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Placing first order, need a little Help....

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Hi all!


I've finally decided to place an order for 3 items, one will definitely be BLATANT INVITATION thanks to reading about Dollys Adventures!!!!, but I also like the sound of Cuddle Bunny and Phero Girl.


Whats the difference between them is one better than the other?

I know all of them have cops but I'm also interested in a very good, "I want to talk you, I want to get to know you" communication vibe along with a strong sexual vibe, I was thinking maybe TRUE CONFESSIONS or TREASURED HEARTS?


And whats the difference between these two?


And also is it OK after waring and getting used to each separately own there own, to then wear both of the sexual mixes with TC and TH at the same time or would that be overload!


If I could afford it, I would get them all!!!


I'm 36, single, no kids and I work from home, so I'll only be waring pheromones when going out with friends or running errands for the day.


I can feel it now, "I'm going to become a Pheroholic" :censored:

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It's not that either of them is better, just different.


Phero Girl is all copulins, which means you will receive an enhanced sexual response. Cuddle Bunny, it depends...read the Cuddle Bunny threads and you will see people's reactions/viewpoints on the two different versions (scented and unscented).


Neither TC nor TH have a sexual vibe on their own, but something like Sexology would encourage deep connections in all ways. However both encourage bonding, but TC can have self-effects which you may not desire. Drop Your Guard is also a good mix for communication purposes.


Dr. Stone says mixing blends/components can lead to general ineffectivenss but many members have documented the opposite viewpoint. The best way to learn about what may or may not work - other than your own experimentation - is to read the threads in this section about the components/mixes you want to use.

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Welcome Cherry Rose! I love your avatar.


Phero Girl is scented and has a heavy honey note. It also has cops (read the description on Essence of Woman) in it, so is pretty sexual. Cuddle Bunny is unscented right now (although the scented version is coming back in the near future) and promotes a snuggly type of attraction.


I have read that True Confessions can have some self-effects that may lead you to be a little more open in confessing things that you may want to keep secret. I haven't experienced that yet, but it is a warning. It is more of a "chatty" blend.


I personally like Treasured Hearts for more of a bonding type experience.

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Hi there Cherry Rose! Welcome!


Blatant Invitation is great, and is very sexual.....so is PheroGirl. I have never personally used the unscented Cuddle Bunny, but my great friend Ail says it is also VERY sexual......


For Bonding, I like Treasured Hearts and Drop you Guard......both are very good....Drop your Guard makes me relaxed and mellow.....TH makes everybody love me.....



True Confessions is like Paul Harvey....you know when he used to do the story on the news and he'd always say, "And now you know the rest of the story".....well, you will hear definitely hear the rest of the story, and sometimes you won't WANT to......sometimes, it will be YOU telling the story.....which can, in itself, be dangerous! I love using this one when I have a feeling that someone is "holding back" and I need info.....but make sure to apply it away from your face so it doesn't affect you too!



I own most of the PheroBlends, in one form or another (some scented, some unscented), and I AM a self-proclaimed Pheroholic! As luna says, Dr Stone suggests that you not mix the phero blends, but many of us do, and get great effects! It is really a personal thing.....see which combos work for you.....but if you find some good combos, please post them, because we want to try them too!



The pheros here are the best, and some of the most potent on the market today.....I'm sure you will enjoy them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm "So Sorry" for the delay in thanking all of you for your replies, I wasn't being rude its just right after I placed my order my modem died and I couldn't get back on until today!


I've never had to replace a modem before and I only had so much extra cash to spend this month, so i decided to have a guy friend who's good with computer's come over and fix it today instead of taking it to the shop.

He fixes my computer, I fix him Dinner...... :)


I was being greedy, I wanted that money to spend on more LP Goodies!



I ordered: EW, BI, TH



Thanks All

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I'm "So Sorry" for the delay in thanking all of you for your replies, I wasn't being rude its just right after I placed my order my modem died and I couldn't get back on until today!


I've never had to replace a modem before and I only had so much extra cash to spend this month, so i decided to have a guy friend who's good with computer's come over and fix it today instead of taking it to the shop.

He fixes my computer, I fix him Dinner...... :KITTY_~12:


I was being greedy, I wanted that money to spend on more LP Goodies!



I ordered: EW, BI, TH



Thanks All


That a girl! You know your priorities :D

Hope you two have a lovely dinner. And enjoy your LP! Cant wait to hear how much you love them. BI is sooo much fun!

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