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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Note - I edited my third post to include the Scrub of the Month and Coffee Soap. I got discomboobulated with so much stuff to do!! I'm programming the cart now. With any luck, I will have things orderable by VERY late tonight, or tomorrow at the latest.
  2. You may THINK I'm joking, but there is a company out there that sells hormones and steroids as "putative pheromones"...they are actually sold by the supplier as drugs or "nutritional suppliments" to be ingested, but these guys liquefy them in alcohol and sell them as pheros. And there are several companies out there selling pheromone candles, which is absolutely toxic. When pheros touch flame they turn into a toxic gas. Not an opinion, FACT. That's why I'm making wax melts rather than candles with them. It's frightening what's out there and what people do with them sometimes!
  3. Lavish New Wax Melts! A wide variety of Fragranced or Phero Enhanced Wax Melts. You'll have to wait until the page goes up to see all your choices! Squee! A new style of Wax Warmer will also be added to the store today... ------------------------------------------- ETA: Duh! I made some more Perfumer's Coffee Soap This soap is FAB for removing perfume from the skin (when regular soap does not). It's also pretty good for getting the smell of garlic or onions off your hands. We use this here in the studio, and I know this is useful for those who like to try all 10 new releases on at once! It's made from ground coffee, shea butter, and a buncha other good stuff. Ingredients posted in the B&B area. and, the Scrub of the Month is..... A mixed Brown and White Sugar Scrub, scented all with flavor oils so it is *Face-Safe*! An Ambrosial Delight ~ Raspberries, Cranberries and Watermelon, Cherries, Coconut, Marshmallow and Salt Water Taffy! ------------------------------------------- PE's for this month.... Jo Anna's Tropical Getaway Sniffer's Violet Smoke Carolyn's Wild & Woody Vanilla
  4. TMI Be careful what you wish for! This one is phero enhanced with a mixture of Beta-Androstenol & Alpha-Androstenol in a 80%/20% ratio, for both sexes to wear. (P.S. I made up some extra of the TMI phero blend, so I can quickly make up an unscented bottle of this ratio for you, or add it to another fragrance, just FYI on the TMI. heh.) Pillow Stuffing Limelight Belle de Menthe Voodoo Fondue
  5. Aether Phero Enhanced with Focus Potion Ambrosial Summer Luminessence Candy Apple Cutie Love Potion: Homme Yup, after being asked to do an LP variant for men for over a decade, I finally decided to do it! What took me so long??? This blend has the same beloved LP base with unsweetened woods and resins and a drop of black coffee mixed in. Plenty of you ladies will love to wear this one just as much as you'll love it on your men.
  6. There's no way that you can cause any irreversible damage by using commercial strength pheromones in the instructed manner. As long as you just wear them, and don't drink them or touch them to flame, you're fine.
  7. My favorite Dill EO is called "Sweet Dill", so it is likely that I used that one. I assume it is the leaves, and it does smell different from Dill Seed EO.
  8. It is. There's two parts to it...there is *crafting with intent* and then charging or blessing, sometimes on a *day of power* as Beccah so nicely put it. There's a short article here, if you are interested: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/Intent Crafting with intent means, in our case, that we are making perfumes with the knowledge of the folklore/spiritual/religious meanings of each ingredient in mind, and we are choosing those ingredients each for a special purpose. While handling the ingredients, the goal of the potion is kept in mind....a potion for love, for money...you keep the goal in mind while brewing....this process "charges" what you are making with energy, When finished, the potion can be additionally charged or blessed. My usual blessing is to wish success, health and happiness on the wearer of the perfume, with an additional thought to the specific purpose. In this case, Ail figured out the exact time of the Solstice in Scotland and in California, and we both did our prayers/wishes/spells at the same time. (Understand that a prayer, a wish and a spell are all the same thing). We do this for every seasonal Solstice and Equinox, Full Moons and other special days. Sometimes we will craft a potion in honor of a God/dess, and we will do our blessing on that deity's special day. This calendar is fantastic...it lists all the dates for the Celtic, Norse, Greek, Roman & Christian holidays, and also the moon cycles, etc. http://pagancalendar.co.uk/
  9. Yes, Honey, I am holding onto the ones that people asked me to hold on to. No worries. Thanks for checking.
  10. It is. Charged from both sides of the pond, by Ail and self. We has a guest writer this month due to Ms Luna's trip to the happy place. Our Naughty Jester has done the honors!
  11. Will get the rest of the pending orders out by tomorrow I hope. Almost through all the special requests and PEs. Am trying to get the new releases up by Friday night (fingers crossed) so hope to have the rest out tomorrow. Most are done but not boxed yet. Apologies to those who are still waiting. You shouldn't have to wait much longer.
  12. We had a 2 MONTH hold in Canada once...and the box wasn't opened or anything, they just held it! I have always been very impressed with how Canada handles customs, with how thorough they are. Not that I've enjoyed being on the receiving end of going in and out of the country (having two-toned hair made me a target back in my rocker chick days, and now they quote back to me every single time I've passed across the border and want to know why I sometimes come in on a work visa, and sometimes not), but it's so "professional" compared to the US or Mexico. And the people are generally so much nicer, even when they are being "mean" to you.
  13. Awwwwww, he's got a BUKKIT!!! MORE MORE!!!! So demanding I am.
  14. And the Priority says 6-9 days anyway! It's funny, Canada often takes longer than Europe. I always wonder why that is.
  15. There is no $11.95 rate. The prices went up TWICE already this year here! I looked up the small box rate and it is currently $13.95 to Canada. We might be able to fit a limited amt of roll on bottles into this size of box, but sprays would have to go into a medium flat rate box, which is $45.50. Also, the small box is only 1.5 inches wide. I would worry about sample vials getting crushed, but the roll-on bottles would probably be hearty enough to handle it. Def not the spray bottles, no room for protection packing. I've never had a problem with people requesting and paying for expedited services of their choice. We do it all the time, it's always an option, you just have to ask. We can't do internationals through the stamps.com program anyway, so that means we're standing in line at the post office at least 3 days a week...so it really makes no difference to us as long as the extra services are paid for by the customer.
  16. Oh, that's so cool! I've never seen the scent descripts, I will have to look. I haven't been to their website...or else I suppose I would have known they were CLOSED ON MONDAYS! Yes, that's where I go to get the wax...I am NOT paying to ship 20 pound slabs of wax...it's like shipping rocks! I get a few oils there, but most I get from 3-4 other sources on the net. I will go sniff Summer Lawn when I am there. I think I may have even bought that one a couple of years ago but used it up. I was thinking it was called Fresh Cut Grass or something, but I think yeah, it probably was Summer Lawn. Oh, I found it! You're mowing the backyard, all the flowers are in bloom, and a gentle summer breeze is blowing... Remember the lazy days of summer any time of year with this subtle yet fresh scent.
  17. I don't even know what most of the abbreviations stand for, and I work here!
  18. We clean and recycle all plastic and glass, (and we can recycle paper and styrofoam in this area too). We don't actually work with anything that is rated as hazardous. There is no "garbage man" around here...it's all done automated with trucks. The truck driver never leaves the cab, even if he misses and spills garbage all over the street - he just leaves it for the people who live on the street to clean. They do not come into contact with any garbage. A few weeks ago I cleaned up a spill myself...there was broken glass all over the street - (there's a lot of dogs and children around here...very unsafe to leave broken glass everywhere). AND they charge us quite a bit for the service...$75 per month per unit in this neighborhood, which adds up to a LOT of money for an inconsistently done job...half the time they don't even show up and we have to call to complain. They just added this "garbage tax" around a year ago because of how badly the city/state has mismanaged money. They've been heaping on extra taxes on us like crazy...another reason I want to move out of this state. On the other side - I DO get comments from our laundry service who clean our studio towels every month. They say that ours is the only laundry that comes in smelling better than when it leaves.
  19. Hi Bambi, We responded to you yesterday, I guess you did not get the email. We will send it again. (Thanks Lynne, she's outside the country so we have to email)
  20. Today I made: * LP Black * LP Black w/ Perfect Match Have enough wax to make one more round tonight. Drove out to the candle supply warehouse today to buy more wax and oils....CLOSED ON MONDAY?!?!?! C'MON! ::expletive grumble:: Made it through 40 pounds of wax so far, and am going to go buy another 60 pounds tomorrow. This is FUN! And I want a good selection for everyone to choose from when we launch them.
  21. Well that one was supposed to be single use, so if people wanted more, it would make sense to put it into a container for numerous enjoyments. It's not really balanced for a perfume because there's so much mint in it - it would overpower the other notes on the skin, but it's perfect for the tub. We might do a perfume oil that's similar in the future. Sorry to hear you're not feel well today, I hope the aches go away soon! xoxoxox MWAH!
  22. ??? Please rephrase the question? Thank you! Oh wait, I get it now. You're asking if you can add some unscented phero solution to a melting wax tart? The answer is ONLY if it is oil. And it's not going to work as well. If you add alcohol or silicone phero solution to hot wax, it's going to just go POOF! in the air. It will all dissipate at once as soon as it touches the heat. The oil will last a little longer. HOWEVER, if the phero solution is prepared in oil with the scented candle oil, allowed to let sit to meld with it over time, the pheros should last as long as the scent.
  23. In the cart! They will be ready with the new releases.
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