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Just ordered my FIRST big girl phero

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Okay, after peppering this fourm with endless questions, I bit the bullet and ordered :


A-nol and SS4W :lol:


I phoned the perfumerie today and had a lovely chat with Mara who was extremely sweet and helpful. As we talked she gave me so many suggestions for scents and helped me narrow down the gazillion questions I had about pheromones. (Man Mara you sure know your stuff!)


So, besides the pheros I also ordered (and have a couple coming from trades):


Carolyn's Man Nip

Happy Endings

Halo's Angelique

LP Pink

LP Silver

Pillow Patter

Remind Me Again

Sparkle Fuschia

Sugared Roses


I read the entire SS4W thread and decided on the alcohol base since I live in a cooler climate, and I wanted to be able to diffuse it out a bit :)


Thank you Mara for steering me in the right direction. I would have never tried Sugared Roses, or the LP Silver. Can't wait to experiment with them all. *doing happy dance*

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Isn't Mara the best!!


You have many of my faves on the way, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them!!


LOVE SS4W, and I just realized I only have it in the original Mara's Rocket Fuel. May be time for another blend for me!!

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Isn't Mara the best!!


You have many of my faves on the way, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them!!



She took so much time to answer my questions! I was surprised by that. I would have never thought to phone someone at work but she gave me lots of time and suggestions. Can't wait for order!!

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SS4W is the one I am considering for my first boosted scent. I got my sample of LP Red last night and I think that is what I will take the plunge on.


Oooooo...LP Red & SS4W would be lethal together :abfx:


Congrats Raq...you will be very happy with your choices...Mara Rocks!!!! :blink:

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