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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Getting stuffy-headed from smelling perfumes could be allergies...or at least sensitivity. Do you get stuffy every time you've tried it or just the one? May have been a coincidence, or if you are allergic then don't use that one again. Amber is a basenote. And in this case, could be what you might call sticky....the amber used in this one was musky and animalic. Bright notes burn off the fastest on my skin type too...bergamot and light florals do not last long on me. We don't use chemical stabilizers like the commercial sellers do, Moonholly, so the scents WILL change throughout the day and come across as layered and like a scent journey, as opposed to a linear experience.
  2. Around 192 bottles is usually max, but there's been a few more. (You'll know which ones they are by how long they stick around!)
  3. Ahhhh! The cart is now up!!!!!!!! Weehooo! AlienC - Stealing Heaven is not overtly floral at all. As it has melded over the days since it was brewed, it now presents itself with the citrus up front, followed by a lovely zen combo of lightly floral greenery. It's beautiful, light, refreshing...nothing to punch one in the nose. IMO. It's a quick morpher on skin like mine...as I burn off top notes like citrus and light flowers very quickly. After a few minutes I get the cuddly oakmoss coming to the fore with an uplifting brightness alongside.
  4. Thanks for that, Ladies! GLITCH FIXED!!! Let me know if you find any more. Thanks!
  5. Happy Halloween kids! And WOW! to those of you hanging out to see them come up! HUGZ!!! I've only got the front page/perfumerie up so far, and am going to work on finishing the cart now, which should take a few more hours. NO WORRIES, there's plenty. Go give out candy to the kids!
  6. Hey guys, thank you for the enthusiasm, I really do appreciate it, but please do not order anything until the offerings are actually posted for sale. I am going to have to refund a couple of orders that are incorrect. I should have everything up and orderable by tomorrow eve. Thank you!
  7. We tried to dress up Layla in the pink princess outfit that Katz sent us, but she would not cooperate!
  8. Unscented Pheromone Blends.... Lumina BANG! Audacious Mother's Little Helper TMI Throb Oh yeah, and this month only, I am offering 1x UNscented trial sprays of any phero blend you want to try. 6ml sprays for $15 each, or 10 of them for $100. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Editions.... Skye High Nicole's Spearmint Garden Daniel's Zen Garden And the scrub of the month is similar to Darling Clementine, but done with flavors and ALL edible ingredients....but you really shouldn't eat it anyway, Tyvey.
  9. For the Gents.... Pashazade Pinnacle Salute Ruisseau Ambuscade Sudden Impact Super for Men II Thunder
  10. For the Ladies..... Velvet Kisses Rocket Fuel III Far, Far Away Extracurricular Proclivities Darling Clementine Bosom Bows III Stealing Heaven Passion in Pink ****************************************************************** Unisex blends..... The Shark Whisperer Portmanteau
  11. A Pasha was an authority figure in Turkey. It was more of a catch-all political title than an actual rank. Akin to calling everyone "Lord ---" in England. The word Pasha was already taken for fragrance by some pesky little upstart company called Cartier, so I looked around a bit and learned that Pashazade or Pashazada means "son of a pasha", and decided to go with that. The scent has that kind of regional quality and ingredients so it suits very well. It smells rich and exotic and very manly...but I think many ladies will like wearing this one too. I'm going to hold aside a little of each of the blends from this coming month without pheros, so people can "switch sides" and try the fragrances without having a phero blend not made for their gender.
  12. He's got 1x on the phero blend, and 1/2 strength on the fragrance blend, if I remember correctly, (so he wouldn't go too heavy on the fragrance part.) 2 sprays sounds great to start...one to the chest for sure, and maybe the other to the back of the neck. More heat for dispersal than the hands, and on the hands you are likely to wash it off when you go to the loo! Glad to hear he's off to a good start!
  13. You write very pretty, picturesque reviews, Moonholly. Thank you!
  14. Ooops, no it was even more than that. I'm looking at the original recipe and it was closer to 2,000 mcg...actually 2x.
  15. You guys, remember that the original Rocket Fuel was 2x the norm for phero amped perfumes, and sold for $50 per bottle. 666mcg per bottle, of pheros. So, still less than your 1x unscented sprays, but maybe the combo is what makes the magic?
  16. LOL! Yup, it just may have been put there for you.... That's about the amount that I wear also, Snoops. Bellybutton to cleavage, a roll on the back of the neck, smoosh it all in with my wrists, and sometimes a roll on the inside of the arms. Anyone who says that the oils are "disappearing" on them is not wearing them like THIS! You get a good 6+ hour wear out of the oils like this, and many times, into the next day. Anyway, so glad you are getting good results! I slipped a little trial into your latest box for you to try, btw. Let me know what you think!
  17. I'm so sorry about that sweetie! I think the longer the travel time, the more chance of this sort of thing. John's putting together a box for you right now to make up for what was lost + new labels.
  18. You're probably confusing everyone because it's been gone for over a week! After all the orders were filled, we found that we had 2 last bottles and put them into the cart last night. You got one, and one is still in the cart. We still have lots of sample vials in the cart tho!
  19. I think I mentioned this elsewhere...there's a DROP of copulins in this, just a tiny tiny amount. I think it is minute enough to even use in your hair.
  20. Potion Master


    This is one of my faves of the month. I love how the brown sugar makes it smell like hot, freshly spun cotton candy. I rolled some of this on my pillow 3 DAYS AGO and I still get a gorgeous blast of the scent every time I walk into my bedroom. Ummm, somebody stole 2 bottles from the stock. ::eyes the kittens with suspicion and whistles nonchalantly::
  21. Hmmm, I usually make those batches together - and split the lot between the two. But different brew editions will always differ a tad. About to brew another batch this week!
  22. Cat's Eye is also so strong that you only need a drop - just one drop, and it will last you all day. I wore it yesterday for an outing...one dab from my fingertip on the breastbone, the hot spot between the cleavage, and it BLOOMS! Even the small sample size should last you quite a few wearings.
  23. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Beta_Testing.html To turn something into a spray, use the second option. To add pheros, additionally you must click the third option. If what you want does not seem to be covered by available options, just send me an email and I will send you an invoice. Thank you! email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
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