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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. They would all work (providing that they are properly prepared in the right base like I do them...you can't just put alcohol dissolved pheros into wax) but it's just a matter of what is logical to put into a wax melt. In my opinion, you have to consider they have a very wide throw and are going to effect everyone in the room. It's not like putting them on yourself and only effecting the people in close proximity to you for your own benefit. So...what kind of aura do you want to share with an entire room? Alpha Androstenol - as a mood elevator, good time party atmosphere - that's a logical choice. Tranquility Potion and B2/Teddy BB - also logical choices for spreading a relaxing vibe. Perfect Match or Treasured Hearts or Heart & Soul - all good for spreading that loving feeling throughout the room. True Confessions, Open Windows, Empathy Potion - good for social engineering. Focus Potion - good for a classroom or for studying. Popularity Potion or Charisma? Cougar? Not so logical. Where is the energy supposed to be directed in that case? Who's aura is that meant to accentuate when the entire room is being bombed with it? I mentioned last time that the Sugared Honeycomb amped with Lace melts were likely to incite an orgy if you burned one at a party. I think the intimate sexual ones would work in the bedroom for playtime quite nicely, but sheesh, not burned for a party. I'm planning on focusing on the ones with the widest social applications first, and certainly a few for playtime. But some of them just seem to be inconsistent with the logical intent. But I am open to all suggestions!!!
  2. Sexpionage has an "aggression" phero in it that is not present in Blatant Invitation...the addition of that phero is there for the purpose of boosting testosterone levels in both male & females, which rules lust and, yeah, aggression. Blatant Invitation is absolutely what the title says - it's a blatant invitation for romping, but in my opinion, it's still a little flirty and coy. Sexpionage is crafted completely differently, not subtle at all. It's a *rip clothes off with teeth, let's get down to business NOW* blend. I *might* wear Blatant Invitation in public once in a while, lightly applied, with my intended on my arm, at night, but I don't think I would ever wear Sexpionage in public.
  3. Jaycee, the only gender specific ingredient in here is EST, so if you don't mind wearing EST give it a shot. Let us know how it works for you!
  4. Ok, I brewed it today and it's ready to go. Made your sprays too, Ravenwing. (Luna and Ail, I slipped your bottles into your outgoing packages today.) I'm sending invoices now but take your time - the bottles are reserved for you. (Or you can just GC x 5 along with another order if you wish.) I did make a little extra, so the opportunity is still open for others to grab one. Thanks everyone!
  5. I can't do Velvet Moss in wax - I do not have any violet candle oils, sorry. BUT! I COULD make you guys Velvet Moss SIMMER OIL with pheros added! Drop me an email if you would like me to make something like that for you....tis easy! Email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  6. Awww, thank you, ladies! I'm sooo glad you like! I really enjoy them myself. I think I found the point of how much scent is TOO MUCH last night. I tried 4x the standard of scent to wax, and one tart could've flooded a school gymnasium with scent. Going to dial that back a touch...whew! As far as which scents, Luna...some of my established recipes yes, and some new ones...I tend to craft on the fly as you know. Rose Cookies was a spontaneous creation last time. Not sure I even wrote that down, but I've started a separate recipe book for the candle scents - and combing my other recipe books for the wax recipes inserted here and there. I bought a couple of dozen new oils when I picked up the wax last week, so I have a few more options. One that I got is called "egg nog", so will see if I can blend something along the lines of Garland & Lace with it.
  7. Ummm, you can put thru the order now, but if you want to kindly save us the fees on a second order, include a GC for the Special Delivery within that order. Thank you! I can mail the whole thing on Friday probably. Will brew the perfume today or tomorrow. Thanks, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxox
  8. I would say so! I think they work very potently when diffused with this much heat! (Just remember, pheros are never supposed to touch flame - they create a toxic gas.) You might want to heat the melt for 15-30 minutes, then put it out once it has diffused throughout a room so you don't overdo it....depending on the phero blend.
  9. So, TWO sprays for Ravenwing? Not a problem!
  10. This is a BIG project. So far I am just making one type per day. Packaged and ready to go so far: Zippity Doo Dah w/ Alpha-Nol Spa Mint w/ Tranquility Potion I burned a Zippity last night in my bedroom and it was phenomenal. My tealight lasted for a little over 3 hours and I could still smell the fragrance in my room the next morning. The harder wax is easier to just POP out of the burner when it's cool. I like that part. (The wax still has some perfume in it after use, but I only use them once - John says he used his 3-4 times last time, but I likes'em strong.) Tonight will try Spa Mint and report back! So, I've changed a few things - I am going to offer them individually, in singly wrapped little container cups. Easier for everyone to just mix and match that way. Will show and tell more in the coming days....you'll see.... Would appreciate hearing what people would like with which pheros, and what people would like to have available with NO pheros. I'm more inclined to concentrate my efforts on the phero enhanced ones, because no one else is making them - whereas, you can buy scented wax melts all over the place. But I find that personally, I like to burn one each evening just for myself, and I seem to be saving the phero enhanced ones for when company is over, but still want to have the scent just for me when I'm alone. What about you guys?
  11. Yep - Catherine = Catie Scarlet.
  12. Hmmm. There's been testing re cops and testosterone boosting. There HAS TO BE a target female, even if it's only a photograph, or else it doesn't occur. One of the first commercial uses for copulins (actually, I think it was THE first) was for men to wear to the gym, to boost testosterone to try to create the effect of taking steroids, but without the steroids. So a safer more natural thing for body builders. Men were supposed to apply it under their noses. The experiment and product failed. Testing found that without a target female in the picture there was zero boost in testosterone levels in men. Interesting, yeah? The EST use sounds about right...it def can have a soothing effect on men in the right surroundings. I wonder what is meant by "mood enhancer" with the TH-Doc. What kind of mood, do you know? Thanks for the notes, Calii! xoxox
  13. Calii, is this a particular product on the market or something they whip up themselves? What kind of self effects are they wanting / experiencing?
  14. He's a happy guy. He radiates light and warmth and spirituality. A joy to be around and I think his scents reflect that part of his personality. Glad that others like his creations as much as I do. :sunnysmile:
  15. My thoughts: Spritz on hair and front of shirt, maybe a dot on the hands...no more than 2 sprays total. Wear with a light friendly type of fragrance. Don't "overwhelm" with either the phero or the scent. You want them to be drawn to you - so use like a lure...tease them closer. The sledgehammer approach can turn people off with regard to scent, and too much of this phero may cause that "rebellious" type of response I noted in the experiment thread. Best of success, Sweetie - good luck! xoxoxoxox
  16. It's pomegranate and cassis berry balanced with the cherry - that's why it doesn't come off as CHERRY, but it's nice and tart, and also smooth and silky. I lub it. Catherine (who's job it is to bottle the scents these days) also said that this is her favorite month for as long as she's worked here regularly. Says she loves every one of them, and was impressed how our blends gently glide from season to season. She loves the spring into summer feeling of these. Which is very nice coming from Miss Catherine, because she has worked with me on and off since the very beginning of this company going back to the mid 1980's.
  17. Have several male customers for EST, interestingly. My guess is that they wear it when they want to be 'taken care of' by others. It definitely relays a vulnerable vibe, which I can see men enjoying once in a while. (Like how so many men milk the hell out of it when they get a cold?) It makes people want to take care of you and treat you gently. I remember Snoopyace saying that the 'less-than-alpha' men's blends make women treat him like he can't even tie his shoe laces without assistance, which annoys him, but everyone has their own needs, likes and wants, so I can certainly envision some guys enjoying being babied, and EST would probably do quite well for that. As for the rest of the ingredients in SS4W...not sure how the whole package would work for a man. For women, it creates quite the SHINE, doesn't it? Spotlight on the amazing WOMAN, kind of thing. Well, Jaycee, you'll have to let us know how it goes should you decide to experiment with it! ------------------------- ETA: Jaycee, if you ARE seeking that "being taken care of" kind of vibe, I would also suggest you try Teddy BB. I have one straight male customer in Florida who is a gorgeous young guy in his early 20's, and says that every female, including his mom, simply can't do enough for him when he wears it. He's delighted with it - "Even ma Moms can't keep her lips off me. Everyone loves on me like crazy when I wear it." he says.
  18. Will leave this up until the end of the week and then brew for those who want it. Will send invoices Friday. Thanks everyone!
  19. We'll put it in a metal bottle for you, rather than glass. ok?
  20. This is one of my FAVES...EVER. No one buy any. I iz hoarding.
  21. Perfume sprays are 1/3rd oil to 2/3rd alcohol. Yes, this one will work fine either way.
  22. I think it will work best as intended in 100% pure alcohol, (as I have stated right next to the order forms). To work the way it was crafted to work, the ingredients have to be light and up in the air. It will still work in a heavier base, but it's not going to get as much up into the air. The effect may be longer lasting, but it will also be muted. If you are looking for a more muted effect, then by all means, try it with some oil added, but if anyone is looking for the same kinds of reactions as the testers experienced in their blind test...it's 100% alcohol, worn alongside any perfume of your choice (oil or spray doesn't matter). I would apply my perfume first, and then spritz the unscented Empathy Potion like a finishing spray over top. Spraying on your clothes and hair will make the pheros last longer too...you can try that to extend wear, rather than adding oil if you wish.
  23. It doesn't necessarily make you sad. It just makes you more intense emotionally. Judging from a certain phone call I rec'd on Saturday - the party on the other end, under the influence of this blend, was experiencing quite the manic high from it!
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