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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Going to put in another little reminder. Please do not use the review threads to conduct business. If you are seeking or offering items, please post in the trading post area, thank you!
  2. Oh, goody. Yup, at the CataLuna address. SMOOCHES!!! xoxoxoxoxox
  3. Anywhere from 1 to 3 ml in your beta spray bottle would probably work very well, and it wouldn't put you in danger of ODing the person, I don't think. I'm dying to ask for details of this conversation, but I am trying not to be rude. heh.
  4. CHARISMA!!!!!! And I would likely add that to a clean fresh unassuming SPRAY scent for him, so he doesn't muck that part up, and tell him to use it lightly!
  5. Blood on Snow is closer to Spider Silk, except that it has a touch of tartness of top due to the currant. Spinnerett has very little in common with Spider Silk other than the touch of oak moss. Spinnerett is a candy like scent, while Spider Silk is a powdery scent.
  6. There's only one that is almost gone, Cat's Eye, and it is irreplaceable, which is why it is almost gone. Most people would rather have a sample of something rare and collectible than nothing at all, but of course, you may have your own view on the matter!
  7. That's strong stuff. You could dilute it by half or use half as much and see if that improves his response. What I've seen, is that too much EST can sometimes make guys uncomfortable because it is giving the chemical impression/subconscious message that you're pregnant. In small doses, it brings out the chivalrous and nurturing aspects of men AND women, can make people feel nesty and calm, make the wearer come off as very feminine. Too high a dose, or on the wrong person, can make them want to run for the hills...they may not understand the chemical message they are receiving for what it is, but it can certainly make guys who are not interested in nurturing their women, or young guys who absolutely don't want to be attached to a pregnant woman, freak the hell out. That's a rarer response...usually you get the chivalrous cozy response and it can be quite the turn on for certain types of men.
  8. Yes, baby! I just haven't had time to process the orders yet, (and send thank yous). If you get the cart copy, then we definitely get one too. No worries!
  9. And one more, just added to the Private Editions page....
  10. Down to 7 bottles of Cat's Eye. This is definitely a new record.
  11. from Wiki: I can actually thank Martha Stewart for this one. I was looking up Halloween dessert recipes and she mentioned Gianduja Chocolate, and I thought the word itself was so cool. It sounded to me like a mysterious voodoo type of word - like a kind of controlling potion they are so fond of, and when I looked it up, it also had the association with marionettes. Then you've got the marshmallow in there, which is magickally for "gently commanding and persuading", and it all came together. Spooky, ain't it?
  12. I just did a count, and currently there are only 10 bottles left of Cat's Eye. But there is a lot of sample vials...prob around 30 of them after the trial sets have been filled. Currently, anyway. It's only day ONE!
  13. I always understock the cart to make sure I have room for write-ins and offsite sales and set specials, etc. But as I had a very small supply of this to begin with, I will announce when it is gone. I've never had this issue before, someone wanting a bottle set after something has sold out, but I suppose I would let them choose something from another month to round out the ten, or give the choice of having a refund.
  14. Thank you, Beccah! ((SQUISH!)) Spinnerett really isn't all that Autumnal actually. But it is the most candy-like of this month's releases. I thought we needed at least one pure candy scent for our Halloween baggies.
  15. Lady Victoria is an ok rapper name...or *Princess V* I once made a video of all our cats, with a rap song of all of them talking about themselves. We had an orange tabby named Vanya, but he called himself "Rat Master V"..."cuz he nibbles on they tiny feet and keeps the house mouse-free."
  16. Well, I had an original tester to compare it to, and when freshly brewed it smelled pretty well spot on. But you know, after things meld and settle it could change a little. It smells great to me right now, I love it. The most "cheerful" of the autumnal scents. But anyway, I wouldn't stress too much because I made A LOT of this one...a double supply. So it shouldn't sell out too fast...I think you can relax with this one. But, ahem, Cat's Eye is another matter.
  17. Yes, people are grabbing up the Cat's Eye in multiples unsniffed! HOARDERS!!!! LOL! Halo, this Flying Potion is the same recipe as last time so if you have three bottles, I wouldn't stress about trying the new one. I did not make as much as I did last time since it was such a recent release, but I decided to make more because of the requests, and also because I find myself reaching for it more often than I even realized. I'm down to a few drops in my own bottle and wanted more for me too.
  18. Isis has been sold out for years. I made Naughty on the Nile as a variant rebrew.
  19. LOL! You guys....so cute. Yeah, Victoria should be a rapper. ElizOSP, can lay down some beats for her with her keys...(have you got a sequencer in that thing?)
  20. I wouldn't be worried. The tangerine smells like a real squirt of sweet tangerine or mandarin orange syrup, no bite at all, and it plays nicely within the mix. On my skin, it smells just like molten hot sugar, then the strawberry jam comes up with the touch of tangerine alongside, and as it morphs through the day the warm sweet skin musky scent trails behind. The other elements round out the experience but nothing else really jumps to fore. It's quite candy-ish though, so one must be a fan of the super sweet pinky sugar blends. I think Beccah, July Girl and Halo are going to like this one a lot, based upon their other likes. I have a feeling this one is going to be a multi-bottle hoard for me.
  21. I was going to comment on Spinerett, thank you for reminding me!!! Yeah, I HATE spiders too, but I put each perfume on while I am typing up the descripts for the site, and after I donned this one, I caught the scent of the neighbors cooking up something delish in their firepit...it smelled so good I went to the door and looked out to see what they were cooking, and then I realized they weren't cooking anything at all. IT WAS MY ELBOW I WAS SMELLING! It smelled EXACTLY like hot, simmering sugared yummyness. Argh, this one smells so good. Anyone who is a pinky sugar fan will love this.
  22. When it's wet it IS mostly alcohol! After it dries down the smell of alcohol should be gone, and it should never smell like rubbing alcohol (perfumers and phero companies (hopefully) do not use rubbing alcohol as a dilutant). When dry it smells *to me* like a lightly musky floral. To some people it smells vaguely pishy (it's naturally present only n the urine of pregnant women), and some people can't smell it at all. What strength were you using and how much did you use? And on whom?
  23. Just want to mention...I HATE dragon's blood. Or I thought I did. Before I started shopping for it myself for our blends, I had only ever smelled the cheap plasticy cherry-ish junk that the street corner incense and oil guys sell, and unfortunately, other etailers too. When I started sampling all there is out there from the quality suppliers, I found that the really good expensive stuff doesn't have that cherry/plastic vibe. It smells rich and deep and resinous, and that is the only kind I will use. Yes, it's incensey, but richly, deeply, lavishly inscensey. Give it a try!
  24. Private Editions!!!!!!! Jo Anna's Sweet Winter Chai 2011 Jo Anna revisits and updates one of her all-time favorite creations... Gooey sweet caramel and marshmallows with chai spices on top! Lindee's Autumnal Apples Lindee crafts her own twist to our classic Sugared Apple scent! "I want it to smell like apple pie filling before it goes in the oven, with the crisp, fresh apples sprinkled with sugar and a tiny bit of syrupy quality to the sugars from mixing with the water on the apples. I want it to smell like a Fall scent with mostly red apples and brown sugar." Yup. We can do that, YUM!
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