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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. You can skip the wax entirely - just order the Simmer Oils! You are correct, perfume oils and candle oils generally do not mix. However, there's nothing wrong with warming your perfume oils in your burner, it's just a very expensive thing to do. (Cut it by 50% of you decide to do that.) The Simmer Oils are made from candle scent oils, so they are exactly what is going into the wax melts.
  2. For people trying to join the forum, we've had a LOT of attempted spam attacks, therefore email providers which are the source of most of the false joining attempts have been blocked. If you are having problems joining the forum PLEASE send us an email so we can sign you up manually. Huge apologies for the inconvenience, but without the blocks we are bombarded with hundreds of automated attempts to join/spam per day. Thanks for your understanding! Our email address is: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  3. Everything that is left is listed here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...st&p=128564 No Zippety, but I see there's NOX, which is fantastic BTW. Trying to stop myself from stealing the rest of them.
  4. TG, I would say that diffused alpha-nol is just too strong for you, sorry. If one has an adverse reaction to anything, you just have to stop using. In any case, I did make these strong, so a larger room with good ventilation is probably best for their use. Maybe someone would like to swap with you? Elizabeth, What is on the list is still available. There's only a handful of them left so I am not going to put them into the cart. Just let me know what you would like! I made these using the waxes, molds, candle oils and other materials that I had on hand for quite a while, which have now been exhausted. This was an experiment, and want to see if people like them enough to become a regular offering. If so, a lot of things will have to be purchased again, and I will change things according to people's feedback and what the production and mailing costs turned out to actually be. It seems I made these a little too strong, pheromone-wise, and perhaps scent-wise too?
  5. Green musk is deep green in color, very resiny-thick, and smells like a musky resin more than a pure musk.
  6. Yay! Glad you like it, Ann! I was actually pretty proud of myself for getting it to smell so exactly like the tea bag. heeee.
  7. Welcome, Raq On! The trial sizes are available here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html Each has a brief description of the type of scent, with a link so you can read more about them. It will also indicate which scents have pheromones already in them. (We do not offer trial vials of unscented pheromones.) If you like spicy scents, here are some suggestions.... Love Potion: RED Liquid Moonbeams Pirate & the Maiden Garland & Lace (Phero enhanced with LACE) Santa's Little Helper Sparkle Fuchsia (Phero enhanced with COUGAR) North Pole (for men, but both can wear) Skelly Head Flambe Vicars & Tarts Spontaneous Combustion Buns of Cinn Native Soil Candle in the Wind Heart of Fire Carolyn's Man Nip Sexology is available as an unscented pheromone, or as a perfume with that phero blend in it. It is a sexy, dirty honey scent. The Detective and the Dame is a slightly spicy blend, but more traditionally perfumey, and this scent comes with Super Sexy for Women already added to the mix. Hope that helps!
  8. Ok, so the Melts I reserved for you plus a Monthly Sampler? I'll just invoice you for it. Thanks, Katz!!!
  9. Hi Elizabeth, yes, I reserved those for you! I will definitely send these all in one box along with whatever else you order. It's an odd number to add ($16 total) so you really can't do it in the cart yourself, I will have to send you a separate invoice. Should I do that now or do you want me to wait? Thank you!
  10. I updated the list here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...st&p=128564
  11. JOC and Calii - I never added them to the cart. I started programming but then went with the reserving on this thread option instead. There's not enough left to reprogram the cart. Just let me know if there's anything still available that you would like. So, those of you who were waiting for new releases, please get back to me with your lists as soon as you can. Thanks so much!
  12. Sure Lynne, is this your final list? I will invoice and send everything together. Thanks so much!
  13. It was still visible in the Perfumerie section, but not on the front page. It's fixed now tho!
  14. Thank you for pointing that out. There's a weird glitch in the site - if I add a potion to a "collection", it keeps it off the front page. (???!!!!???) I just fixed it, thanks!
  15. Bethany, we got your email and responded several days ago. Didn't you get the email? The missing item is already on the way. So sorry for the error!
  16. Ok. the cart is now UP! I did NOT add the Wax Melts to the cart because there's not enough of this test run left, so I will invoice for those, k? So let me know if you need an invoice, thanks!
  17. The New Releases are up on the front page! I am finishing programming the cart now, should take me another hour or so.....thanks for your patience!!!! xoxoxo
  18. Scrub of the Month - We're going CLEAN and GREEN this month, with a Salt Scrub scented with Clover, Green Musk, Aloe, Birch Leaves, and a dash of Cucumber, Mint, and Flowers. FRESH!
  19. I noticed that the Grapeseed butter has tiny stubborn grains - I have to warm it in my hands for longer - so I think I will leave out the grapeseed butter in the next batch. One trick I tried...putting it on in the shower after the cleanse, I ran the tin under the hot water for a moment to soften/liquify it a bit, then slathered.
  20. I burn them for 2 hours straight and then toss out the rest of the wax. It seems most of the good smellz is gone by then.
  21. Labels posted! Youse guys is funneh. Oh yeah, gotta post da scrub..... bye....
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