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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. But she got it! Where did she post her review? Ok, anyway....I can post now...heheheh. A gift from Tyvey to MissDarlynCherie. This is a deep sweet cherry and Egyptian musk, with a touch of smoke and pink sugared pipe tobacco.
  2. I'm adding DHEAS to the single molecule spray offerings this month too, but personally, I really do not think that using single phero notes are that effective by themselves. I know this is a BIG deal over at PheroTruth - to test single molecules, try to figure out how much to wear, try to blend them yourself, all that jazz, but I find that well blended combos (designed by those who know how to minutely balance a blend) work better, and ones that DO work well by themselves, such as Alpha-Androstenol, Est and Copulins, work best when blended INTO a perfume...thus dosing is easier and the pheromone is backed up in intent by the aroma. So, my two cents on the original question: What are the must-have single pheromones every woman must have?! My answer is, none of them. Finding well blended combos that work for you, regardless of which company makes them, is going to give you better, more consistent results than wearing unscented single pheromones. And wearing the proper dosage of a single molecule already added to a perfume is going to give you better results than otherwise too.
  3. LOL @ Luna - who just posted while I was in the middle of writing this. Wellll, it seems since I messed with your rank it took you out of the automated renaming system. I was wondering if that would happen! So, if it had gone as normal, you would now be Witch Hazel (the witch from Bugs Bunny, remember?) But for you, a more wizardy name, methinks....(they're mostly magically inclined, you see...) Oh, wait, John just came up with one for you..... (I was thinking of Professor Flitwick {Harry Potter reference}, but I am open to suggestions from all. heheheh.)
  4. Oh, no! Lighting candle for him now - sending him healing wishes. xoxoxox
  5. Thank you for reviews! We lubs reviews! In both forums, there are threads for each perfume and phero - one adds one's reviews to the existing thread so when newbies come along looking for reviews they can find them all in one place. If you can't find a review thread for a certain item, you can start a new one in the appropriate place. That's unlikely to happen here at LPMP, unless you are the first to get a new release, but over at Phero Truth the LPMP section is much smaller so you may have to start your own thread to review each item.
  6. Potion Master

    Raqs Sharqi

    I was going for something similar to the original Moon Goddess: Isis, with Naughty on the Nile. I do not recall adding any sweetness to Raqs Sharqi, while the others are sweetened with dark sugars.
  7. Yeah, I think many call them sniffies here on the forum....we call them Itty Bitties or just Bitties here at the studio. Hope you enjoy your stuff!!!
  8. Trivia! Ravenwing, your current avi - we've used that model on two of our labels. She was the original Potion Bastet girl - I melded her face with a cat. And it's her body on Scandalous Intentions too.
  9. Potion Master

    Raqs Sharqi

    Going by memory only..... More incensey, in a very sexxxxay way, and not as dark/smokey as Beyond the Veil....does not have the sweetness of Majmua Sultana.
  10. Great report, Eggers!!!!!! And Popularity Potion was specifically crafted to quell jealousy from other women while shining the spotlight on the wearer. But anyway, Est (Cuddle Bunny is an Est blend) usually comes across as likable to both sexes. It's that helpful and nurturing thing that comes out in both sexes when exposed to Est.
  11. Re-posting for page FOUR, so we don't need to go back and forth! Gaby, and anyone that wants to grab these before they are in the cart, please use the Gift Cert option to purchase. Claim here first tho! First ones to post get em! Ok, here's the list: Celrynnya's Cow Print Kitty - 2 bottles available - (July Girl, Ravenwing's Black Forest Cake - 5 bottles available (Celrynnya, LavyV, Rosebud, Invidiana, Luna) Ravenwing's White Forest Cake - 2 bottles available (Tyvey, LadyV) Ravenwing's White Forest Cake - ROUND 2! - (Halo, Luna, July Girl, Ravenwing, Gabylish, Invidiana, Joanna, Dr Suki's Break-Up Balm - 4 bottles available (Luna, Katz, Ravenwing, Invidiana) Moonholly's Daydream - 4 bottles available Sugar Lips' Loving You Lavender - 3 bottles available Skye Loves Chocolate - 1.5 bottles...meaning, I have a regular 10ml bottle available ($25), (Tyvey) and also a 5ml bottle available ($15) (Cheshire Kitten) Skye Loves Chocolate - ROUND 2 - (Katz, LadyV, Skyex2, Luna, Rosebud, AlienChangling, Invidiana, Jo Anna, Celrynnya Darlyn's Anti Shamble Shisha - 2 bottles available (LadyV,
  12. LADY V!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!! GET BACK TO WORK, YOUNG LADY!!!! wait, let me go get the catholic guilt icon.....
  13. Welcome, Teallaid! Glad you and your friend are enjoying experimenting and happy to have you aboard! Yay, Magical Omaha!
  14. Welcome! I would also suggest trying La Femme Mystere with added Copulins, into one of our attraction potions such us Love Potion Original. It's been discussed that certain pheros (and of course scents) like DHEAS, the Nols and Copulins have a kind of "sticking power" in men's brains once they've been exposed to it. Once they are awakened to the idea of you as a prospective partner, the idea stays with them. Is that the kind of thing you are hoping for?
  15. Yeah, Sundays are known to be slow mail days. I'm assuming we'll know by tomorrow!
  16. @ Molls ~ This one was meant to be an appley scent for guys that some ladies might enjoy wearing too. Have you tried Pomme de Poison? Or Candy Apple Cutey? Those are more femme. Both are big faves of mine. Do we have any Liberty Belle left? That was apple and blueberry pie for the 4th of July...then there's also Eve's Temptation, which had apple of course, but also what may have REALLY been the biblical apple in the Garden of Eden...the pomegranate! Oh! And we still have a couple of bottles left of the PE, Lindee's Autumnal Apples!
  17. Older than my Dad....but he played my Dad on TV. You know how you have TV boyfriends and girlfriends? Shatner and George Reeves are my TV Dads.
  18. Pity da poor Luna---having to write all those descriptions! We're doing something VERY special with this. It will be 20 potions, but we will also be promoting them for 2 months instead of the usual one. We're calling this the Spring 2012 collection, and it will cover the March & April releases. It's a very exciting promo of a type we haven't done before, so I want to give us time to spread the word about them. AND, hopefully, doing it this way will also give me time to take a week off and go meet my brother's new baby!
  19. Oh, Blue Bear....so young, so innocent....it's a Star Trek ref, from the 60's series. Capt Kirk is probably old enough to be your great grandfather, but here is a pic of him UNsuccessfully wrangling Tribbles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribble
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