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Pheros in the hair?

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Hi everyone!


I tried to look this one up, but I couldn't find any definitive answers. I have read that people either love the pheros in the hair or avoid it at all costs. Or is that a difference between cops and pheros in the hair? I suppose I'm a bit confused.


I get that you get a better range when it's in the hair, especially if one tends to play with their hair (which I do.) Do the cops not dry down properly, and thus smelll bad in the hair?





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Copulins are an analog for vaginal secretions. That is why you should not put them in your hair. ;)

Other than that, it's okay to use phero blends although it's not essential to put them in your hair but it can help with diffusion.

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Cops in the hair can make one smell unwashed, rather than sexy. I love Dolly's term for it: Coochiehead! Bwaha!


You are correct, cops in hair or on clothes kinda stops them from evolving like they should. They need to meld with your skin chemistry to calm down, or they just stay loud and stinky. Not to mention, the gals say it requires several shampooings to get the stuff out of your hair.

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Well, if there are two things I don't need to be any more of, it's loud and stinky. Thank you both for the answers - @luna, yes, I certainly don't need a vaginal secretion analog on my head, THAT is for sure! :)

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I think there's something else that doesn't wash out well, was it est? Someone's mom had to cut off inches of hair - I'm sure I remember this but don't have time to search. I have used Open Windows in my hair with no problem, but I've not tried anything else there.

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I think there's something else that doesn't wash out well, was it est? Someone's mom had to cut off inches of hair - I'm sure I remember this but don't have time to search. I have used Open Windows in my hair with no problem, but I've not tried anything else there.


I remember that. She must have been what is known as a "super-sniffer" to be so severely effected by a spritz of Est, or else it was psychosomatic - which I tend to suspect. It was a woman with porous grey hair, and she claimed that how ever many times she washed her hair, she thought she could still smell "urine" in the spot she sprayed it, so she cut that area of her hair off.


I spray EST (in the form of Lace) in my hair all the time with no issues.

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Yeah I thought about mentioning that but no one else has ever reported a problem with EST so I didn't think it was a typical reaction.

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