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Perfect Match with BAM

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So I've been playing around with perfect match UN and today I hauled out my BAM brown sugar (in oil) because I just wanted a light scent. I sprayed a few sprays on PM on and we were out the door.


Let me say this combo seems to have a huge bonding effect when I wear it around Mr. Raq. He seems super considerate and attentive and also I feel really close to him and he to me. Not to mention he can't keep his hands off me! I went and read the ingredients and didn't realize BAM has B-nol in it as does PM.


I am wondering if you all think the effects are coming from the combo of PM and cops or the B-ol and cops. I don't remember this level of "coupledom" between he and i when I wear Just the BAM


Also is it okay to wear both of these (I wore light amounts of both) as I know B-nol should be used sparingly. What do you all think?


PS I'd love to lace his Polo cologne spray with a few drops of PM...bwa ha ha but I don't know if it would affect him differently if he wore it.... thoughts?

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I know this is an older thread but I've been reading through some of the phero threads .. looking for more info and to move into some new territory. This combo seems like it would be good and looks to have great feed back. Does anyone get a Bnol OD? also has anyone tried PM with an OCCo ?

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I don't know about b-nol od, but I wear PM with OCCOs all the time. I wore PM with cops today, in fact! And it works wonderfully well. ;)

I like the PM/BAM combo, too, though generally I don't like to mix my phero blends.

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^^ I don't either as a general rule. But I may break it for this combo..at the right time. Sound like they pair well. It is not as scary crazy with something like BAM which is a pretty simple blend.

I will try just adding cops too. That'll probably be the first trial. :-)

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I did the PM with Occo White today. Nice vibes all in all. Going to skip a day tomorrow then try PM/BAM Thursday.

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I tried PM and BAM a couple nights ago and it was fab! Like Perfect Match on steroids.

This is how I imagine it would be, I can definitely see the velcro effect happening with that much b-nol.

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