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Something to help enhance trust

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I'm not even sure if it's more "trust" vs "trustworthiness" that I'm aiming for...


I have to testify in a hearing regarding a restraining order against a friend of mine brought by a pissed off ex. She wants more money, he can't give it, she can't legally withhold visitation, so she's making up a BS abuse story & asking for a restraining order to keep him away from the kids. I'm being asked to "testify" I guess, (its just a few people, not in a courtroom or anything) about how I've seen him treat the kids, how they act around him, etc. I'm going to tell the truth, of course, which is that I've NEVER seen anything remotely close to abuse that she is claiming; but I'm wondering if there's a phero I could wear that would help project that air of "trustworthy" "confident"... I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say. I'm just worried that I'll be nervous & it will look like I'm trying to 'cover up' something. It's just that I know how much he is depending on me, and a couple of others, to help him out, and I don't want to be the one to screw things up. It's that living in Wyoming thing again, seriously. A woman can do practically anything, drugs, abuse, whatever, & the court won't take the kids away "from their mom"; but all she has to do is accuse the guy & he has to jump through hoops to prove it wrong. I just don't want to be partially responsible for my friend losing his kids just because I get nervous!


I hope that this makes sense & sorry I got on my soapbox :(

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I agree with quietguy, anything with betanol will having people feeling trusting and connected. maybe a beta spritz of beta nol or true confessions to the back of your head and B2 to your neck and wrists.

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I think I'll go with B2, I don't know why I didn't think of it. Guess I'm just stressed about it and not really thinking straight. Empathy Potion is a good thought too.

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B2 works like MAGIC for me!!! Hope everything will go well!!!

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Yeah, I was going to say Empathy Potion too. But B2 or Teddy BB sounds like a good choice as well. Just be honest, and don't worry about showing "passion" in your demeanor. It's ok to be nervous. This is important to the future of those kids. I will be sending good thoughts your way.


I had to testify like that once too...only it was the other way round. The asshole hubby making shit up about the mother, and he was rich and famous with more expensive lawyers, so more likely to be believed. OMG, I was furious, This is a guy that had all night cocaine parties while his kids were in the house, and during one, his 15 year old daughter lost her virginity to one of his MUCH OLDER guests. And this guy was saying he was the better parent. Puke! AND he had a rep of falling down drunk in public bars...what a golden role model. His 23 year old son is doing a lovely job of turning into his dear old dad these days. Delightful to behold. The court in that case, thankfully, split the whole thing down the middle and insisted on child/parent counseling for everyone.


Good luck to you and your friend, Honey.

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Thank you for the good wishes, I think I'll dab on a little Persuasion Potion while I'm at it. It can't hurt, right?

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