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New Releases for MARCH 2013

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My youngest son and My Beloved routinely give me a wishlist of scents :) Makes me happy to know that they are wearing scents which I know are non-commercial (so many reasons to avoid those, especially for males!) and smelling scrumptious while doing so!

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I would cut a bitch for going through my LPs and using them on the DL. Love or no love. I am glad my BF got a ton of samples just for him.


I think I was just too stunned (and admittedly amused) to be pissed! LOL! I was like, "*WHAT* are you doing???". And then it came out that he'd been using my FWs, and it was game over: too funny to be ticked off.


@ Chai, I'm very glad that he doesn't wear commercial scents. He's never been much of a fragrance man. Until he discovered LP, that is. One of his buddies routinely douses himself with Axe spray when he's leaving my house, (to cover up the stench of pot on his clothes!). Last week I caught BF telling his buddy all about these great scents I get for him from LP, and how they never smell like crap, like his buddy's super-powered Axe does. Heh. Another monster in the making? :lol:

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One of his buddies routinely douses himself with Axe spray when he's leaving my house, (to cover up the stench of pot on his clothes!). Last week I caught BF telling his buddy all about these great scents I get for him from LP, and how they never smell like crap, like his buddy's super-powered Axe does.


Axe ... i cannot believe something that smells so awful can be so popular.

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I never thought I'd see the day BF would *ask* me to order LPs for him. But that day has arrived! He's started a little list of his own. I hope your hubby loves his stuff, NuTrix! BF totally digs his LPs, and he loves them more and more all the time. :lol:

Come on, Postie! :D


YES common postman! Eggers is WAITING! (patiently?LOL)


If I hadn't already been sitting when he asked me, I would have needed to! I hope he loves them. I have ZERO idea what to expect and neither does he. I wonder what he'll like...I wonder if I'll like what he does? I MUST practice restraint and no face making. I promise to wait until he ASKS me what I think and I won't answer until I know what he thinks FIRST. AAAAND I must try to help him understand that he must WEAR them to understand them. I've worn enough LPs now that he knows they change over time...but knowing and doing are 2 different things. But I'm STILL giddy excited! In 20 samples there WILL be standouts and I can't wait to find out what they are!


I would cut a bitch for going through my LPs and using them on the DL. Love or no love. I am glad my BF got a ton of samples just for him.




:lol: He has his own samples - they're in a special little box, all his own. I think he was just rifling through them to see if there were any other unisex ones that he'd like. If you knew him, you'd know how bizarre it is for him to think about scent at all, but he loves how happy my LPs make me, and he's really started to take an interest.


OH. I don't WANT to share MINE. Buuuut, if he asks, I will :D I still haven't told him about the pheromone part though. I was going to wait and see what he thought first. Do you think I should tell him first? I want him to like them for them first, then I want to tell him about the pheros as a kind of icing on the cake. Am I wacko for thinking like that?


Axe ... i cannot believe something that smells so awful can be so popular.


Yup. The power of commercialism. :mellow::rolleyes:

Edited by NuTrix
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Ha! No. I'm not waiting patiently. I'm waiting in a semi-panic, as I've just realized that the regular mailman has already been here, and he most certainly did NOT leave a box of beautiful perfume for me. :( So unless it's arriving in one of those goofy little postal trucks, I'm SOL till Monday. :o No Baby Chicks to wear for Easter breakfast unless that silly looking van turns up in the next hour.


I have to be very patient with BF & his LPs. He tests them over and over again, and doesn't say anything in the meantime. I get all, !!!!!!!!


I didn't tell BF about the pheros for ages. He still doesn't know about the sexual blends I wear. I just dropped it into casual conversation one day, like it was no big deal. He knows I wear the social ones. Last night I put on Open Windows 'cause one of his friends turned up in a REAL fouler, and I just didn't want to sit around and listen to this dude bitch and complain all night. Of course, Open Windows is AWESOME, so it totally lightened dude's mood. BF commented on the mood change after he left, & I told him what I'd done, & he just laughed and said, "Thank you!" :D If you tell him, just do it in your own way, in your own time. He'll probably think it's cool, or interesting at the very least.


Okay... off to stalk my mailbox. Wish me luck! I want me some Baby Chicks!!!


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I just gave BF his first bottle of pheromones. He sprayed soooo much on before I could tell him how to apply. Then later I could still smell them and I told him none smells like piss. He FREAKED out and thought I was having him wear piss. Hilarious. He has known I wear them for years but clearly has not paid any attention.


*snort* Clearly.

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:lol: I wonder why guys always seem to be the heavy-handed ones when it comes to scents?

I'm pretty thankful that BF just dabs his stuff on. I wouldn't want him to out-pretty me, scent-wise! :D

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:lol: I wonder why guys always seem to be the heavy-handed ones when it comes to scents?

I'm pretty thankful that BF just dabs his stuff on. I wouldn't want him to out-pretty me, scent-wise! :D

Well Michael puts a regular amount of his normal scent on (Bvlgari Black..I know that is spelled wrong, sorry) but I don't feel he puts ENOUGH of his LP samples on. I mean I've seen him do it and it is like he is scared of it (he knows nothing about pheros so it's not that). Like one miniscule drop on one wrist. Like he is just pretending to wear them. He's so silly sometimes.

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I didn't tell BF about the pheros for ages. He still doesn't know about the sexual blends I wear. I just dropped it into casual conversation one day, like it was no big deal. If you tell him, just do it in your own way, in your own time. He'll probably think it's cool, or interesting at the very least.


I'll try that. Casual convo thing...see how he accepts it and go from there...


I just gave BF his first bottle of pheromones. He sprayed soooo much on before I could tell him how to apply. Then later I could still smell them and I told him none smells like piss. He FREAKED out and thought I was having him wear piss. Hilarious. He has known I wear them for years but clearly has not paid any attention.


:lol: Sometimes they are NOT very observant and pay no attention to the "weirdness" we women do...because it is...well... just weirdness to them :D


Well Michael puts a regular amount of his normal scent on (Bvlgari Black..I know that is spelled wrong, sorry) but I don't feel he puts ENOUGH of his LP samples on. I mean I've seen him do it and it is like he is scared of it (he knows nothing about pheros so it's not that). Like one miniscule drop on one wrist. Like he is just pretending to wear them. He's so silly sometimes.


Oil is so different than spray...this could take some work...big manly hands fumbling with trial vials!?!LOL

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