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Scent: A library-like aroma of old books with a hint of polish.


MYRRH ~ Soothing. Powerful guard against evil.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
BERGAMOT ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches. Mental alertness, energizing.
TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength.
ORANGE PEEL ~ Strong ‘magnet’ to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.
KUMQUAT ~ Prosperity and good fortune.
LEATHER ~ The musky scent of leather inspires feelings of lust, personal power, and provides a hint of danger.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
CHAI SPICES (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, & allspice) ~ Excitement, sexual arousal, attraction of wealth. 

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Yes, just as the description states, it captures the feeling of a dignified library with lush, beautifully high end aromatics and beautiful wood furniture. I like wearing it, but it's even better on a guy. Yes, I tested it on the Boy and it added a really nice extra sense of comfort and security. It's similar yet very different from something like Elementary Ch 6, which has the added illicit opium, tobacco and marijuana. Volumes is cleaner and more innocent than that and really gives off a high end, expensive yet comfortable vibe.


PS Something like this in a wax melt would be really nice, I think. 

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This is deep and rich! It smells amazing - spicy, woody, and a little fruity. I can't put my finger on it, but it reminds me of something I wore a long time ago. This is not something I would typically reach for but I think I may need to order a full bottle. 

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I’m getting mostly the leather and sandalwood. Maybe some green tea. It’s very soothing. It feels clean and perfectly unisex. I’d like to try this on Mr Perfect.

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IMO this is particularly masculine-leaning and just a really great men's scent, like, for just about any occasion/mood.   It's very linear and well-blended.  I agree with RosesArePink that it bears a resemblance to Elementary, but one of the earlier versions.  I'm not sure if it has a library vibe to me, just more like an essentially masculine aura in the juxtaposition of leather and resins.  I don't get much of the tea notes but they do add a nice characteristic to the top.

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Omg, I wouldn’t have bought this had it not been in the sampler as to all intents and purposes it isn’t the kind of thing I like…on paper. I hate leather, but this is magical. It’s reminding me of the same vibe that Mia Mentha Religiosa has, on my skin it’s got a kind of Japanese incense scent, the tea is making a mint like scent, and it’s just wonderful. I have to order a full bottle now! 

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