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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. You got one of those too? ME TOO! I love mine! I have it in my bedroom.
  2. LOL, Liz! Go look on the PE page! http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Private_Editions.html
  3. Brandy's Smokey Pumpkin Fluff Only one extra of this one!
  4. The cherry and roses are equally balanced, and the marshmallow is a soft cushy pillow beneath.
  5. It's a very special label! One of the few Vargas images old enough to be public domain. I LOVE his work, and I think we were born on the same day, like 100 years apart. LOL! Anyway, a special label for a special blend.
  6. I'm adding a new PE right now that I made for Tyvey today....scrumptious!
  7. Ok, the PEs are up with descriptions and orderable in the cart. Thank you for your patience!!!
  8. And here are the PEs, adding them to the cart now. There are 9 or 10 available of Halo's beauteous creation, and just one each of Suzy's and Melissa's. Seems like there's a hankerin' for Lavender this month! Halo's Lavender Musk Melissa's Lavender Tea Suzy's Yummilicious Strawberries & Cream
  9. Ooops, I forgot to mention... Our supplier ran out of 1.75 ml trial vials and they are on backorder, so we had to use the 1.5 ml vials for most of this month's collection. I hope this is not a problem for anyone....it's only a few drops difference! I noted it on the trial vial page where you order them individually.
  10. Oh, they'll still have the same label, it's just that it says "phero enhanced" on it because I forgot to make a separate one. That's why I was gonna sticker the cap.
  11. I'll have to invoice for those. I didn't make a separate label or anything either, I was just going to sticker the cap *VIRGIN*!
  12. I hope you like it! I was thinking of you when I made it!
  13. Why do I feel like there is something lurid about how LadyV says that? Frightening!
  14. Everything is up EXCEPT the PEs, sorry. Exhaustion overtaking one. I will put them up tomorrow. (I mean, when it gets light out - it is tomorrow) I have Halo's beauteous PE - made a fair bit extra to share around of that - wonderful! And there's ONE extra bottle of a lovely PE that LadyV crafted for someone she loves...
  15. Thanks, Honeybee! Yep, the artwork is up. Try a page refresh? We can see it on our computers over here.
  16. Your owl has arrived.... I must admit, I plundered several recipes this month from the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook by Dinah Bucholz. (Highly recommended!) I couldn't help myself...I overdid it on the sweets and I'm racing around like a maniac on a sugar high. Consider it an early start to Halloween, and a glimpse of what "Back to School" month feels like for the magical child within us all.... Pumpkin Juice Cocktail Kanary Kremes I created this one to take the place of our beloved OOS Yule Snuggle, but this time the creamy core is a replication of Krispy Kreme filling...yummmmm.... Butterbeer Tasty Tease Florian Fortescue's favorite flavor! Licorice Wands Our White Licorice perfume is OOS but still in high demand, we're getting OOS notices daily from people trying to order, so this is a similar replacement, with the addition of a dash of white chocolate cocoa butter, which forms the handle on the licorice wands sold at the most magical candy shoppe in the wizarding world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And here are the PEs, adding them to the cart now. There are 9 or 10 available of Halo's beauteous creation, and just one each of Suzy's and Melissa's. Seems like there's a hankerin' for Lavender this month! Halo's Lavender Musk Melissa's Lavender Tea Suzy's Yummilicious Strawberries & Cream (Designed by Lady Victoria for her sweet sis!) JUST ADDED! Tyvey's Black Cherry Rose
  17. KNOT Banoffee Coffee Banana Toffee Coffee deliciousness! This scent is featured in our Scrub of the Month - a moisturizing white sugar scrub with a handful of ground coffee stirred in for extra scrubbiness. Glistening Buttons A Shelly B / Naughty Jester Production! Moon of the Falling Leaves Le Wizard recreates an Autumnal nature walk through the wet woodlands of his native Washington state. (For both sexes to wear.) Poetry & Grace
  18. Exactly. (Thanks Dolly!) When you wear copulins in public, it doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't affecting anyone, people very well could be affected, but social programming kicks in and people choose not to react to a sexual stimulus in a public place. It's not that pheros will not at all affect your target either. It's just that pheros do not override free will. He can choose not to react or respond. Many times we hear stories from people whose targets admit to them later, after a relationship has started, how affected they truly were at the time, but just hid it.
  19. The usage sounds reasonable. With more details we could be more helpful.... How many times have you tried it? Under what circumstances? Are you trying to effect a specific target?
  20. Hey Guys and Gals, just a general plea.... if you have changed your email address - and many people seem to have new ones attached to their cell phones, you MUST change it in your PayPal account. The email address attached to your PayPal account is the one that is attached to your orders. We have been getting WAYYYYY too many bounced back emails and we end up with NO WAY to contact these customers. This means that order confirmations, shipping/tracking notices from Stamps.com, and any questions we may have about your order are NOT GETTING TO YOU! In several cases this means that people did not get sale or freebie offers. So not only is this extremely inconvenient for both customer and us, in many cases the customer misses out on an offer, thus costing them money. Updating your information takes less than 5 minutes of your time. If you can't figure out how to do it yourself, PayPal is very easy to get a hold of by phone with excellent customer service, so please just do it, PLEASE! We had 6 bouncebacks TODAY, and at least 18 this week. That's way too much. Please keep your stuff up to date. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  21. Potion Master

    The World

    Keep an eye on the upcoming releases!
  22. I have noticed that a few of them have less throw than others too, and here's the remedy I discovered: Turn a fan on somewhere in the room. Not turned toward the lit candle exactly, but just getting air moving in the room seems to solve this issue quite splendidly!
  23. Walnut shell and grape skin can both give off an earthy evocation.
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