of something naughty.

Edited by PinkCoconuts
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Ah yes...I was smart this time and got myself a bottle!  Since I no longer have my original sample I don't recall if the original had a kind of effervescence to it, but I love that quality in this version.  Otherwise my impression seems to align with my original review, the combination of citrus and woods/resins and that saffron (!) is just amazing.  So elegant and playful at the same time.

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This is a very unusual combination of orange and spice scent, though it is reminding me of something that I can't quite put my finger on.  Unfortunately, my cat does not like it. He won't even stay in the same room with me when I have it on. 😿 I'll have to think about if I dare disturb the Imperial Emperor of the Universe and buy a bottle.

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I was curious about it due to all the requests for bringing it back.

I’m letting my bottle to rest so may write a more detailed review later.

First impressions is citrus is dominating and the scent is a bit sweet by in a plushy way instead of candied way. Bf categorized it as lightly ‘dirty sexy’ (other scents that belong to the ‘dirty sexy’ collection’ of mine are Noco vanilla & honey, Beewitched, Occo SLF, etc)

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I used almost my entire sample yesterday and it just does not want to last on me! I love it so much for about 40 minutes and then it just disappears. I really slathered too, well as much as I could with my sample, on my neck and chest area. Maybe all that means is I need a bigger bottle!😂 Or a spray, I wonder if a spray would help it last?🤔 Just spray the heck out of it like I do with a body spray. 

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Citrus notes always burn off fastest, and depending on your skin chemistry, on some it lasts longer than others. I'm one of those on whom citrus perfumes burn off really fast too, so when I want them to last, I apply them on my underclothes and shirtsleeves. And yes, sprays help them last too, because they will last longer on cloth and hair.

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