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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I can totally see an OD of Sexpionage doing that. It's meant to amp up the testosterone in both parties and inspire some aggressiveness...usually sexual aggressiveness. Do you think it inspired aggravation due to sexual frustration since you guys aren't getting along so well these days? Maybe nowhere to channel the sexual energy?
  2. EST is fabulous in mixed blends. It's feminizing, and Chris says it's crucial for creating "female magic". It's just high quantities that cause some guys to react negatively. MOST guys react wonderfully to it, but even so, ODing on the stuff will make almost anyone uncomfortable. Just the right amount = sensual femininity. Too much = desperately needy and weak pregnant woman.
  3. FYI: The Magnets and BAMS are only lightly scented. But if you order the NoCo variety, you get a full strength perfume. So expect the Brown Sugar and Resins to be more concentrated in NoCo form. I hope it won't be too strong for you. If memory serves, I made the scents of the OCCOs crazy strong to cover the volume of copulins in those, so hopefully you'll be able to wear more than a DOT.
  4. Ahhh, thank you, Elizabeth! SMOOCH!!! I see what happened - the bottle sizes were overriding the price of the samples. I programmed both sets of info into that one by mistake. FIXED!!!
  5. Agrees with Calii - Belly & cleavage are best places to spray anything with copulins and YES it will diffuse more in the spray form. (The spray base I used for these is 90% alcohol/10% oil) Most people prefer Blatant Invitation in oil...tho I've had a few customers purchase it in 2 or 3x in spray form. YOWZA!
  6. Interesting to see how consistent Dolly's responses are with Est. (Sorry he didn't respond well, but he's an excellent gauge!) I'm positive Cougar has Est in it, but likely not as much. Lumina is around 25% Est.
  7. There's NoCo Sandalwood & Resins that is the same. I don't think we have that same scent in the OCCOs - I think the closest would be OCCO: Black, but it's not the same.
  8. BAMs have a touch more COPULINS than the Magnets (LAMs), thus they may have a stronger aroma, but not a stronger dose of perfume. If it's the brown sugar perfume itself you are after, you can buy the scent in the form of what we are calling NOCOs and boost it (or not) with whatever phero you want. It's on this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/NoCo/ Choose the scent called "Spicy Brown Sugar".
  9. They share some of the same ingredients...Lumina also contains Est and Alpha-Nol like Lace, but Lumina is a more complex and sophisticated mix.
  10. Just FYI.... The intent for Audacious was more self-effects, to give the wearer confidence and mood elevation, a sexy bold feeling, and come off likable to others in the bargain. Don't mean to skew responses with this post so let me know if I should remove this, Darbla. Just wanted to explain that the goal for the blend is quite a bit different than that of Popularity Potion.
  11. Liz, some blends with Beta-Nol as the first ingredient: TMI True Confessions BAM! Sexology also has a goodly amount of Beta-Nol, etc....there's a BUNCH with it in there.
  12. Sooooo, the supplier of our little 6ml glass spray bottles shorted our last order. I recently discovered, by around 300 bottles. I spoke with them on Monday and they told me that they were back ordered and wouldn't be shipped until the 18th. So we found a similar replacement and they are winging their way to us now, to be delivered on the 15th. Those of you who ordered a large number of the "Pick Your Potion" Phero Trials may get their order in two pieces. I want to get the ones that are ready out to you now, and will ship the rest when the other bottles get here. So sorry about this. I did not notice the shortage...I was making the pheros in alphabetical order and ran out of bottles when I got to the Ls!
  13. Agree with all of the above. That said.... Beta Androstenol is the phero that is reputed to be the powerhouse of trust and bonding and deep communication properties. DHEA is also for bonding. Estratetraenol is soothing and comforting, in light doses. When you are perusing blends, look for those with Beta-Nol in them for sure, and the other two ingredients would be a plus as well. I would go for blends rather than single molecules so that you have a well-rounded buffered potion.
  14. Yummmm, thanks for the candy as33156!!! SLURP!! May need to come over there and slather you in LPs personally...
  15. OMG! I shouldn't laugh, but that WAS funny.
  16. Can't we ship it straight to you? We ship to those APO addresses all the time. If you have a direct address you want us to use, just email it over.
  17. NO you didn't! You sounded CUTE. Call back if you have any more questions!
  18. Hello, Dahlink! Your last redemption was at 800 posts.
  19. Hey, watch it! I KNOW what the "bless her little heart" stuff really means now...
  20. No, this amber is quite different from most that I have. It's more akin to ambergris than pure amber, or a mixture of the two. People get them mixed up and companies even sometimes misname or misunderstand them. Amber is NOT short for ambergris, as some people say, they are two different things but often confused. Ambergris is a waxy musk from whales, (they excrete it in little balls and it can be found along the shorelines), while amber is petrified tree sap. This particular "amber" used the name amber, but smelled more to me like a mix of amber and ambergris - the latter having the animalic musky quality. Amber resins have a huge wide range, depending on what kind of tree sap they are made from and what part of the world. There's an untold number of them in the world...I have purchased chunks of amber from all over the planet to smell the differences. Some have a touch of pine smell, or citrus, some are sweeter, some are very dry....
  21. Heee, welcome back Liz! What a horrible tale - we were worried about you. Liked getting your message tho - you have a gorgeous sexy voice.
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