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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Dr Stone told me that if pheros had measurable physiological effects in a medical sense, then they would need to be regulated by the FDA as a drug. He said the doses are too minute in perfumery to be considered a drug. But maybe I am answering it backwards....you're asking if BC pills have an effect on your body chemistry and therefore the perfumes and pheros, right? It's certainly possible, because they effect your hormone levels and imitate pregnancy. Do they make one produce EST, I wonder? I would think that the most that might happen is that you may find that your preferred dose strength or blend might act a little different while you are on them. You might have to adjust your levels a tad but I doubt it will make that much of a difference. I don't recall there being any difference when I was on or off BCP and wearing pheros.
  2. There *might* be a little left. I stock the cart conservatively remember. Give me a day or two to get through all of the orders and then I will add whatever is left back into the cart.
  3. And for you too! *pets 'Luna da Lady' back!* Thank you for your stunning artistry and assistance, especially *now*. You amaze me, and I love you most madly. Thankful for your existence just doesn't cover it. Love love love....
  4. You have to see it full size: CLICK HERE The multi-colored droplets made me think of Italian ices. yum. Of all of Orb Gettar's artwork, I like this style the best. He's got several in this vibe I would love to use in the future.
  5. LOL! And you helped! Thank you, Elizabeth!!!!! xoxoxoxoxox
  6. Just added Beccah's latest PE to the cart - only 4 bottles available. And I'm DONE! Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Question: Anyone up for a fresh scrub this month? I have one planned, but only if there's interest - it can wait. We still have half a dozen from last month. Ok, Break time for me! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! xoxoxox Mara
  7. Go check the front page! Will have the cart up in a little while.
  8. It's the total amount of pheros in the entire bottle. You can get the same effect by spraying on 2 or 3 times the amount, but your total amount of pheros in a 1x bottle is 1,000 mcg. 2x = 2,000 mcg 3x = 3,000 mcg
  9. Any Color You Like * Inspired by "Any Color You Like" ~ by Pink Floyd * Idea by Luna65 Closer (Phero enhanced w/EoW Copulins) * Inspired by "Closer" ~ by Nine Inch Nails * Idea by KBlazin Sugar Plum Fae * Inspired by "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies" ~ by Tchaikovsky * Idea by Lady Victoria Message in a Bottle (Unisex ~ Phero enhanced w 50/50 Beta & Alpha Nols) * Inspired by " Message in a Bottle" by The Police * Idea by perfumesniffer Strawberry Fields * Inspired by "Strawberry Fields Forever" by The Beatles * Idea by John John ~ Le Wizard
  10. We want to thank everyone who participated and shared their beautiful stories with us. We loved every one of them and it was extremely difficult to narrow them down and make our decisions. We had to take into consideration if the concept worked as a marketable fragrance and also balance the set according to fragrance families and note whether we had released anything similar recently. So, this was a tough one, sorry for the wait! We think the final results came out fabulous, fun and maybe a little surprising, (cuz we had to tweak a few things). We hope you enjoy them! A round of applause for all of you who pitched in! Thanks and BRAVO!!! Time of Your Life * Inspired by "Good Riddence" ~ by Green Day * Idea by Tyvey Breathe Into Me (Phero enhanced w/ Alpha-Androstenol) * Inspired by "Bring Me Back to Life" ~ by Evanescence * Idea by Ravenwing Feelin' Groovy * Inspired by "59th St Bridge Song" ~ by Simon & Garfunkel * Idea by Isa * Artwork courtesy of Orb Gettarr (Beccah's Dad!) Mississippi Moon * Inspired by "Black Water" ~ by the Doobie Bros. * Idea by ElizabethOSP Somebody to Love * Inspired by "Somebody to Love " by Jefferson Airplane * Idea by Anon
  11. I wouldn't do more than one phero enhanced melt at a time. They're quite strong, might be headache inducing.
  12. I do have ONE mega-avid customer for this one. She buys it in EVERYTHING....every B&B offering we have, spray, roll-on, you name it. I'm stunned by how much she loves it. Says it smells great on her personal chemistry and turns her man into an animal. Go fig.
  13. Yay! Thanks, Skye! Glad you had a nice experience with it! I think I'm going to use up all the Caramel Apple melts all by myself....must....curb....cravings for it.... I just love how summery and happy it is.
  14. Welcome, Cinnamongirl! Try this: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/fi..._to_display=999 In the Perfumerie section, you can sort by type of scent. The above will sort for you by "Delicious/Foody", but you can also sort by Vanilla-based scents, or Spicy scents, etc., and it will make your perusing somewhat easier.
  15. No, this isn't sold out. We have 8 bottles left.
  16. Even the limited rebrew has sold out, so one would have to look for it in the trading post.
  17. You are quite right tho....pear and apple do have a certain quality in common! Let me think of pears for you too, then... (obviously) Three of Pairs Unwrapped Mistress Christmas And just a dash.... Honey Ho Butterfly Kisses Love Salad
  18. Others with Apple in them.... Brigid's Amber Nibble Me This Eve's Temptation Pomme de Poison
  19. This is absolutely correct. Clever girl. I would spray, and then allow the cloth to dry on the hangar, then put it on. I just have no idea what is in the solute. I have called the company and all they will say is that it is a SECRET, and not intended to be used directly on the skin. After the liquid has dried, there should be no danger. And I doubt there is all that much danger to start with really, because the supplier is world renowned primarily as a flavor company, but as they won't budge on the secret information, I'm just going with what they tell me.
  20. Ok, Just got off the phone with Chris and discussed with him the "crashing" issue. He was very generous with his time and expertise. He said, most of the time when people feel a "crash" it is because there needs to be a little bit of oil in an alcohol spray, like 10-20%, so that one doesn't get immediate highs followed by sudden lows. You're always going to get an immediate high with an alcohol spray, but if you temper it with a little oil, then you get more of a tapering-off effect at the end. Other than that, he felt the user (or, me, the blender) should add a touch more alpha-nol to the mix, to ease up on the seriousness of the intent/other ingredients, and as a buffering agent. He mentioned the same thing about B2. If you've already got it in a oil form, then the crash isn't from a sudden drop off, therefore, try adding a dash of alpha-nol to the mix and it should help eliminate the crash and buffer/round out the other ingredients better. Cool stuff!
  21. NO! Absolutely not. The solute for the linen sprays is not for use directly on the skin. The supplier of the base does not even supply a list of the ingredients because there is no intention of using it on the skin. We use 20% solute, and add that to distilled water and perfume. The water and perfume are of course skin safe, but the solute is not. There's no problem with you mixing distilled water with your perfumes to dilute them at home. You'll just have to shake the bottle each time you use it. You can get 1oz plastic spray bottles at the pharmacy or market and they will work fine.
  22. The Meo-Est we had was from a company called Androtics. From what I understand, they represented that it is a lower priced Est replacement, later known to be derived from horses. We do not purchase or offer any products from this company any longer.
  23. Oh, and John had a good idea about what to do with the used ones....still have a scent but maybe not another burn's worth. He's piling them up in a basket in his bathroom - says they work great like a basket of potpourri. The BF liked the idea so much he's doing that too. Think I will give this a try as well. I just keep forgetting and throwing them out. :/
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