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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I'm trying to think of the proper nerdy sci-fi word, but I think it is "tesseract". The theory, if I recall correctly, is that you have this little hole in the wall of your bedroom that you can barely put your hand in...but inside that hole, is a GIGANTIC ROOM where you can fit a MILLION LP bottles! There must be some kind of corresponding theory for perfume funding as well. Maybe the scientists here will explain it for us.
  2. Yes, this one is avail in both forms - your choice! The lighter notes burn off pretty quick on most skin chemistries, so with either, I would make sure you get a smidge on your clothing to prolong the experience. And, being Alpha-Nol enhanced - that's an excellent phero to get in spray form. http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/BreatheIntoMe/
  3. I am spending the day whipping up everyone's PEs. AND a pretty nifty surprise with another etailer...details soon. Tis a fun day!
  4. Hi Perfumesniffer! It looks like the last time you redeemed was at 500 posts. So you currently have $10 in credit!
  5. Guilty! That blank grey square...it was crying out for a picture. Apologies for being presumptuous...it was a whim of the moment I hoped you would enjoy.
  6. Hmmmm, perhaps....or a very inviting lap! LOL! Great post! But really, kids love pretty smells, and especially sweet smells. Went to an Xmas party at my neighbor's house and her two grandkids - age 2 and 4, parked themselves on me and wouldn't leave. The parents and grandparents were all embarrassed and kept trying to get them off me, but I KNEW it was cuz I smelled delicious. Don't even remember what I was wearing exactly, but I always pick the sweet ones, so I knew it had to be that. The two year old particularly - she doesn't let hardly anyone touch her, but she always runs into my arms when she sees me. Her grandma is baffled by it, I just tell her it's cuz I'm the lady that smells like candy.
  7. Yeah, I was going to say Empathy Potion too. But B2 or Teddy BB sounds like a good choice as well. Just be honest, and don't worry about showing "passion" in your demeanor. It's ok to be nervous. This is important to the future of those kids. I will be sending good thoughts your way. I had to testify like that once too...only it was the other way round. The asshole hubby making shit up about the mother, and he was rich and famous with more expensive lawyers, so more likely to be believed. OMG, I was furious, This is a guy that had all night cocaine parties while his kids were in the house, and during one, his 15 year old daughter lost her virginity to one of his MUCH OLDER guests. And this guy was saying he was the better parent. Puke! AND he had a rep of falling down drunk in public bars...what a golden role model. His 23 year old son is doing a lovely job of turning into his dear old dad these days. Delightful to behold. The court in that case, thankfully, split the whole thing down the middle and insisted on child/parent counseling for everyone. Good luck to you and your friend, Honey.
  8. Well, I guess I should just admit it here then.... Next month's collection is going to be LATE. But it's going to be so frakkin' amazingly special you are going to forgive me for it being late. It's also going to be a DOUBLE month, meaning we'll be calling it Spring 2012 and releasing a set of 20 at a time. I am only telling you this because if you are sitting on your hands, waiting for new releases to order something...in this case it might be a longer wait than usual and you might risk what you are wanting to order being sold out by the time you get there, blah blah blah. And besides new releases, there will be new scrubs and bath bombs and other nifty stuff. So...yah...I got to get back to the making stuff now.....
  9. There are different qualities of civit, and even more different kinds of honey. I have one honey that is very civit-like without there being any civit in it....and other honeys that are very sweet light and fruity or floral. You can't just epitomize them so tightly - the range is just too large. OCCO SLF has 2 tiny drops of civit in it, of the same variety that was in Joire de. Sexology has a much more rounded musky civit - that sadly we will never see again. But my civit-like honey is a good substitute for it. OCCO SLF is a little darker than Sexology. They are both on the sleazy side, but IMO, OCCO SLF is more resinous and therefore, darker.
  10. The bacon really comes off more as just a hickory smoke note, and it somehow just adds to the deepness of the deliciosity. I am loving this one. Slathered my pillow with it again last night. I love reading in bed engulfed in a cloud of yummy.
  11. Well. get some Treasured Hearts on hand for future family gatherings! That's my silver bullet for family drama! From your collection, I would agree: Cougar. The amount of copulins is very light, it shouldn't come off as obvious, it should just make you sparkle!
  12. Diffusion is always quicker and wider with sprays. The life of them on the skin is also shorter and usually require re-application. Oils last longer but stay closer to the skin. Here's a FAQ on the subject: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/FAQ1
  13. Sold out, I'm afraid. This one did speed out the door rather quickly,
  14. You're naturally hot stuff, Ravenwing. You're young and very beautiful. 17 year old may not be interested in a relationship with you because of his own personal filters, but he may still be sexually attracted to you, because you are YOU...whether he wants to be or not!
  15. Beautifully expressed, Invi! Love your words and your image.
  16. Here is my take on it...in this case....I would not try to separate the explanation of the pheromones from the explanation of the scents. I would say, 'I have a friend who makes POTIONS....different fragrance formulas that are supposed to effect people in different ways...like the smell of chocolate chip cookies makes people feel cozy and nurtured, and different clean scents are supposed to give people an edge in the workplace. I know it may sound nutty, but it's pretty much common knowledge that people's opinions about you and the whole mood in a room can be effected by scent combinations. Would you be willing to try some at work? Could smooth out the problem you are having with so-and-so?' If you are wanting him to try LP stuff anyway - I do not think that using scents with intent paired with pheros are that far apart as a concept, so I do not see the need to explain it to death. You'd have to tell him if you asked him to wear something unscented, of course - THAT would require explanation. But a phero in a perfume potion is just another ingredient.
  17. Buns of Cinn....bwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!! Katz, that is hysterical!
  18. We did them for a couple of years but they moved very slowly so we let them go. Maybe again in the future sometime..... Sorry!
  19. The OCCOs are made in a very simple fashion. They have just a few ingredients each, so they do not have the breadth and dimension of a full perfume - OCCO Red is a very simplified version of LP RED, for example. I did this intentionally so that the OCCOs could be layered with other complimentary fragrances, and also so they could be easily rebrewed year after year. The more complex a fragrance, the harder it is to recreate later. Hope that helps clear up any confusion.
  20. Decided to wear this one today for my birthday, it has a very cheerful quality!
  21. True, but you could give Encens de Cafe a try! Not as sweet and more incensey, but lusciously appealing...nomnom!
  22. At least THAT is edible, UNLIKE THE PERFUMES!!!
  23. NO TASTING THE PERFUMES!!!! EXTERNAL USE ONLY! Good grief, gonna have the FDA parked on my doorstep!
  24. Thank yew, Katz! Yeah, I wanted to call attention to the little heart charms we added to the Valentine-red pouches...I dunno if people throw out their pouches or what, but save the charm! They are rather nice quality and would make a cute necklace for a little girl if strung on a ribbon, or added to a charm bracelet or something.
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