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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. We're going to do all-phero month a little bit differently. I saves the secrets for a bit longer..... nyehehehehe.
  2. They are already up and available, no need to reserve!
  3. I'm throwin' em all in at that price this month. All 11 bottles, including the 1oz phero spray. Blame it on the Flying Potion.
  4. to Calii - Thank you for drawing my attention to that! I totally missed it. It appears that if I label it as part of the LP Signature Collection, it removes it from the front page. I think Luna did a WONDROUS job this month, several of her descripts gave me CHILLS!
  5. I should have posted this earlier, sorry - but concerning the Flying Potion trial spray vials, we are sticking to the same rule we did last time with the Captivation Equation trial spray vials, which is: only one to a customer (you will notice the lack of a qty button) and these are not going to be allowed as forum freebies. The qty on hand is too small, and the trial price is a one-time offer. Thanks for your understanding!
  6. Ok, "Scrub of the Month" and the first three Bath Bombs are now loaded on the B&B page. I will add more bombs in the days to come. I highly recommend these, they are such a treat, and the Seduction one smells soooo gorgeous, don't be surprised to find a similar perfume next month. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Bat..._Body_Care.html
  7. To answer the Qs...I TRY not to do anything too similar to what has come before. That said, if you like Blood Martini, you might give Scarlet Leaf a try. It may have a similar quality but the ingredients are indeed different. (yes, fruit and wood, but different fruit, different wood). The Halloween collection is traditionally a pretty "foody" month. I didn't do anything as "perfumey" as 7 Minutes to Midnight with the pumpkins this month, sorry! Oh, and Garland & Lace 2 is sold out, but we're getting a lot of OOS notices from people pressing that button, so a suggestion - if you're looking for something along those lines, then you MUST try Vicars and Tarts from last month.
  8. New Releases and Trial Sizes, etc., now available in the shopping cart. Expanded descriptions/perfumerie and the rest tomorrow. (Thanks Luna!!! Thanks Ail!!! Thanks John!!! for the EXTRA FAB assistance this month!) Bed now!!! xoxoxoxoxo
  9. Ahhhhh, I couldn't stand the pressure! See how pregnant women get what they want? LOL! Congrats to you, dear Kim! See first post. Thumbnail descriptions added, and Lt Luna's masterpieces shall be ready by the end of the weekend, and away we go! You can order sample sets now if you wish, but the individual items won't be up for a few days yet. Thanks everyone, have a wonderful weekend! xoxoxox Mara
  10. Nope - you the only one who caught the sudden appearance of the bat man.
  11. I Scream for Halloween A fleshy 'round' pumpkin scent, lightly spiced, over the scent of that rich, high fat content dairy vanilla ice cream we used to eat as children, with the little wooden spoons...remember? Verhext (it means Bewitched in German!) Warm woods and fallen leaves, wood fire smoke, a trio of spicy pepper EOs, dragon's blood resin, patchouli and fig. We think guys will like this one too Candle in the Wind Hey, you smell just like a candle! bwaha! A spicy traditional harvest time blend of Pumpkin, Ginger, Orange and Dragon's Blood - the resiny kind, not the bleh cherry kind! Nibble Me This... An appley blend, definitely masculine enough for the guys to wear, but you gals will love it too. Ripe red apples, bolstered by teak woods and fall leaves, oak resinoid and oak moss. mmm, nibble-able. (John says it's one of his favorite scents EVER!) Haunted Hallows Goth-y, haunted blend. Freshly turned earth, a non-foody dry vanilla forms the middle, with a trio of lillies on top, and a pair of patchoulis on the bottom - one aged, one smoky. This doesn't come off as overtly floral at all, it really is quite Goth, settling into a "mysterious" combo. This is a perfect blend to wear (or even put in your oil burner) for Halloween atmosphere. Scarlet Leaf Autumnal and slightly candy-like, with a touch of spooky decay. 3 sources of pomegranate, cocoa absolute, and Indian patchouli over the warm scent of slightly spiced autumn woods. ------------------------------------- Oh yeah, and a couple of other new items: I am whipping up some lovely magickal bath bombs for the tub, in a broad variety of scents and intents. Wait till you see, so pretty! And the scrub of the month is coffee and white sugar, scented with pumpkin, fudge, pralines and cream. Next month's scrub is already done too - finely ground sea salt for that one. I'm going to give it away with it's corresponding perfume.
  12. Love Potion: Autumnal Equinox 2010 Yummeh LP seasonal, with fresh pumpkins and creammmm! Empowered on the Equinox, with an impressive whooosh, from two sides of the planet at the same time. Empowered for success in LOVE! Flying Potion - Phero Enhanced w/ Alpha-Androstenol Ylang ylang EO, black licorice, marshmallow, vanilla pod, grapefruit, cassis, a tiny touch of cider spices, and a "raging assload" of alpha-nol. This one is a spray, and, yowza, no spritzing while operating heavy machinery! Wooohooo, party on! P.S.: Oh, and contrary to the label, there's no pumpkin in this one - I just liked the feathers over the cauldron. And you should have seen this one while it brewed. Sooo cool, it bubbled and boiled amazingly, just bursting with MAGIC! Vampire Cabernet Cabernet, Honeycomb, Wild Cherry, and Sandalwood attar. Bloody rich and gorgeous! Risen A deeply resinous blend of ambergris and "white" patchouli, swathed in frankincense, topped in copal, and a drop of resinous dragon's blood. May be worn by both sexes. No sweetness, and the copal resin suggests a tinge of citrus. Sacred, soothing, and spiritual. Blue Corn Girl Popcorn with toffee and a rich autumn-ized caramel. Delish!
  13. I still have a few of these left if anyone is interested. Not sure about pending orders, but it looks like there is still 3 available here. Anyone? I'm thinking that I will start making a new fresh scrub every month to share, since I am now officially addicted to the whole scrubby experience. Will add button to the cart in the B&B area. I have all the ingredients laid out for a new one I want to try this month. heee.
  14. I'm totally with you on that. I was like "WHAT?!" thru half the movie, and at the end could hardly tell you what it was actually about. It was so off. I guess if you don't know the lore, it might be less confusing to watch. But sitting there trying to figure out what the heck they are doing to the legend...ack. It made me want to go rent the 70's version tho. I remember liking that one as a kid, esp the owl. Oh, and that lead actor - headed for super stardom, it appears. Starring in three huge action flix in a row out of nowhere. Whew!
  15. Saw the latest version of the film "Clash of the Titans" at the hotel the other night. The movie was "eh", but this part was so cool - Zeus sends Perseus a couple of gifts to help him on his quest, and one of them is Areion. Two white winged horses fly off, but Areion invites him to be her rider. I have never seen a black winged horse depicted on film before. It was really nifty, especially with the timing of this release.
  16. Our Magnet blend is also Alpha-Nol and EoW cops. Not knowing what the strength of the other product is, you should probably expect a similar feel from either product. It's just down to picking which scent you enjoy most then, I guess. Scent of Eros is the JV Koles product, isn't it? If so, the source of the Alpha Nol and Cops would be the same in both products, we share the same mad scientist for those supplies. (Dr. Stone) Our balance of the ingredients might be different, the overall strength, and certainly the fragrance, but you should probably get a similar vibe.
  17. Here's the sale!!! http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4768
  18. Thanks for checking, Calii! I still don;t have access in my neck of the woods yet, but hopefully soon. I got an email back from them saying their "autoexecute failed to execute". Well, I've been there before too, it happens. xoxoxox M
  19. Yeah, I just checked their domain status too. And left another message for the owner.
  20. That's what it looks like to me too. I called the only # I had on them around 8pm, and emailed. Got an automated response. Thanks for checking guys, I really appreciate it. Frakkin' nightmare. What timing.
  21. I don't know what's going on, but I am having cart problems. I've been programming the sale since 7 am, and all of a sudden it says that the cart provider's server no longer exists. It kicked me out, I can't log in, and I can't even make an order. Can someone else check this for me from your location? I'm totally panicked. Ok, so, so much for using the cart to run the sale, it looks like I am going to have to do it via PayPal invoices. Argh. I have many hours of work still ahead of me to get this going with this new wrinkle, so please don't wait up kids, I won't have this up until tomorrow. Sorry for the wait. xoxoxox M
  22. Yes, place the order, and I will amp it when I get back.
  23. Thank you, Calii! re the sale, this is going to take me most of the day to program. Sorry if I made it sound like it was going to start at any second. It'll be hours from now, and a lot of stuff, so no worries.
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